I am fucking beat. I feel like i just came out of a industrial size dryer that i was in for several hours... along with some bricks. We played "ball" yesterday, most specifically me and knusk played 2 vs. 3 against rudy, the a-r-t, and pudding. After about an hour... it’s tiring, you know, I’ll admit it. Once I got home i made what would become the biggest mistake of the night. Instead of heading straight for the shower i decided to check my AIM messages since I haven’t been home all day and those things pile up. So, I sat down... over, done. I couldn’t get back up... let alone make it to the shower. I figured maybe I’ll just chill for a bit and then go shower, wrong, the longer I sat the worse things became. I was starting to get incoherent and lightheaded. Obviously, being stinky as I was, I couldn’t go to bed like this though. I had, left, only one plausible solution.... I rolled off my chair and passed out on the floor. Hey, at the time, it seemed like a great idea. Today however, i feel like, well.. yeah... the dryer with the bricks thing. Ugh. Also... i slightly re-injured the thumb on my shooting hand, just as it was starting to heal and i could bend it all the way. I don’t think its too bad though, its not nearly as swoll(en) as last time.
Swoll... can't get enough of that. Wreck shop bitch.
Learning is easy; teaching is hard... or something to that effect. Perhaps I should mention that I suck at explaining things that I understand(cause, you know, I’m great at explaining shit I don’t).
People need to
e-mail me more at work, i need something to keep me amused. I haven’t had time to hit up the library and as a result am out of books to read that i own(I’ve now read lullaby and invisible monsters twice). So e-mail me dammit, tell your friends to e-mail me, if you have a pet that's e-mail compatible i can roll with that too. I'd love to hear from Cuj. Sadly Casey’s paws are too thick to use a keyboard.... hmm... maybe i could get her a doggie dialing wand. Keyboarding wand, whatever.
Every artist I want to see live is currently touring in Europe, conspiracy? I fucking doubt it! No, really, I doubt it is... they will probably be all coming around in the summer, so, I’m ok with it. Just wanted to bring it up.
Writing in terse non related segments is a lot easier then putting together a decent journal entry, when stuff pops up in my head i just add it to my to.do pad. Once i get tired of it, or it gets a bit lengthy, i post... didn’t know if you could tell. Didn’t want anyone out there to think that was putting any kind of effort in this, or that this is anything more then a collection of brain farts. Gassy fun for the whole family.(be advised, due to the strong language used this journal is not recommended for children under 17 years of age... even though they can probably curse me out like there is no tomorrow) So, maybe not the whole family.
More hot pockets for lunch today, one of these days my body is just going to give up and quit... i am, meanwhile, it seems, doing everything i can to make that a reality today.
You know, then I am asked do I want a document saved, and I say no… maybe I don’t want it recovered next time I start word. Am I crazy? I hate it when software assumes that it knows what I want to do better then I do, especially when I explicitly state my intent… fucking infuriating.
page 1 of -2... negative fun!