Nov 18, 2005 23:05
So yea my break sucks ass so far and its only been the first day. I arrive at home only to find out my brother is injured, the oven on the stove is broke, my family is broke and bearly making ends meat, im starting to dislike my uncle and his family for the financal burden they put my family under, Oh yea Im on dail up and cant really do much im trying to download real player for this computer it takes about 1hour cause its transfering at 3kb 4kb if im lucky and dont use the web browser, My brother gets my grand parents 27in sony tv and i get nothing. I expect that i wont get anything good for xmas cause frankly dont think my parents can afford anything. I screw up on a videogame review and im still not over that it just bothers me that someone depended on me and i let that person down. wow this is a long rant with very bad spelling and grammer. well my downlaod is at 70%now only took 40mins.