Dec 19, 2006 12:05
So I just got back from Central Ohio. Still not my favorite part of the state but that's not saying much because my favorite part of Ohio is Jacob's Field. I know that physically it's not a very big part of the state, but in terms of importance to the world it's second to none. But lemme give ya'll some details about the trip.
First stop was at Miami University to pick up my sister. She took me to a party at the frisbee house out there and you guys will be surprised at what happened. Now you're probably thinking, "Dang, someone's 21st birthday party at a real school. There were probably girls there." That's where you're wrong. See, there were only 2 girls there and we spent the entire time playing Mario Kart 64 and Warlords... Needless to say it was on hell of a time since my sister's friends are pretty cool. (Except one guy spent the entire time playing WoW. I really can't stand it when I hear of someone who goes to a school that girls go to and sits around playing WoW all day.) Although it was kinda funny when the girls were like, "Let's play drinking games." and all the guys there were like "WARLORDS!" Oh yeah, and I beat their high score in missile command. Perhaps the most entertaining part of the night was when one of the girls said she wanted to know how they always know what to show in 3D video games. I totally freaked out and had to use every tiny bit of my self control to not start drawing frustums on their walls. Hopefully I can head back out there over spring break and try to organize a real paty at this place. I can totally see me and Dylan going down there, inviting a ton of random girls to this thing and setting up one hell of a time.
Speaking of Dylan he spent $150 to make a launch box for the beer can rockets. All it is is a box that has two keys, and four switches, but since he wired it and made the actual box himself he had to buy tools and next thing you know $150. Right now the plan is to give me one of the keys and I'll keep it around my neck.
There's also this new guy who hangs out with us, and his name is Whifflebottom. He's one hell of a guy. I gave him my number the other day so if he ever goes to jail with the rest of the guys he knows who to call for bail. I also explained to him how only one person calls me and everyone else calls a phone sex hotline using tax dollars. As always there's more to say but I'm going to get back to Ohio.
Okay, so there was, deep in the heart of Central Ohio. Alone with just me, my Barack Obama book, my DS, and my cell phone. It was rough. If I was any lesser of a man I probably wouldn't have made it out alive. However I got some really great things this year and it's always nice to see my grandparents because they're great people. Most importantly I got this great Cleveland Indians keychain. It has this sweet feature where if I punch someone with that it'll leave an imprint of Chief Wahoo on them. Whoever designed it that way is a genius. Also, when talking to my cousin John he gave me a great idea to go out on Christmas Eve and take pictures of the liscence plates of people who are out shopping then start a site where people pay to see if they recognize any of the liscence plates that were in the parking lot. We really think it could work.
Well, time for a fun lunch with my mom and sister followed by Christmas shopping with Dave (AKA the Dizzle). Which will all be followed by camping SRS for my grades.