McDonald's for breakfast (or leftovers from Super Bowl, in my case), KFC for lunch, and Yellow Cab for dinner.
I can feel it. Working it's magic, making me heavier, lessening my lifespan, causing my hair to fall even more (or not, whatever).
Swimming doesn't counter its effects either, doesn't make me any healthier, especially not when it is hecka windy and I have a little girl to watch. (I felt really guilty for scratching her, even though there wasn't any bleeding wound. At least she wasn't mad at me. Aw, heck. I can't deal with kids.)
I haven't done anything for school. I am going to cram again, I know it. I could probably work on something right now, but I do not feel like it. The room is too small, too noisy. Why do my cousins not have homework, anyway? Pfft.
My internet surfing brings these up, not online shopping or anything of the sort.
Bud Tomas! Wala Lang - something I really like reading, thanks to Chookee. :)
IQ things. Malcolm Gladwell's article on IQ, Flynn's effect, other stuff, and...I don't know. I like his works. I sort of wish I would do the share-a-book on Blink, but I don't. (I still can't find the site he was talking about in that book, by the way, the one with discrimination tests.)
Marshall McLuhan. The medium is the message.
Andy Warhol. In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.
And various other things that I have now lost. Whatever. Wikipedia has too many links to follow, to many interesting things to look at. Stoofid technology.