Sep 26, 2005 12:55
my car has been in the shop since thursday and they just got the parts to fix it!
i've been driving mom and brandon around everywhere with mom's car since then.
if i don't my car back by tomorrow then i'm going to scream!
i have job orientation on Wednesday and i have to go.
if i don't have my car by then, brandon will have to take the bus to school in the morning.
i don't think that this is a bad thing, i'll just never hear the end of it from brandon.
he shouldn't even complain though, he's grounded for being out past curfew (11:00 pm).
but he has a light sentence because this is his "first" offence.
first offence my ass.
he has never made curfew once.
i keep covering for him because i'll never hear the end of it from brandon.
why am i so good to him?
he can't complain!
he owes me!
i keep covering for him and when i was sick for a couple days i drove him to work!
could he get anymore spoiled?????
when we were in RI if i couldn't get a ride somewhere then that was that, kira doesn't go anywhere,
kira gets to stay home and help granma with her medical stuff.
let me tell you, no 16/17 year old teen should have to help their grandparents with their ostomy unless their granparent can't do it themselves.
i always did everything anybody asked me to do.
i was the good one!
brandon is spoiled and rori is a fucking drama queen!
if rori had stopped goofing around with college then she would still be at Mitchell.
she would have her little scholarships because she has a "learning disability".
rori doesn't have a l.a., she's just an idiot!
she never studied, she never listened to anyone!
but she's the first born, she gets specail attention because she does everything first.
she's the experiment.
what a fucking joke.
who was the first one to get a job? me
who came home straight after school to unwillingly help granma? me
who did everything for everyone? ME!
i can't go to college yet because we don't have the money for it (even if i got scholarships and grants) because rori fucked around in college!
can i scream?
thank you...