After I re-read my last journal I realized I am living my life in the anguish of the past. I am consuming the guilt that other people should be feeling and all the while those people are continuing on with their lives.
Why should I worry about the lies that somebody else told or the scandalous things other people have done. I am just moving on with my own life and doing what I know is right for me. I have realized I can’t put the effort into trying to fix other peoples fuck ups because it simply takes too much out of me. Plus why should I live in misery and agony when the people that should care don’t and are out having the best times of their lives.
I was talking to somebody today and I said something that made complete sense, I was like yeah, things happen and people change. I just sum up everything with that and it seems to work out just fine. I don’t want to take or push the blame anymore I just don’t care.
I’m at work & yea, this weather sucks big time. There has been so many calls from instructors and students who can’t make it to school and the thing is, its exam time. Everybody is freaking out because they can’t make it to their exam. I don’t even want to think about driving home tonight at 8:00.
I got pissed off at the lady I work with because she makes the schedule and I asked her to consider a bunch of things and she totally did not. Then I got to looking at the way she made the schedule and I think it will be better the way she has it anyways. I will have every Friday off work and school ~ plus the weekends off. So that will be nice. I don’t come into work until 1 in the after noon on Thursday’s too so that will be sweet. For sure when the weather starts getting nicer too.
I wish I had a lap top.
N I wish I could be out doing something fun instead on sitting here at work.
I cannot believe this semester has finally come to an end. I was so ready for it.
Tomorrow will be my last Friday working and that excites me. I will have most of next week off too which is exciting except for when I consider that paycheck and how much it’s not going to be. Then I think about cell phone bills and rent and those things and it really sucks.
There are these two girls taking a in my office and I was supposed to limiting their time and regulating things they do. I get mad because it’s not my job to ‘give test’ and monitor other students. I was like do what you have to do to get your test because I don’t care because it’s not my job. I think the instructors should leave test in the testing center if they want things regulated. I don’t feel comfortable giving test and it’s not fair to them because we don’t even have a quiet place for students to take a test. These two girls were supposed to have an hour to take the test and they have been in here two hours and they keep talking to each other. I am just doing my work and well not my work, I am writing in my LJ I suppose this isn’t really work.
Anyhow, I am going to go do something productive. (like myspace, lol)