I lost the only friend I had out here today. Our little puppy Chloe got sick with the Parvo virus, partially due to her owner's irresponsibility with getting her shots done, and letting her not eat for three days when she was obviously sick.
The last night she was here, she kept hiding to throw up cause she didn't wanna get in trouble.
The last moment I saw her, I had carried her into the vet. Her little head rested on my arm, too weak for her to hold it up. Then she sat in the vet with a little IV in her little paw and waited to die. I didn't even get to go see her there. Uncle Dan dropped her off and never came back to her. I'm crying so hard.
I just wish she wouldn't have died while I was still here. I hate life. Rest easy little Chloe. I love you so much.