Nov 16, 2004 03:24
so pedro the lion and starflyer 59 were like whoa. pedro the lion put on a wonderful show as usual. oh yeah, after the show david bazaan was walking through the crowd and i got to ask him my question, "Do you think that people are more apprehensive towards people with or without beards/facial hair?"--considering the fact that he also sports a beard. he gave me a very slurred, ambiguous answer. oh well, he had been drinking. anyway, pedro is just friggin' awesome. lyrical genius, that's all i gotta say. and the Q&A sessions were fun, except for some people's stupid questions. also, i got to see starflyer 59 and old canes(they played a separate show, same venue). old canes played a great set. i wish more people had stayed to watch it. i thought the singer was in his twenties, but, when i got up close, his huge beard was all gray and such. he played some damn good folk/rock. i highly recommend old canes.
it was great seeing dustin and joel, it's always good times with them. and to everybody who represented from UK--parker, andrew, brett, april and bob, niggas, what what. oh yeah, on the way back bob and i stopped at a taco bell and some random drunk guy flicked off the car in front of us, then pissed out in the middle of the parking lot, and then took off running across the street. and taco bell didn't have an mofuckin mountain dew, i was pissed.
ps-i'll be home from the night of wednesday,the 24th, through sunday, the 28th. so go ahead an holla atcha boy