What is love?

Oct 26, 2007 14:16

Just a general ponderment (ponderance?) and I would really like some thoughts.

In my experience, the difference between real love and ... not real love is only after it's over. At least, that's the only time I can tell the difference.

Only after a relationship ends can I say, "Yep, that was real love," or "Oh, I guess that was just an infatuation," or "Turns out I was just in love with not being single anymore."

So, if it is impossible to know whether you are in love at the time, is it wrong to say it? Does it even matter whether it's true as long as you believe it is at the time, although you know full well that it could turn out to be something entirely different in the end?

To me, real love is the kind that doesn't just go away. It can get pushed to the back of your mind so that you're able to get on with your life, but when you see or hear from the person even a year later, those feelings come back to the front and you still love them and you still miss them. I've had that. Twice.

Obviously, I'd rather not end the relationship just to find out whether I'm in love. But is there a way to tell while you're in it?

What if you're in a relationship and you think you love each other, but in reality you don't, but you never find out because the relationship never comes to an end? Is there even a difference at that point between real love and what you feel? Is ignorance really bliss?

Hmm. This is coming across as more Carrie Bradshaw than I intended.

I guess what I'm asking is, how do you know when you're in love, and is it okay to say it if you're not sure (even if it's not possible to be sure)?

Oh, and I apologize to anyone who now has bad 80s music in their head.

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