Yay, Randomness!

Aug 03, 2008 19:35

We're at the hotel now. Havin' lots of fun, doing a bunch of shopping, watching movies, staying up late and sleeping in, letting the dog swim in Lake Superior, and all that. ;D The people at this hotel are wonderful. We were having a bit of trouble with a smell in our other room, but they were totally booked the last two nights. Because it wasn't a simple fix, and the fact that we've been regular customers makes us eligible for free upgrades, as soon as they were able to get one cleaned they gave us a really nice suite with a jacuzzi instead. And, since our guys are now gone and it's just us three not-so-strong women, in our various degrees of physical infirmity, and the hotel doesn't have an elevator, they were nice enough to even move everything for us. So, it's been great so far. :D

Hey, didja know that Leonard Nimoy was in an episode of Bonanza? He was working at a bar, and quite amusingly pathetic. Particularly after he found a woman who'd been killed: (in a weak, almost-wisper) "Help?" (then shouting) "Help! Somebody heeelp!" *giggles madly*

A geek? Who, me? *blinks innocently*

And a random question: What do websites y'all use to upload your art to share it online? Any recommendations for sites that work well? I've been using Geocities, but I'm growing increasingly frustrated with it. I've been doing a ton of drawing lately, and even have a bunch scanned in, sitting on my computer, but haven't had the time/patience to get them online. It's gotten to a point where I can usually save, at best, two or three pictures before it stops working, and I have to shut down all the windows for it and then bring everything back up again, which takes 5-10 minutes. :P It's partly because my internet's not been so great, but even when the internet's doing well - this is just getting too aggravating. Photobucket looks nice, so I've been considering switching to that...

So, 'm off to watch a movie. ;)

star trek, movies, randomness, vacation

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