ten [written/action]

Apr 23, 2011 14:28

[The news of his sister’s engagement came as unexpected to Mithos, even though it probably shouldn’t have. Raine has been with Jack since before he had even been born; he’s known the man his entire life. He’s always accepted it as the norm, and despite the over-protectiveness he harbors for his one and only sister, he entrusts her wellness to the strange, strange man. But getting married is always a big deal, isn’t it? The supposedly unbreakable bonds of marriage have always been part of an odd, grey area in their family, marred by the conspicuous absence of a father Mithos never knew. But whom Raine had known. He just wants to make sure his family is in good hands.]

[written | locked to Jack Sparrow - 50%]


I trust you to take good care of Raine. She’s my only sister, and she deserves to have all the happiness in the world. You’ve done fairly well these past nearly fifteen years that I’ve watched, and even before then, but that doesn’t mean you can start slacking off anytime soon.

Your soon-to-be brother-in-law,

[A short while after relaying this message, he can be found all about the village plaza. The mission: find something that suitably says “Congratulations, beloved sister of mine, you’re getting married!”, and within the budget of his slim allowance. There is no tradition that dictates such a thing, but he feels it’s necessary anyway. Feel free to run into him at any point on his trip, which includes the flower shop, the clothing store, and the general item shop, as well as on the way from and back to Community Housing 2. Of course, he’ll stop and rest by the fountain at some point too.]

[An ooc side note: Some replies may come from imatreestill, my shiny new side-account created for icon purposes because I'm cheap like that. DON'T BE ALARMED.]

over-protective brother mode, doesn't hate everything forever, must be an au, event

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