Mar 29, 2004 12:36
I'm SOO BORED. I can't take it.
I don't feel all that good right now either.
Next week I go to Florida. I can't wait to just get away. It's going to feel so good to judt get away from it all. All the drama and whatnot.
Ryans pants are soo sexy!! haha. I love them. That boy is soo skinny. I wanna be that skinny. *tear*
Im supposed to be in the library with Michaela right now but she didnt bring her school I.D so she couldnt go.
*another tear*
Trent gave me a spike thingy today in english. Thought I would share that.
Give me Assy cuz I'm Sassy.
GABBY: thats 7 times every 7.1 minutes for about 4.5 minutes each. hahahahahaha. lmfao.