(no subject)

Oct 25, 2007 16:14

I'm cleansing again. Day 2 is way easier than the first. I worked last night and had a trainee. She worked downtown so she knew the ropes. I had her taking all the tables while I reaped the benefits. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep my mind off of eating. I was trying to keep myself busy, but found myself stuck running everyone's food. Order after order, everything looked so damn tastey. And then of course, there were the messed up orders in which we can nibble on but I had to refrain myself. Instead, I had a hard boiled egg and alot of celery. It was delicious.

Today I feel better. I have so much energy and it feels great. I stayed after class to argue my grade in my Family Violence class. On the mid term I received a 78% which is clearly a C and unacceptable. I now got a B. Which is okay but not as good as I had hoped. Next week, I'm arguing my Interpersonal Communications mid term. I should have gotten an A!

Yesterday, my new couch was supposed to find it's resting place in my pad. However, the movers were not able to fit it in the hallway of the building, thus never getting into the apartment itself. After class, I went back and exchanged it for the love seat. Not what I had hoped for, but it will suffice.

Unfortunately, I am unable to attend any gatherings and meet up with old friends for drinks this week. The temptation is too hard. So, I'm going to remain focused on school, continue doing better this time at my cleanse, and finishing settling into my apartment. Horrah! Or as my baby bro says, "Peace!"
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