I have houseguests. Perhaps tonight I'll actually be able to MEET them!
Got a call yesterday from my brother that some of his bestest friends (a couple with 2 girls) were on a semi-emergency unplanned-till-they-got-a-phone-call trip up to my town for a few days and were kinda hoping for a place to stay. Since I know they're awesome, awesome friends of my brother I said SURE! Only issue is, I had to be up at 4am for work today, hence had to get to work early-ish last night, and they weren't getting in till late-late-late.
No prob, really. Though I wouldn't exactly leave my door unlocked ALL the time I didn't so much mind leaving it unlocked for a couple of hours (specially when no one knows it is) and so went to bed. When I woke this morning I thought "Hmm... wonder if they stopped along the way somewhere" cause I'd not heard them come in. Must have been tired, as there was "stuff" in the house and the sounds of light snoring from the bedroom and the lights were off, so they were there. I hadn't even twitched. Didn't hear even a peep.
Not sure what their plans are for the weekend, but they're at my place till at least sometime Sunday. Looking forward to a chance to meet them, perhaps tonight!
Yes, I know not everyone can do this. I admit that I'm rather more than a little odd.
Other than that, my plans for the weekend include catching up on sleep, studying Java (lots), hopefully a batch of cooking (can't decide between chicken or lasagna, may do both) and hitting the
Shaw Art Fair and possibly the
Best of Missour Market at the Garden.
And next weekend I gets an
amilyn! AND her family!