on washing cats

May 11, 2007 11:27

My cat needs a bath. I don't think her grooming is up to par. She is so tubby (I swear she's always on a diet and gets exercise, but there seems to be no stopping her ever expanding girth. I can relate) that she can't really reach the nether regions, kna' mean? And then I put this flea stuff on her neck, and instead of absorbing into her skin, it's made her entire neck and shoulder area this oily mess! It seems none of the groomers do cats in this town; I have a call in to Petco and apparently they have one person who does cats who will give me a call when her schedule opens up. But in the meantime, perhaps I should risk life, limb, and eyes and try it myself. Have any of you bathed your cats and survived? What kind of shampoo do you use? We have an enclosed shower, so it might work to do it in there.


Also, on the cat front, I highly, highly recommend this litter box.

enough about cats already

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