Okay, maybe it's technically impossible to actually hug a season. But boy, I sure do want to this year. *g*
Y'know those huge piles of ice and snow that accumulate over the winter from the plowing of parking lots and such? (Well, at least... in certain parts of the world they do. This is one of those parts. So if you're not familiar with them just imagine, if you will, very large heaps of compacted snow, ice, and dirt, and sand, and the occasional bits of trash. It's about the closest we get to mountains, around here.) I realized that, as of when we were in town Thursday... not all of them had finished melting yet. Srsly. But things are looking up, because...
Spring! It looks like Spring! There are actual teeny little leaves on some of the trees, and visible buds on the others! And I've seen... *counts* I believe it's four varieties of flowers blooming, now. If you count the dandelions. Which, at this point, I totally do. ;) And the birds are going crazy! And the hummingbirds are back! And a falcon grabbed one of the redwing blackbirds off our feeder today, and hit our window in the process! Yeah, er, that one was interesting. *g* And... I do believe some otters have moved into our lake. \o/
Naturally, with all the spring-ness here at last, I'm finally starting to think June might actually get here for realz someday. And thus, starting to look forward to our yearly June trip to the cabin. And starting to gather together my reading lists for the trip. Last year, if I recall correctly, it was something like... fourteen books in ten days? At any rate, most years I finish approximately a book or two a day. It'd be kinda fun to see if I can get to twenty, one of these years. *g* Which, of course, means the traditional yearly request...
Anyone have some good book recommendations?
My typical genres of choice tend to be Sci-Fi and Fantasy, but I'm definitely up for recommendations outside what I'd normally gravitate to, fiction or non-fiction. (Loved your Western and Mystery recs from last year,
cairistiona7! In the past I've thought that Westerns were one of the few genres that just held no real interest for me... but experience has taught me that all it really takes is the right book.<3) For this trip, I tend to gravitate toward mainly lighter reading - by which I mean, not overly dark/depressing, not a lot of major tragedies. I'm all for tougher reads/thicker books, though, not just fluff. (Though I usually bring some of that too. Ah Star Trek novels... I know you're rarely great writing, sometimes not even the best of fanfiction, but I do so enjoy you anyway. *g*) And even the whole "not too tragic" thing's just a general preference, not a hard and fast rule. ^.^
So... thoughts, ideas, recommendations? All are much appreciated, and even if I don't get to them on this trip, I save the titles to look into at later dates. :3