Aug 22, 2006 22:18
Wow... where do I even begin. My last entry was in February. lol. Literally half a year ago. Yup. I'm just that awesome. Well I guess I'll just start with coming back to school.
I signed my lease all the way back on July 28th and time has just flown since then. My mom and I moved a load of furniture and stuff out here that day and then came back with a second and third load the next weekend. As soon as I saw my new apartment I fell in love with it. I didn't move in to stay until last weekend when Nick and I came out.
We brought the last of my clothes and Nick was a super sweet guy and took me grocery shopping and to get my internet service started. We had so much fun though. We went to the pool every day he was here and we also went to the beach. We went bowling twice and once I got a turkey! I was so excited and bowled the highest score I've ever bowled. A 161! Nick even had them print out a score sheet so I have proof. :) He also took me to go get my new fishy. I haven't had a new betta since Dartanian died because it just didn't feel right. So I guess my mourning period was finally up. I got a small blue betta and named him Mr. Darcy. I figured I'd keep with the literary names beginning with 'D' theme. When Nick and I left meijers and realized we had been in there for two hours doing grocery shopping and choosing bettas I realized how much Nick must love me. He spent two hours picking up groceries with me! I love that boy to no end. I miss him so much.
When Nick left I was extremely sad and my apartment felt really empty. Luckily my friend from choir, Erin, came to my rescue and took me to get ice cream. Last week I spent quite a bit of time with Erin and the girl who lives across the hall from me, Jenny. I met some of Jenny's friends and we went to go find a replica of Stonehenge that was in somebody's front yard. It was pretty crazy because it actually looked real as far as I could tell. lol. I also went to look at wedding invitations with Erin and that was pretty fun.
Then this weekend Amanda came to visit me and we had such a blast. It was seriously just like old times. We had a drinks and movie night, went to the mall and the movies the next day, and on Sunday went to Grand Haven and the beach. It was so much fun and we took a billion pictures. Amanda really made me want a digital camera of my own. It was so much fun. When we were in Grand Haven we went into this little boutique shop and they had French jazz music playing and I was immediately jealous. I wanted that CD! Then as we were about to leave, Amanda found it and I just couldn't help myself. I charged it. And it is so much fun. I'm listening to it right now. *sigh. I am very weird but I don't care. :) I had so much fun with Amanda this weekend. I felt so loved that she drove all the way out here to see me.
To top it all off I spent the entire day yesterday with my old roommate, Michelle. It was pretty fun. We went to our old haunt, Panera and then to the mall. She also took me to see her new apartment at copper beach and I am definitely impressed. Those things are fancy fancy!
So yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm in a good place right now. I feel liked and loved, sociable and fun. For the first time in a while, I'm actually excited and not apprehensive about this school year starting. Let my last year begin! It's going to be a good one. I can feel it.