State of my Pups

Feb 22, 2011 23:43

Character: Ruby imawesome_ruby
Canon: Supernatural
General: Ruby's going through a lot right now. She's trying to figure a lot of things out, decide which side she's on, and she really hasn't made that decision yet. She has four (five?) people in the world she cares about - Sam, Aaron Corbett, Kerai and Robert St. Clair. She also would be pretty upset if something happened to Father Sam. She's clinging to her feelings for Sam mainly because she's frightened and scared in the village, and she's terrified of being completely alone there. She's still trying to decide if she truly does love Sam, or if, like Kerai said, she wasn't capable of love then. She's working at the Chocolaterie and volunteering at the Ribbon. She really likes spending time with Robert, even though she's just met him, but doesn't have any expectations for that.
Needs Threads With: She'd love to spend more time with her four favorite people, although she's decided to leave Sam alone for the time being. Also, threads with The Devil, Gabriel, Chuck, pretty much anyone would be welcome!

Character: Archangel Michael winged_michael
Canon: Supernatural
General: Michael hates being here. Hates it. He hates that he's stuck in his vessel, he hates not having orders from God. He feels lost and afraid, and he really wishes he could leave. His brother won't speak to him, and the other angels seem to hate him, just for telling them the truth. He likes the Nephilim more than he should, but at least the kid gives him something to do.
Needs Threads With: Gabriel, Aaron, Anna, Castiel, Dean, The Devil, anyone, really

Character: James "Sawyer" Ford jim_lafleur
Canon: LOST
General: Sawyer's doing pretty well, actually. He's with his Juliet and she's going to have their baby soon. He is going through the normal fatherly worries about whether Juliet has the right doctors, and whether he'll be a good dad, but I think on the whole he's pretty optimistic about life right now. He's applied for a job at the Newspaper, we'll see how that goes.

Needs Threads With: Juliet, John, anyone, really.

Character: Tessa reaper_tessa
Canon: Supernatural
General: Tessa's just arrived, and hasn't really done much yet. She's nervous at the fact everyone can see her, but happy that Death is here, because strangely, that makes her feel safe.

Needs Threads With: Death, anyone!

state of the pups

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