May 03, 2008 15:02
Oh, and a question for.. well, pretty much anyone who has an idea. It doesn't really matter if you know anything about Japanese or not, though it might help.
I've been translating Monster Hunter Orage and have come across a place where my English is failing me. The character calls himself a 封印のハンター (Fuuin no Hunter). Fuuin means seal, stamp. And he goes on to say how as a Fuuin no Hunter, the fuuin means his "goal is exactly as the name states. ミオガルナの封印...討伐!!!" (To break the seal of Miogaruna [a dragon])
Actually I have no idea what he means by "suppress/take down/subjugate [what I phrased as break for the time being] the seal" of the dragon, but I assume he wants to defeat it since he's a hunter and... that's what hunters do.
In case it helps anyone out with the sense, I'm pretty sure fuuin is the word used in Naruto when they talk about seals (as in the cursed seals), and I want to say it's on the little tag/talisman over Kyuubi's 'cage' as he's sealed within Naruto, but my memory fails me there.
Umm anyway. If anyone has a better way of saying "seal" in SEAL HUNTER. I mean, I could leave it in there but everytime I look at the line I think he's going out clubbing baby seals.
monster hunter orage,
linguistic masochism