Brain = Ded.

Apr 11, 2008 11:07

So, April in Minnesota... Heard a couple days ago we were supposed to have a bit of a storm here - they were saying 12 to 16 inches of snow in our area. It's been snowing since yesterday afternoon, turned into a snow/slushstorm with thunder and lightning for a bit last night, still snowing today, and we've got about a foot accumulated on the ground now. No signs of stopping yet, so it's looking more like 16 inches. Blah. Why couldn't we have gotten this back at the beginning of winter? I love snow and cold, but I'm really ready for spring here. *sighs* On the upside, maple syrup making's been going well - we've already got about three times what we got last year, and the guys are anticipating that we'll wind up with five or six times.

Been doing some general thinking about my book lately, things like my intended audience, how to define the book, pros and cons of bringing in the subject of fanfiction, how much I wanted it to be focused on fiction writing rather than writing in general... Mom needed me to write up a short description of it to send to someone for this upcoming online homeschool conference that it might be advertised at, which was... not easy. I'm so bad at summaries. (Which I always kinda hate to say, 'cause it gives me flashbacks to really bad fanfic stories with such eloquent and intriguing descriptions as, "I suk at summarys - just reed it! It's a gr8 story, I promise! Pls review!!!11!! btw, can ne1 think of a title for this, I know this one's lame but I couldn't think of anything else" ;P ) But I think it came out pretty well, and it's helped me think some things through more clearly. So I might post more about that later today. If I manage to get my act together.

Oh, and I'm still trying to come up with a title for It. Aw man, apparently I do resemble the above lame summary more than I thought. *cringes and considers printing out her writing just so she can burn it*

Speaking of the online conference, though... Have I mentioned that my mom is now a Famous and Popular Author, and has been asked to give two lectures for this conference? Very neat, particularly since there are some other really famous (at least in homeschooling circles) speakers there. So she's been doing some recording (they record the lectures over the internet, live with an audience, but ahead of time, and release them during the conference), and she's gotten some really positive responses so far... Cool. :D 'Course that means she's needed a bit of a crash course in certain slang and internet terms... One young mom said that she was "the bomb" and Mom didn't know whether she was supposed to be insulted or not. *bg*

And apparently my brain is not functioning today. Seems like every time anyone's talked to me I've misheard or misunderstood, or just done something stupid. Mom's remarked several times this morning that I'm really out of it today. *headdesk* And I've really got to get a whole lotta editing and writing done today. Should be interesting. :P

Gotta go!  

craziness, editing, writing, family, musings, snow

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