Soyeah. I'm sick. :/ Not great timing in the middle of holiday baking and all, but then... there's rarely a really good time to get sick. Ah well...
I have also discovered that, much as I love Mozzie as a character, I hate writing from his POV. Even if it is the best one for this story. It intimidates me, and it's been slowing the pace of my writing down to even more of a crawl than usual, because I can not figure out if I'm getting it right. *sigh* But y'know what? I have discovered an awesome writing exercise for those times when I just can't seem to get past that tendency to over-think and second-guess and just sit down and write. Brainstorm with a couple of six-year-olds. Seriously. If that doesn't loosen you up and get the creativity flowing... XD
Yeah, had a great time with the kids Nef and I watch every Thursday. The younger girl had a friend over, and they wanted to write. A retelling of the Nativity story, to be precise. As it turned out, a truly unique version, in which the angel, after announcing Jesus' birth, then conspires with the innkeeper to kidnap him. Fortunately, Superchicken and his sidekick the sheepdog were there to save the day! And there was great rejoicing. Yes, I nearly died of the giggles. It was hysterical.
Anyhow, being sick sometimes has a tendency to inspire odd fits of creativity in me, even when I'm all but brain-dead (eh, dulling of inhibitions, probably, 'cause I'm too tired to overthink?), so I'm actually feeling rather hopeful now for the possibility of pushing through and finishing this thing in the near future. (The White Collar story, that is, not the girls' Nativity retelling. XD I want to fiiinish this so I can actually focus on the long one Neffie and I are coauthoring!)
And on that note... a few random fun mostly-vaguely-WC-related things that I've been saving up, meaning to share but never quite getting around to it.
this. Oh yes. Neal would so have done the same in his place. I can't believe he actually got them to do that... XD
I found
this amusing as well. Aww. What's the world coming to, when a criminal can't even trust the promises his hostages make? Poor guy. :P
this? Is pure awesomeness. Show of hands, who else can see Neal doing something along these lines over at The Greatest Cake Bakery? I kinda want to turn it into a
collarcorner prompt somehow, but I'm not quite sure how. Hmm....
this little news article - yes, I have checked it out, and I do know the real incident was much more... subdued. Still. As an NCIS fan... I have to say, it cracked me up. Yup, you don' wanna mess with the Marines. *g*
Lastly, this video. (I hope the embedding actually works, but if it doesn't there's a direct link
here.) See, cats are sneaky. This soooo reminds me of my Ella....
Gotta love the embarrassment and attempt at casual "nope, nothin' to see here, just a regular cat making regular cat noises..." when it realizes it's being watched. XD
And I think that's all for now. I should go to sleep. I've been exhausted all day, but now I don't feel like going to bed. Because apparently being sick makes me childish and stubborn that way. Meh.