The week is finally overrrr~ test done, exam done, went to linguistics and found I remembered nothing / am probably screwed for the exam, but Friday is DONE. It's also hard to believe that for approximately 3 months, I won't need to talk about school work at all on here. I cannot WAIT.
Mini Shuuhei is ruining my life. And Naruto? I'm actually enjoying it. Random shocking backstory is awesome (counts for Bleach too!). Also, this week's Reborn chapter cover was the most adorable thing ever ♥ Vague weekly comments are vague!
What did I do to celebrate my brief freedom? Translated Tegami Bachi ch10. Not sure if I should be proud or disturbed by that. Probably both?
sorry this is so random and choppy, I'm ridiculously tired and am going to bed.
People who need some ♥ =
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