I like those pictures, they're pretty fo' sure. I feel about 12 too. I'm turning 17 soon yet I feel like I was supposed to be this mature when I was 12. Meh.
Thanks mari <3 yeah i feel like such a dork in school. Its like Im a junior but I feel like I just got to act like a freshman or something. HAHHAHAH lol. oh well. everyone else can suck it cuz we rock
yeah, i feel like i should be a sophmore because i'm not AS clueless as the freshmen. especially the ones that hang around me and talk about pot all the time trying to look kewliezzz. i'm not even amazed with pot that much anymore, it's mostly a social thing.
hahaa well im glad u dont care about pot so much!!! >:) and sometimes i feel like i dont belong. lol haha so corny but REALLY. like i dont have a "group" of people i hang out w/, its just random people. I dont know whatever. High school was just not what I though it was going to be at all...but like i said we rock so pfft <3
i wish. seriously. hah damn why did u move?! boo. anyway i was looking thru my ps 104 book thingie and u wrote "konichiwa ellen" what the hell is konichiwa? ahha
haha no u didnt i remeber u+ jane played some "magic" game where u were a princess or something + u passed trianglular notes..ahahha do u still talk to her??
ahaha xD magic game? I waas like the queen or something and she was the princess. We just passed random notes talking about random things middle schoolers think are important.
I used to talk to her, but I lost touch when she deleted her LJ.
I like those pictures, they're pretty fo' sure. I feel about 12 too. I'm turning 17 soon yet I feel like I was supposed to be this mature when I was 12. Meh.
yeah i feel like such a dork in school. Its like Im a junior but I feel like I just got to act like a freshman or something. HAHHAHAH lol. oh well. everyone else can suck it cuz we rock
yeah, i feel like i should be a sophmore because i'm not AS clueless as the freshmen. especially the ones that hang around me and talk about pot all the time trying to look kewliezzz. i'm not even amazed with pot that much anymore, it's mostly a social thing.
boo. anyway i was looking thru my ps 104 book thingie and u wrote "konichiwa ellen" what the hell is konichiwa? ahha
konichiwa means hello in japanese-yo.
do u still talk to her??
I used to talk to her, but I lost touch when she deleted her LJ.
how come she deleted her lj??
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