twelve [written/action] | Saturday at a less silly time

Aug 20, 2011 00:36

[It isn't easy, having your eyes pried open and forced to look at a truth you never wanted to see. A few days have passed since Martel looked straight at him and explained that what he had done was wrong, and each minute since then as crawled by slowly, weighed down with tension. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong... The word echoes off the walls of ( Read more... )

issues upon issues upon issues, now with 30% more internal monologue, spoilers: hypocrisy ahead, fun with defense mechanisms, stop thinking about things

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[action] shiningbinds August 20 2011, 07:22:23 UTC
[Kratos is once again trying to get used to the town when he spots Mithos.

The man is torn. Approaching him is probably not a good idea, but if Mithos has seen Kratos already, then walking away would not be a wise move either.

He slows his walking pace down as he decides what kind of action to take.]


[action] 1/2 woo hoo imatreenow August 20 2011, 08:12:32 UTC
[He's mostly trying not to think, because every thought that finds its way into his head is one he hates. Focus on his own footsteps, the sky, the clouds, the trees, anything--

The presence of mana.

Mithos stops. Because while this strong presence is one with which he is very familiar, it is also one he has not felt in a while.]


[action] imatreenow August 20 2011, 08:13:05 UTC
[His eyes dart, landing on exactly who he expected. Exactly who he doesn't want to see here. Does Martel know? Why didn't she warn-- ...No, he's better off not asking himself those questions. He might not want to know the answers. It might start hurting all over again.

He doesn't say anything, nor does he move any closer. It isn't necessary to address a worthless traitor with anything more than a glare.]


[action] shiningbinds August 20 2011, 08:19:26 UTC
[Upon seeing that glare and knowing for certain that Mithos knows he's there, Kratos sighs.

He can't avoid this.]

...Mithos. [Although he addresses the one who he has worked under for thousands of years, Kratos himself doesn't come any closer.]


[action] imatreenow August 20 2011, 18:19:36 UTC
For how long have you been here?

[Feel the hatred sliding off his words in waves, Kratos. Mithos can't be sure where his former companion's memories end - if he's seen his downfall, or if he's still as loyal as he once was a great many years ago - but it doesn't particularly matter. He has no use for him anymore, and the sight sickens him.]


[action] shiningbinds August 20 2011, 18:36:05 UTC
I've been here for a little over a month. ...I had heard you were here as well.

[He can tell the boy is absolutely enraged by his presence, but regardless of that, Kratos stands his ground.]


[action] imatreenow August 21 2011, 04:51:51 UTC
[Of course he had, with how the others keep tabs on him... Mithos sneers.] Then I'm sure that you have been informed of the situation in our world, if you were not already aware.


[action] shiningbinds August 21 2011, 05:20:16 UTC
...I have. [He doesn't elaborate further, trying to keep things neutral between them.]


[action] imatreenow August 21 2011, 06:41:02 UTC
Then you must also realize that I want nothing to do with you.

[A part of him wants to draw his sword and hurtle toward Kratos, to feel the blade slice through flesh and draw blood. An infinitesimal fraction of the punishment the man owes for his part in Mithos's ultimate defeat and the unraveling of Martel's wishes. .....That strange new sting again. Perhaps not Martel's wishes, but it's difficult to think of his goals and her dreams as separate.]


[action] shiningbinds August 22 2011, 16:44:51 UTC
...yes, I do realize that.

[But Mithos was once his companion, once a dear friend. It's still difficult for Kratos, even from when he's from, to completely separate Mithos, the boy he once trained and cared for, from the ruthless mind he became.]


[action] imatreenow August 23 2011, 06:27:20 UTC
[Mithos has absolutely no problem separating the close friend of the past with the traitor who stands before him. Again, the urge to cut down Kratos where he stands...but it would be foolish to attack. Undoubtedly, Yuan or someone else has told him of the situation with his captivity, and attacking could ultimately result in being forced back down there. It isn't a risk he wants to take.]

Is that all you have to say for yourself, after you betrayed one of your oldest companions?


[action] shiningbinds August 23 2011, 06:57:59 UTC
[He remains silent. If you wanted a huge reaction out of him, Mithos, you're going to have to try harder than that.]


[action] imatreenow August 23 2011, 07:41:53 UTC
Do not ignore me.

I now see how foolish I was to expect anything from you, after you ran away once. I should have known then what a worthless traitor you would become... I was far too lenient with you, Kratos. I should have beaten you within an inch of your life and kept you locked up in the castle, and instead I let you roam freely. Then you ran right back to the son of that filthy human woman and helped him undo everything I had worked toward for all those years. You disgust me.


[action] shiningbinds August 27 2011, 18:30:14 UTC
[That triggers a bit more of a reaction. Kratos glares at Mithos, an intense amount of anger in those eyes.]

Anna was anything but filthy, Mithos, and I will not allow you to speak ill of her!


[action] imatreenow August 31 2011, 22:55:35 UTC
How quickly you rush to her quickly as you abandoned Martel's wishes. It's sickening.

[But it isn't just about Martel. ...They were not Martel's wishes anyway, but his own wishes. He's on autopilot here (accuse, accuse, accuse); he doesn't want to think about what his sister had told him.]


[action] shiningbinds August 31 2011, 23:04:06 UTC
What we did were things Martel never would have wished for. ...Anna's wishes were similar to wishes Martel did have.

[He had never completely realized that, himself.]


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