Umm, I don't know what to write. School is pretty easy so far. My next semester is looking awesome.
- Psych 236: Personality (10:20-11:40) and that's it!
- Family Ecology 225: Family Lifespan Development (10:20-11:40)
- Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultues 130: American Radical Thought (12:40-2:30)
- Philosophy 351: African Philosophy (3-4:20)
- PSY 236 (10:20-11:40)
- Veterinary Medicine 101: Vet Med in Society (12:40-1:30) and that's it!
- Family Ecology 225: Family Lifespan Development (10:20-11:40)
- Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultues 130: American Radical Thought (12:40-2:30)
- Philosophy 351: African Philosophy (3-4:20)
So that should be really awesome. This will actually be the very first semester that Philosophy 351 is even offered. It's a brand-new class which I'm hoping will mean the curriculum is still shaky and so the class will be easy, yet interesting. We'll see. I still don't even know what I want my major to be. It's psych right now but I'm thinking I want to change it. Political science? Anthropology? Advertising? No idea.
Christmas break is next week! I'm done with finals Tuesday at 2:45 but I figure I may as well hang out here until Friday while I don't have any classes or work to worry about. It should be really fun I'm thinking. Then I will come home Friday after seeing the new Alvin & the Chipmunks movie in the theater. Break will hopefully be pretty fun. I've got most of my Christmas shopping done, but still have a little to do. When I'm on break I look forward to hanging with the old crew, possibly visiting some relatives, enjoying some relaxation time with no class and no work to worry about. Sounds like big movie marathon time hah since there's rarely ever much else to do and I have been burning movies like crazy. I'm really excited about our dorm situation next year. My roommate Adam and I will be suitemates with a couple friends we made and put most of the beds in one room and use the other room to hang out it and have our techno parties and such. Oh yes, btw, we do indeed host techno parties in our dorm room every couple weeks. They're frickin sweet.
No other news really. My hair is getting long, I envy people with girlfriends, I have a sweet pic of my brother near my computer, and in general, things are definitely looking up.