twelve [written/action] | Saturday at a less silly time

Aug 20, 2011 00:36

[It isn't easy, having your eyes pried open and forced to look at a truth you never wanted to see. A few days have passed since Martel looked straight at him and explained that what he had done was wrong, and each minute since then as crawled by slowly, weighed down with tension. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong... The word echoes off the walls of ( Read more... )

issues upon issues upon issues, now with 30% more internal monologue, spoilers: hypocrisy ahead, fun with defense mechanisms, stop thinking about things

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written - LJ IS BEING A BUTT AND I THINK I MAY HAVE TRIPLE-POSTED this is the actual thing sob antlioncyclone August 20 2011, 15:21:11 UTC
[...This deserves a nice, long, thought-out response.]

In my own world, there are humans and Pokemon. Humans use their intelligence to create things, and that is how they survive. Pokemon naturally have powers which they use to fight other creatures, and that is how they survive. Humans and Pokemon apart may live out their lives entirely, but that is not how my world is. Pokemon trust humans to guide them in growing stronger and fulfilling their potential, and humans trust Pokemon to help them do what they cannot on their own.

Where there is power, someone will try to control it. Many Pokemon suffer at the hands of humans who exploit them and their abilities. Powerful, legendary Pokemon are hunted down by the undeserving to be used as "ultimate weapons".

The whole of nature is indifferent. Humans must do what they can to fight for themselves, or be wiped out carelessly. Their society must obey the whims of Pokemon so it will not be destroyed.

There are always some who see the truth, human and Pokemon. Pokemon of the wilds guard villages and whole regions, and are revered, respected, and cared for. Humans despise the abusers and exploiters of Pokemon among them, and treat them as they would treat murderers. For every offense, there will be more who do everything possible to mend the trust between humans and Pokemon, so that they continue to thrive together.

That is how my world is.


I am a Pokemon, and I would have been used by humans to destroy cities and spread fear if things had gone just a bit differently. As it is, I must keep myself hidden to prevent those same humans from finding me again. But I have human allies who I put my full trust in, who are the most kind and most honorable creatures I have ever met.


written | filtered - haha no worries :) imatreenow August 20 2011, 19:10:15 UTC
[He certainly remembers you. Poring over this with great interest, looking for what he expects to see, eyeing some parts with sharp dubiousness. Especially that filtered part - for ease he locks the entire response against others.]

On what basis do you trust these human allies? They could easily turn on you as other humans have done before. Perhaps your power is the only reason they keep you around at all. You even admitted yourself, humans will always flock to power and try to harness it to their own advantage. It would seem foolish to place trust in the very same beings.


written | filtered antlioncyclone August 20 2011, 19:27:13 UTC
[Mewtwo quickly debates with himself how specific to be before replying.]

I hold one in highest respect. I owe my life as it is to his actions several times over, and know that he has done many courageous things for the sake of Pokemon. I went to him of my own will and selected him to be my trainer in the greatest battle of my life, and my trust in him was rewarded with honorable victory as I knew it would be.

There are other humans, who are his friends and companions, who are loyal to his wishes and have fought just as hard for the same purposes.

[a pause, then an addition.]

The humans who seek to prove their worth and earn power fairly match, if not outnumber, those who try to seize it by force.


written | filtered imatreenow August 21 2011, 05:27:16 UTC
[He pauses before penning his response this time. The words on the page don't match up with what he knows about the world, and he doesn't like it.]

You seem very certain of this, that more humans are kind and just rather than selfish. [or that any at all are good. Then -- cautiously, out of a morbid curiosity -- he writes:] Tell me more about this human companion. [because he needs more ammo; there has to be something, knowing humans as he does]


written | filtered | this is what happens when I try to write a tag over two days antlioncyclone August 21 2011, 15:09:55 UTC
[....I'm not giving you his name or identifying features...8|a]

Like what?


written | filtered imatreenow August 22 2011, 06:04:45 UTC
[He doesn't want them; he hardly cares about some human he's never met. This is for research purposes.]

You seem to think very highly of this human. In what specific instances has he proved the noble character you believe him to possess?


written | filtered antlioncyclone August 22 2011, 13:08:03 UTC

During our first encounter, I was not in control of myself and my powers, and was a threat to everything around me. He subdued me, preventing further destruction, and freed me from the fear and rage that other humans had created in me, so that I could use my powers to be in control of my own life.


written | filtered imatreenow August 23 2011, 06:07:55 UTC
That would seem to indicate that he wishes to control your power himself. It was a cunning move on his part to interfere at that time.


written | filtered antlioncyclone August 23 2011, 14:44:17 UTC

see, now you're just being insulting. To everyone involved.]

I have both faced him and fought beside him in battle. You have not met him, neither as yourself or as a Pokemon who can judge the worth of a trainer. Do you doubt my judgment?


written | filtered imatreenow August 26 2011, 17:15:59 UTC
I do doubt your judgment. You are blinded by what you wish to see. I too was once the same way.


written | filtered antlioncyclone August 26 2011, 19:26:00 UTC
Everything will think of something differently. If I am "blinded", so are you, and so is every creature that has ever experienced anything.


written | filtered imatreenow August 31 2011, 05:19:15 UTC
On the contrary, I can see the world for what it is much more clearly than anyone else. I have experienced much more than any being could in a single lifetime, and I know what makes the world tick.


written | filtered antlioncyclone September 2 2011, 22:22:15 UTC
Your world. Not mine, or this one. And not the creatures from elsewhere.


written | filtered imatreenow September 11 2011, 18:20:57 UTC
It is all the same. The pattern repeats itself across worlds and people.


written | filtered antlioncyclone September 11 2011, 18:54:26 UTC
What would you know?


written | filtered imatreenow September 15 2011, 20:08:04 UTC
I know enough. ['Enough', or maybe 'too much.' Seen too much, felt too much, been hurt too much.]


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