carly and friends are here from sanfrancisco .. tis good. its the day before newyears, john is throwing a party tonight we may go out to. bumping notwist. putting up with the shit at work, and getting by the best i can. i'll be working for IQguys soon. i cant fucking wait. going to see anthony, joe, eric brett and scott newyears and work on the game jan1st. the spraypaintings are going well. im having fun making art outside of the digital realm. with hands is hard. all is as good as it can fucking be.
went to john's party. was awesome. i shot nearly 500 megs of photos, some amazing shots of johnah and josh playing. good good stuff. the music was great. not a bad beat in the sets. carly, melissa and srey were there, mingling and having a good time. we rode in carly's rented impalla, a newer model and she drove like it was rented. which it was. fast through the streets of ann arbor, strangling the seat heads and belts. many hours later, when we got out of johns it was snowing like crazy. carly and i chased down srey and whipped snowballs of frezy, some even making their mark. we boarded the impalla wet and joyous and headed homeward, where we sit in warmth and food.
all is good.