O Middle-earth~

May 08, 2008 17:09

From this article on TORN:
You actually get to deliver the Ring to Sauron, this sets off a series of events where you get to play the side of evil with Sauron’s forces. Sauron resurrects his generals, The WitchKing, The Balrog, Saruman and more. You get to play on the evil side and ride oliphaunts, ride the wargs and basically get to play as your favorite evil villains. You get to go through all of Middle earth and sack The Shire, destroy Rivendell, confront Gandalf and Elrond, destroy Helms Deep, attack Minas Tirith and so on.
The other cool character that you can play is Sauron. When you arrive at the evil campaign you reach Rivendell, we setup Rivendell as the forces of good's last stand. To basically you rampage through Middle earth, you sack the Shire and you reach Rivendell, which is Gandalf and Elrond's last stand so you are basically fighting these Elven forces and you arrive as Sauron in Rivendell. Again with Rivendell we were able to import the WETA models directly and we used those as a base to expand Rivendell to make it an entire level. So you get to arrive as Sauron and cleave and hack your way through Rivendell and kill massive amounts of elves and Gondorians.

Guys, I totally got all SAD at the thought of "Gandalf and Elrond's last stand" and the Shire getting sacked and like, the GOOD GUYS DYING AND LOSING. LotR, after this many years, why can't I quit you? (Or at least, my very defined ideas of how you should be and things which should never happen akldfj;aklsf) I actually got WORRIED about it all for a moment.

All this ridiculous nerdiness aside (well, not quite)... the game looks/sounds awesome. It's enough to actually make me want to play a battle/strategy game, something which for me is usually very do not want. I-I don't know if I'd be able to play the evil side without wimping out at points though D:

Uh, otherwise I'm sitting around revising linguistics, but not freaking out. Surprisingly. I think the "problem" is that it's just so damn nice outside. It's gorgeous. The sun~ The breeze~ The sounds~ The breeze and the sun SMELL nice. It's the same problem from a couple of weeks ago (I believe the 26th/27th.. that's how epic it was. I can remember the DAYS) and I just can't bring myself to get worked up or worried about the work when my window's open. This will probably prove my downfall when tomorrow I'm wretchedly casting about for material I don't know for two hours. Ah well.

V. Important: Happy Birthday to Mister Daniel :D If you come here before 14th June I'll take you to dinner and buy you sake.

lotr (still) owns my soul, i'm english and talk about the weather

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