Credit cards are very useful, when used responsibly. It seems that many people acquire a lot of debt, but don't have the means to repay the money. Poor credit decisions can lower your personal score and make it harder to finance a home or car. For this reason, it is important for everyone to develop smarter credit habits.
Step One: Keep track of purchases. Credit card balances can add up quickly. Credit cards aren't "magic cards." Thus, you can't spend, spend, spend without consequences. It is easy for new credit card holders to lose track of their spending. In turn, they get hit with a big bill at the end of the month. Keep all receipts and record each transaction.
Read full article Resources for
Credit Report AgenciesDon't know your credit score? Download a recent copy of your credit report!
Resources for
Unsecured Credit CardsCredit Cards with no deposit or additional collateral required!
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