Apr 09, 2007 10:19
OMFG. I am so bored it is not even funny! I've already done everything fun that i could. I kno it sounds weird, but im actually rdy to go back to school. At least there im only bored during 3 of my classes. Which is a first. Normally im bored in all of them. So i guess you could say that school's getting better and better as the years progress. It's just a good thing im going to southside because if i was at any other school. I would've been going to college next year and that is a pretty scary thought indeed. Heck just to think ill be there in 2 years is scary enough. And i have to say something. I hate this presidential race. The democrats do not have a single good candidate for president. The only reason y Hillary is running is because she still has some "juice" left over from Bill Clinton's political career and the only reason why Obama is running is because they can play the minority card with him. I'm not trying to sound racist. All i'm saying is that he's only served one term as a senator. That's not enough experience to validate a presidency. He'll have 100 million times more power. And there are two sayings that come to mind. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and whith great power comes great responsibility. And to show how bad they are I am such an extreme democratic liberal its not even funny so for me to say something bad about a fellow democrat let alone fellow liberal means that we've some serious issues.