Kiss Survey stolen from like everyone

Aug 30, 2004 20:22

Age of first kiss: who knows this stuff

Number of people you've kissed: who knows this stuff also

French kissing is: the only way to kiss

The worst kind of kiss is: pecks

The best kisser you know: Liz

The worst kisser you know: Dont wanna make anyone mad ;)

The celebrity you'd like to kiss: Angelina Jo Li, she got some sexay lips

Friend you would like to kiss: Anyone of them ;)

Favorite movie kiss: Spider Man (only one I could think of)

Do you kiss on the first date? I fuck on the first date

Eyes open or closed? closed fucking duh

Average number of kisses you get a day: Depends if I hang out with anyone that day

Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? 0=)

The last person you kissed: Liz

Best placed to be kissed: I like kisses on the penis

Have you kissed someone of the same sex? hell no

What about the opposite sex? of course

Do you consider kissing cheating? not really

The longest you've gone without a kiss: a week? maybe 2? I dunno

The kiss you regret most is: I dont reget my kisses baby

Kissing in public is: depends how im feelings

Tongue rings are: Hot only on girls I think we all know why ;)

Two girls kissing is: Turns my pages

Two guys kissing is: Fucking ew
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