Hullo, everyone.

Apr 01, 2009 15:32

(NOTE: I feel like declaring right up front here that, while this post might be said to have something of a fishy theme, it has nothing whatsoever to do with April Fools day. While I'm most definitely not immune to amusement at a well-played prank - yes, even ones of which I'm a victim - and have quite enjoyed those which I've come across via the internet today, I'm not generally one to perpetrate such things myself. And I'm not really in the mood to think up anything today, anyway. So - no need to look deeper than the surface, wondering if there's a joke, here. ;) )

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Well, I've been snowed in for the last two days. Unfortunately, life has not been particularly kind of late, so rather than the couple of peaceful days to catch up on stuff that I might've expected, things have been rather crazy, culminating today in a marked increase in my recent computer woes, complete with virus (which I am still not entirely certain I have dealt with effectively). And I burnt my fingers while cooking. Heh.

So, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I have decided to post some cool stuff I've come across recently.

First, a couple of pictures that just, somehow, seem appropriate. Besides, everything's better with Star Trek, right? *bg*



As long as I'm on a sci-fi theme... some very real, non-fictional creations, which I happen to find quite awesome.

A prototype of a robotic carp, which will soon be released into rivers in England to monitor pollution.

image Click to view

Air Art from flip on Vimeo.

And another, this one based on a manta ray.

image Click to view

How about some "autonomous robotic jellyfish with a self-controlling system that emulates swarming behavior" swimming - and a remote-controlled one that flies?

image Click to view

But naturally, the One who came up with the idea in the first place has by far the coolest invention. Ever heard of the oarfish? Recently saw a video of one. Wow. o.o

Heh, hopefully I've actually done the video embed right. That last one doesn't seem to want to show up right (keeps doing the opposite of what everything else does, for some reason :P). If it doesn't work, you can go here. Obviously, my love-hate relationship with computers is leaning more strongly toward the "hate" side of late - at least as regards their attitude toward me. :P

And lastly, because it is simply too cute and reminds me of my own dear kitties (who... are not doing real well - but that's a story for another day):

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

animals, craziness, cats, star trek, randomness, geekiness, *sighs*

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