
Apr 02, 2014 19:21

Heh, I realized that, though I've been keeping up with others' new posts, it's been quite some time since I've actually posted something here myself. Oops.

Been buuuusy. Among other things, lots of editing work, working on writing two original novels (yeeeah, it was just one last time I posted here... then stuff happened and I'm about 12,000 words into another coauthored one as well) at least one of which should be finished by the end of the summer, need to finish formatting my finished nonfiction ebook, trying to keep up with some artwork, getting all the details worked out for being a bridesmaid in scarvenartist's wedding (pretty sure I have mentioned that?)... Lots of fun stuff, but lots of busyness.

Also, scarvenartist was just up here to visit us! Which was an absolute blast, particularly since it's been a couple of years since she was able to make it up here. We mostly sat around and talked... a lot... *g* But we also did some really fun baking! Of which there are pics under the cut...

Basically, we wanted to try doing something different, and Nef and I had come up with the idea of making a lavender, citrus, and honey cake. (As in, lavender-flavored, not just the color. We also ended up adding hibiscus sugar to the top for a bit more decorative color.) Naturally, there aren't any recipes for that exactly, so in the end we combined and tweaked three different recipes to get what we wanted.

The end result...

... is not exactly the prettiest cake ever, because none of us know much about decorating cakes. XD It certainly tasted nice, though, so overall I'd call the experiment a success!

Annd since I'm posting pictures, I should put these up too. After a great deal of drama and confusion (not sure how much of that I mentioned here at the time), I finally have a black belt uniform that fits me properly! :D So I got a few pictures of myself wearing it.

I have been having so much fun with 2nd-degree black belt training so far. I don't know why so many people quit after getting their black belts. You learn the coolest stuff after that point. ^^

Anyhow! That's basically it at the moment, I guess.

craziness, karate, baking, writing

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