(no subject)

Apr 19, 2005 00:07

it did.

my ipod, got freakin' stolen. so apparently if you leave your doors unlocked and you leave your ipod just laying out for anyone to see, then people can just take your ipod. sure, maybe i should have locked my doors, or hid the ipod, but honestly, who freakin steals an ipod? someone. someone sure does, and did, and might do it again, so watch out, and hide your ipod, because that ipod stealing mofo is still out there somewhere. thats right, mofo.

on a side note, austin was fun, and will be even funner, yes funner, when i live there in the spring.
another side note, chris definitely got written on. yep, the ol' penis on the face trick, gets ya every time.

so the fall out boy cd release shows are coming up. so that means i get to go to chicago once more. and its gonna be sa weet. kinda weird that ive seen them more times in chicago then i have in dallas. weird. or cool?

one more side note, i think i might go to austin like may 23rdish to see hellogoodbye because they are freakin not coming to dallas. but yea austin fool, you all should come. except for you. yea you, you know exactly what i'm talking about.

now you are thinking, "oh wow, is he talking about me, oh he can't possibly be talking about me?"

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