May 29, 2013 10:31
I did not get enough sleep last night. Ro decided the middle of the night would be an awesome time to start banging around, leaping on and off furniture, and generally making a racket. With all the weight he's lost in recent months, he's become notably more athletic, and I figured he was in one of his stupid "I R Wild CAT!" moods and would settle down in a few minutes.
He didn't. Instead, something started...making high-pitched shrieking noises. That got me considerably more awake, but I wasn't sure what to do about it. My glasses were halfway across the room, so I was practically blind, and I thought that if I did try to get up, get to my glasses, get some lights on, and find something to catch or kill it I'd only be more likely to distract the cat and he'd let the thing get away. I figured he'd probably kill it in a few minutes, so I just laid back down.
After a few minutes things got quiet again, and I started to doze off, thinking I'd deal with whatever remains there were in the light, if he didn't just eat the thing. Annnnd then the shrieking started up again, with weird clicking noises, like some kind of gigantic, angry cricket. I did not know that mice could make noises like that.
Turns out they can't.
It all started and stopped a number of times, kept waking me up, but finally I got deeply asleep. Nef slept through the entire thing (heh, the power of falling asleep with headphones in while listening to podcasts). When we investigated this morning, we discovered that he'd killed... a bat.
Now I'm really glad that Ro's caught up on all his shots. I'm not scared of bats - love them, actually - but that is not what I'd expected to find in my bedroom. So kitty got plenty of admiration and food this morning. All the more so because he waited until this morning to show off his accomplishment, of which he was justifiably proud, rather than dragging it onto one of our beds with him. XP
(Also, you can laugh if you want about the fact that all my "there was something strange in my room banging around and making weird noises" stories seem to end up with "and then I decided to go back to sleep," but hey, if it'd be more practical to deal with it in the morning...)