Let's write.

Jan 09, 2009 18:12

T'is a Friday night and I'm perfectly happy to be home.

Filipino and Lit have thought me that so much more is already said in that sentence, even though I might not have meant to say it.

For one, it being a Friday means that the week is over. For most people, school or work is out and it is a time to relax with friends. Maybe watch a movie, have dinner, go to a bar. But I'm not doing that, because I'm at home. This might imply I am a loser. There is also, however, the word "happy." This could mean, then, that I'm either really happy to be home (because I am a loser like that) or I'm rationalizing. "T'is" probably means something, too, but I can't be bothered by it much.

I'm so lazy and easily bored nowadays. Can't even bring myself to read a novel or watch a series properly. On the way home I felt so light and elated and, I realized, is that all I look forward to now? For the week to end so I can not think about school again for a couple of days? Thinking about it that way makes me feel so purposeless.

My feet are cold. Unlike the strange times that they'd be freezing even with socks and shoes on in the cinema, this is just because I put (yes, put) them where the aircon blows the..air. Bert says: I love living in a house without fans.

He also said, over dinner (which we had in the garage because they did work in the kitchen and had to put the table away): what did we use to talk about before we had dogs?

Seriously? I don't think we talked much about anything. Which is partly why I love our dogs so much. Pets aren't that much of a topic, seriously. Like how much can you really learn about a person just by talking about their pets? Especially if you guys have the same pets? (Quite a bit, if you know how to read people well, but that isn't the point.) Having something to talk about, though... it isn't much, but at least it's something.

At least we aren't walking around one other as blindly as we were before. I hope.

InTACT block party tomorrow. The one which will probably have less people. But what the hey. I'll be a statistic for the heck of it. Besides, it might actually be interesting. Now to find a ride.

Sims2! Hee. Yes, yes, it's old and not updated. But I missed it. And I want to play it again, I think. Be all acting like god and designing people, controlling families. Nyahaha.

Who am I kidding. If I really had time to spare (in a non-academic way, because t'is a Friday for jack's sake), I'll be determined and unlazy and go read a novel. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Whee~

Thanks. <3

thoughts, writings, school, rl

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