Feb 25, 2010 17:25
Been ages since I posted, and I went something like 6 weeks not even accessing or reading LJ. Sorry, all, but "real life" can be kinda annoying at times...
Anyway, this is just a quick post to let folk know that I'm kinda still alive and my life is mostly doing fairly well, and I've been starting to read LJ again, in a limited fashion.
I've GOT to get the whole "internet connection" thingy figured out at home again, haven't had a DSL signal on my phone line for at least 2 weeks and haven't called them yet. As such, I'm living on the internet on a VERY limited basis from work and somewhat more but still limited via my phone (which only sometimes gets a 3G signal at my house) Have set up a "shortlist" LJ filter mostly when I'm reading via the phone and it's a reasonably short list, as the phone screen is still kinda wee... Hopefully it won't be too much longer until Teh Interwebs are again functioning at home and I can broaden my reading.
In other news, I think when last I posted it was before my knee surgery, which I had last month and it went well. Three small incisions and the doc was able to fish out all sorts of nasty bits inside there that didn't belong. Had a couple of BAD days of recovery but am now fully recovered (or as much as it's possible to be) He says I have SIGNIFICANT damage in there that's not actually fixable, that I'll need a total knee replacement at some point, but not until I'm a LOT smaller (meaning, literally, drop 50% of my starting weight) When I went for my post-op review he could not BELIEVE how well I was walking, and even more couldn't believe that I told him I was walking Without Pain, as he didn't think it possible with the level of damage in there. He showed me photos and drew me pictures and it seems I'm something of a miracle, as WOW there's DAMAGE there. :-)
The other news relates to the first: As I Very Much Intend To Be Able to WALK for the rest of my life, and this will apparently entail knee replacements, which cannot be done at my present weight, I ramped up the "lifestyle changes" which should, hopefully, permit me to drop a few pounds. I'd sorta been working on it slowly since November, then ramped it up rather a bit more in early January, and knew I'd made some progress. Didn't know how much because I'd not been on a scale (and my own scale had dead batteries) Replaced said batteries a couple of days ago. Was STUNNED to see that I'm DOWN a total of THIRTY FIVE POUNDS! (That's since Novemeber-ish) Not that I have a hard and fast goal, but I'm generally aiming for 10 pounds per month, which means that I do have a weight goal for on/near May 1, and if I make it There Will Be SQUEEEEEING! (and if not, I'll just keep working at it without self-recriminations)
(For the curious, no, I'm not on any sort of program. I'm following the radical "eat fewer calories than you burn" philosophy and trying to make wiser (and smaller) choices in food and getting more exercise. Yes, those choices DO occasionally include things like donuts, cheesecake, french fries, and soda, just much less frequently and in much smaller quantity than I was formerly used to. They also include smaller meals, healthier meals, and fewer snacks. Thus far it seems to be working! I'm also rediscovering that Really Good Food tastes So Good that I don't really need to eat LOTS of it. And that food that's NOT Really Good isn't so much worth my time. So yeah, getting to be a bit more of a food-snob, unfortunately, but enjoying the taste of things a LOT and still eating less in total)
Not sure when, if ever, I'll completely catch up with folks. Am generally more caught up on FB than here. Text or email if you need to get in touch with me!