Mar 03, 2006 21:10
Horse Quiz
A fun little quiz..
Horse Survey
How long have you been riding?: 6 years
When did you first want to ride horses?: as in really really want to - when dad took me to his friends, whose girlfriend was leasing Buddy and I rode and never looked back
Whats your favorite breed?: Paints & welsh ponies
Do you have any siblings that ride: No. My mom used to.
Whats the name of the barn you ride at?: Sleep Hollow. Which kind of creeps me out since that's the name of the horror movie.
What do you want to be when your older?: photographer. writer. lover. activist. missionary worker. business owner. ect, ect.
How many horses have you owned?: One!
Do you own a pair of half chaps?: no. i left mine with brittany to buy from me and well, i havent seen any money yet. so now i have to hit up dad and get some when kaiti comes over.
Do you own tall boots?: nope
Have you shown in any huge major shows?: nope.
Your Horse(s)
Show name: undecided. she's registered as Robins San Tee.
Barn name: tessa, tess, booger, weiner, monster pooony (said in a deep voice)
Vices?: none.
Show Experience?: none yet she's still a baby.
Where did you buy him/her?: Maltby Stables in Nova Scotia
How much did you pay for him/her?: $800
What color?: Buckskin
Height?: 14.3ish
Breed?: Registered breeding stock Paint. probably 3/4 paint blood and the rest is QH.
Bloodlines?: Robins/Painted words come up alot, a ways back there was this really great sire somewhere but I forget his name at the moment
What color is his/her halter?: she has a bright blue one and a leather one and hopefully another leather one soon
Do you own or lease?: Own
Does he/she live at your house?: ha! in the lowermainland? definitly not.
What color is your show jacket?: don't have one
Do you wear gloves when you show?: no, I rarely wear gloves anyways
Do you carry a crop?: mmm nope. well - usually like 99% of the time if i'm riding a different horse, but not on Tessa
Do you do jumping or flat classes more?: i've done more flat
Do you do pleasure classes?: western mostly.
Hunters or Jumpers?: done hunters. i don't know what ill choose for the future though
How high do you show (jumping)?: n/a
What horses have you shown before?: Starbuck and Corky
Do you event?: I don't have enough balls for eventing. James gave me the lowdown on how it is and I've decided against it.
Have you been in a halter or showmanship class? no. we missed the class because we thought we were locked out of the yukon which had our grooming stuff but we really werent
Do you ride english or western?: both!
Have you done barrel racing?: yes, for fun
Reining?: nope
Cutting? : nope
Dressage : yes
What's the highest place you've gotten?: second. WOO I'm a winner!
Best compliment ever received at a show about you or your horse?: well... she hasn't been showed yet haha...
This or That
Thoroughbreds or Quarter Horses?: Quarter Horses.
Morgans or Arabs?: arabs just to look at ahaha.
English or Western?: dont make me pick
Jumping or Dressage?: both are equally fun to watch
Carrots or Apples?: Apples. that way I can have some too.
Close Contact or All Purpose?: Close contact
Pessoa saddles or Wintec?: Pessoa BEFORE they started making them in Argentina
Geldings or Mares?: MARES. hands down.
Bay or Chestnut?: gah, neither.