Well, New Years is going to be soon. I hope it will be a better year with less drama and bs. I wanted to say HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE everyone. I dunno where Andy is but Happy New Years to him too.
I’d like to say
lourdespreznor is really cool. And I <3 her.
I added some really cool people these last couple of months thanks to
raptamakeout &other stuff.
Some really cool people + great artists...etc! :
29dots hope these holidays aren't "cursed" :D
blackmarket haha love the gangsta pictures
chal8 You're one of my fave. people on my friends list. Cool ass pictures and cool ass person.
cynicalschism captain planet he's out hero gonna take pollution down to ZEROO. Rq rocks & youre cool.
digitalcore dont ever go anywhere without your camera. :D
end_serenading what can I say? You have so much talent. Love your updates. HOT TAT.
heavens_noanother RMO'er...THAT LIKES TED LEO!!!!!! fuck yea
one_flight_down thanks RMO. Hehe.
shutupanddance Fuckin HILARIOUS posts sometimes. Hahaha
"ahh, im sitting here shoving celery down my throat.
sure, i LIKE celery. But do I like it enough to eat it on a daily basis?
celery is not my friend. It sits there with its light green body just starring me down going "EAT ME, I'LL MAKE YOU SKINNY, BITCH." " HAHAHAHHA
vanillavillainAwesome awesome person.
&then I found an old friend on lj!
uwishbrandnew EVE <333333
HAPPY NEW YEARS to everyone and all the old friends I have on this thing. YOu know who you are! =W
pixie_styx +
zeus_gw ARE TEH BEST! <333