doo de-doo

Jul 21, 2008 16:45

Humidity is destroying meee. It makes me not even want to move or leave my room... Granted, on the upside this means I get more work done because I'm hanging out with all my books and my computer, so what else IS there to do but study when you're confining yourself to a room full of books XD; (don't answer that) I think I'd have melted by now if it wasn't for my sole trusty window AC unit ;-;

Studying is... getting along. Not fantastically, but it's going. Daniel from school has been writing up vocab and new kanji lists for each chapter (basically recreating what the teachers used to provide), so I basically owe him a lot of my soul right now because otherwise the textbook is just entirely too much of a pain in the arse to use. Maybe I'm just getting lazy; a year ago I would have had no problems with an advanced textbook entirely in Japanese. Or maybe I just wish they had ANY sort of vocab listing, with definitions in Japanese. Having to look up half the words in example sentences when you just want to understand the grammatical concept being explained in the notes, seems counter-productive to me.

The breaks from studying have been taken up by... okay, reading and watching more raw stuff, because it counts as practice in my mind. I get such great joy from reading Gintama raws, because I'm finally at the point where the humour isn't all lost on me because of the gaps in my language.. knowledge. I've been making my way through the manga, and am up around chapter 113... or wherever Vol 14 starts? I'm mid-Kyuubei arc and loving it all over again. The problem is now, reading this makes me want to rewatch the entire series. And while I'd understand a hell of a lot more than I did when I first watched those raws... still XD; BUT GINTAMA IS WORTH IT?! /foams at mouth


Uhhh in other news, our house is half-habitable right now. We have AC units in the attic, oh, and we can actually walk through the entire attic! /shock (Before, you couldn't make it into the two connecting rooms unless you climbed over boxes and stuff, or if you were ninja.) We still need to be able to live comfortably with 5 extra people for a week... so it is imperative that we have a dining table that isn't covered with lamps, bills, old PAL Playstation games (seriously, wtf) and more antiques. I guess that's the next job. The ultimate test of will and endurance will be the cleaning of the bathrooms or at least one of them. Cue me quaking in fear.

The tree is still here.

Hmm what else... Rogue Galaxy progresses X3 Up to Chapter 9 now because I FINALLY got through Gladius Towers, oh god. I appreciate the huge scale of them, and the whole zigzagging back and forth between the two towers, and ending up on alternate floors each of the times you have to work your way up, and they looked amazing... but I still never want to do that again D: EVERYTHING ALWAYS HAS TO BE BIGGER ON ZERARD. I'd have screenshots for you guys so that the other 95% of you could understand what I'm talking about, but I fear spoilers! I'm just glad Chapter 8's Key Piece collection and all those cheap "battles" (ENCOUNTERS, you could never win!) with Seed are over. And Zegram almost made me exceptionally angry, but it turns out he's just a romantic. And right now my party looks like a creepy cosplay fetish orgy band, with Zegram in his flaring wolf pimp coat with huge fur ruffs going all the way round it (W for "Wolf" on the belt buckle), Jaster in his "pirate" outfit (it looks like he's wearing almost-assless chaps), and Kisala in her... what can I can only describe as a Flintstones stripper leopard-skin two-piece. So... all is well for now.

My insomnia has gotten me through all this and a quarter of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell which I'm finally enjoying immensely. This is my second attempt at reading it; I think I took it too... choppily the first time around. It really needs to be read in big chunks. Strange has finally been introduced, and all the business with the Raven King prophecy is starting to show up. Norrell is also becoming one of those characters I love to hate; picky, paranoid, irritating to all those around him, absolutely convinced of his superiority over everyone, apparent intelligence but REALLY you know reality (or Strange?) is waiting to kick him in the face with knowledge, appreciation in theory of those with the same principles but in reality hatred... oh it goes on and on. This is incredibly boring because I haven't finished and can't/won't spoil.

BACCANO! has been licensed! I usually don't care, but <333 MORE PEOPLE NEED TO SEE IT. And the Funi subs weren't half bad. You can watch the whole first episode on the site. I'm a spoilsport, but the password is Flying Pussyfoot. Even though I was surprisingly entertained by the Funimation podcast updates (which gave the password clue). It may just be the first time one of those hasn't made me cringe (except for the yaoi fangirls/boys at the con. but when would they NOT make one cringe.)

Okay. Sporadic update, complete!

rogue galaxy, oshiete! ginpachi-sensei, our house is a cutter, linguistic masochism, baccano!, zegram is a pimp, i fondle books

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