Sunset by the Lake

May 01, 2007 00:04

IC Date: Day 10, Month 9, Turn 3, 7th Pass
Players: Tavaly (Immath), Ellaia, B'ren (Miyamurath) & Vanya
Location: Lakeshore, Southern Bowl
Synopsis: Vanya decides to take her dinner out by the lake and enjoy some of the last good weather of the season. She's joined firstby Tavaly & Immath, then by Ellaia, and lastly B'ren & Miyamurath.

Southern Bowl,
Early Evening

The bowl floor is a broad expanse of gravel and dust, packed flat over decades of dragonweight landing on it. Kept free of vegetation, the only color variation across the vast hollow of the bowl are the dragons, in good weather often found sunning on low ledges or sprawled along the floor itself. The well-worn, charcoal-grey walls of the bowl are nearly vertical, far too steep for even the most adventurous climber to attempt. The rim of the bowl, marked by a rainbow of perching dragons at all times of the day, is topped with massive stone spires that stretch upwards into the blue vault of the sky. There are seven in all, great black fingers of stone that seem, from where you stand, to touch the clouds.
Here the lake dominates the bowl floor, wind-scattered waves lapping at the gravel shore. A few scrawny shrubs to the southeast mark the fenced-in enclosure of the feeding grounds, bordered on its southwestern edge by the lake itself. Following the wall here will lead to the entrance to the weyrling complex and, past that, the stairs that lead to the guest weyr. On the other side of the lake is a vast, yawning tunnel curving upwards slightly, connecting to the long road leading away from High Reaches Weyr. Adjoining the exit is the high arch of the infirmary entrance. It's a clear autumn day and the air has become crisp, stirred by breezes cool enough to redden cheeks. The sky is cloudless and a dazzling shade of blue.

The dinner hour has come, but Vanya has opted to fix herself a basket and eat down by the lake. It's a lot less crowded, and a lot more conducive to peace and quiet -- which is something she needs right now. There are a few things she needs to sort through in her head, and she's always done her thinking while tossing pebbles into the lake water. Like a lot of weyr residents seem to do. She's fairly certain all the pebble-tossing is going to fill that lake in someday. But, for now, she's gathered a little pile of pebbles beside where she sits on her favorite rock, a mug of hot tea, a few meatrolls, some cheese and bread in the basket next to her. In difference to the slightly cooler fall weather, she wears a light-weight cloak over her shoulders. It's nice to enjoy the evening; it won't be long before it's too cold to sit outside or ride circuit. Winter is decidedly not her favorite time of year here.

Aside from the natural breeze, there are few things that require attention as far as the chill of the air goes. It is not yet bitter, but when pushed beneath the wide canopies of a dragon's wings, the bite of the wind seems just a tad stronger. More concentrated, as it were. This is especially true when a certain green decides upon skimming low enough to blow air at the back of the woman's head as she sits upon the rock. Not at all close enough to move her, but.. enough to 'poof' at her. Moments later the green disappears past the surface of the lake and under, into the still-warm waters that soak up the sunset. A short distance behind, Tavaly walks toward the rock. "Please forgive her. She does strange things to folk she likes." The woman says, stepping up on the rock and slowly sinking into a seated position, left leg thrust out in front of her and right serving as a prop-up for her elbow. "Y'look good."

The "poof" of air is startling, but the sound of a dragon rushing through the air is enough warning that Vanya isn't taken totally by surprise. A hand on her hair, another on the basket to hold it down, and she's good. The flash of green has her smiling; there're only a couple of dragons it could be, and she likes both of them. The woman's voice coming almost immediately on the heels of that diving dragon gives Vanya the added clue as to the green's identity, and she looks around to smile at Tavaly's approach. "Thanks," is the warm reply, her head turning to face the rider. "Immath's in rare form today. Things going well for you two?" she asks, grinning. "I've been meaning to look you up, welcome you back, but things've been kind of busy. How're you doing, Tavaly?"

"She's a pain in the ass, is what she is. Not long 'fore she goes up, now, I s'pose. Likes to show off few days in advance." Tav wrinkles her nose, looping one arm over the woman's shoulders in a side-hug of sorts. "Thank you. Definitely been good to be back, and I understand th'busy thing. Seems busy likes to pour out of every orifice of this place when autumn starts settlin' in. Been good. Mostly. Stiff in this weather, but other than that.. Life is decent." She purses her lips and rolls off a decisive nod. "Been meaning to thank you. For a lot of things. First and foremost takin' good care of T'zen. Second off.. Well, just for bein' yerself. Y'hold up pretty well. You been okay?"

The sideways hug is returned with no hesitation, and Vanya's smile is warm and sincere. "Been coping all right," she replies. "You probably heard the Hall removed me from my posting here, but they didn't reassign me, so ... I kind of run a private practice now." No in depth explanation of /why/ she was removed, just a comment. "I started riding a seven-day circuit a few months ago, though. It's kind of nice to get away from here for that time. Breaks up the monotony and keeps me in practice for regular healing. Some nice folks in the mountains around here." She gives a grin then. "Me and the runners have a love-hate relationship. They love to hate me when they see me coming." There's a twinkle in her eyes as she jokes, but then she turns serious. "Tav, I can help with the stiffness, if you'd like. There are ... well, exercises, massage and certain lotions that will help keep the muscles supple. I don't mind." And then there's a pause before she asks, "Where is T'zen, anyway? Didn't he come back with you? I ... I missed you both. While you were gone. It was pretty ... lonely around here."

"R'mind me to introduce you to Serenus good and close. You wanna send folk runnin', you ride that beast." Tav's brows flick upwards a moment and she gives a half-grin. "Must be nice not havin' the hall meddle with ya. You can actually help folk, now." Retrieving her arm, Tav pats her leg a moment and grabs the knee cap. "S'arright. Only thing that'll help these is warmth. Been through all that rigamorale b'fore. Too many twists. Worse thing now is the itch, since the skin's all.. Not pretty." Her left hand consumed by a leather glove may be a good indication. "Nasty 'fall." The casual smile she wears falters for a moment, and a shoulder is shrugged. "Stayed in Igen when he got sent. Guess.. Well, guess he just wanted to stay, or sommat." She nods. "S'arright. He's gotta do right by him. 'Sides. Bed ain't been cold for a while, now." And then a side-look. "Yourn?" Immath, among the waters of the lake, rears her head and flips a few unhappy fish off of her nose, then warbles at them and follows as they swim down below.

Vanya listens, and nods, her eyes trying not to stray to the gloved hand. But, she's a healer first and foremost, and cannot resist, "Heat's good, and there're ointments that help the itch," she informs Tavaly. "I've a recipe I need to get made up, so I'll make extra for you. I don't mind, and it works." She's firm about this; her words filled with "no argument." Then, "I'm getting good at riding. They let me have a mare who gets a little ornery now and then, but is mostly biddable. They call her Ripple." She gives a grin. "If you hear from T'zen, give him my best? I miss his warped sense of humor." There's a glance given to the splashing in the lake, and a soft chuckle. "I'm not really ... well, there're a couple of fellows I see, but nothing serious." A beat. "At least, not with one of them. The other --?" A shrug. "I don't know where that will lead. I'm not in any particular rush to end up like I did with E'sere."

Ellaia comes walking through the tunnel into the bowl carrying a small bundle under her arm as she makes her way slowly strolling along. After a few moments of consideration and probably her normal process of decision making she heads towards the lake spotting Vanya, letting a smile tug at her lips. Of course as she draws closer she slows, noticing that her friend is keeping company with another, not wanting to disturb she waves a hand, "Hello Vanya. How are you?" The records keeper smiles warmly at the healer then extends it over to the other woman, nodding politely to her, "Hello"

"Arright, arright. Ain't nuthin' I've not heard b'fore, though, might tell ya. Wouldn't mind some new stuff, though. The smell of what I got now is startin' to seep into the leathers I work with, and that's not so pleasant at gathers when I'm tryin' to sell somethin'." Tav says, nose wrinkling as she remembers the acrid smell of.. well, whatever the apprentice fellow gave her. "If I hear from T'zen, I'll do just that." IF she hears from him, which she hasn't in forever and a day. There is a lewd grin on Tav's face before too long and it is instantly slain by the mention of E'sere's name. "I ever see that son of a bitch again, I'm kickin' him in the jimmies, mark me." The approach and hail of a new face has Tav departed from her snarl and arriving at a more pleasant smile for the girl that approaches. When the hand is offered, Tav takes it not with the right, but the left. The one in what should be a familiar leather sleeve. "You like ship fish, I assume?"

Attention drawn by a voice greeting her, Vanya turns toward the sound, smiling as she recognizes the scribe. "Ellaia, hello," she says, the tone warm and welcoming. "I'm doing well enough, how're you this evening?" It's not quite sunset, although that's coming soon; the eastern sky is already a dark blue, while the west is full of golden yellows, orange and fiery red from the setting sun. A glance toward the Eastern horizon shows the rising of the Red Star, which brings a concerned frown to the Healer's lips as she turns back to Tavaly. "Did you ride 'Fall today?" she inquires, or are you restricted still?" And then her manners return. "Oh, Tavaly, this's Ellaia. She was Searched for the clutch before this last one, but didn't Impress. She works as a scribe here, now." And, back to Ellaia. "This is Tavaly, rider of green Immath, and one of the best leather-workers you'll ever meet." There's a teasing smile about her lips as she grins back to Tav. "I must say you both had exquisite costumes." There is no comment for the "kick him in the jimmies" remark, just a grateful, if cautious, nod of acknowledgement.

Ellaia takes the remaining steps over to the pair, eyes do look out at the beautiful horizon, a content expression falling on her features, a deep breath being taken. "That sure is a sight isn't it?" she asks really to no one but herself, of course loud enough for the other women to hear. After a few moments she tears her eyes away, smiling again, also extending her hand to meet Tavaly, hesitating when the greenrider gives the familiar one she had seen at the party. "Tavaly is it? Or should I call you Feathers? And quite a nice red they were." she teases gently. She takes the gloved hand in her own, her grip firm and confident, "And yes, I do like ship fish very much. Its very nice to meet you without your costume." She holds the hand probably a second longer than one normally would, chuckling softly, "Sorry. Oh, thank you Vanya. Yours was beautiful as well. Of course I told you that the other night I believe."

The hand Ellaia takes also gives a good firm shake, then falls back onto the extended left leg before her. "Just don't call me late for supper, and we'll be square as a fence post." Tav says with a laugh and a smile. "Please, join us if you're of a mind." Tav scoots over, opening a space between herself and Vanya for the woman's patushka. "No, no fall today." Tav replies to Vanya. "And I was up an' flyin' soon as I settled back into my weyr. Didn't feel right bein' home and not flyin' like I ought. Seems t'be the opinion of some that I shoulda stayed down a bit longer, but I tend t'disagree with folk that like to tell me what I ought to do or not, so." Tav winks at Vanya, then looks to Ellaia. "Scribe, huh? Makes sense. Saw a little ink under your nails when we were dancin'. Figured I'd catch you somewhere near writin' hides or somesuch."
From afar, K'rom understands completely. Actually, part of the reason I want D'ven on is that Kie hasn't really been punished by authority for things he's done wrong. that's part of the reason why I was doing the food tp.

Vanya herself scoots a little to the side, giving Ellaia plenty of room to sit. "I've some meatrolls, cheese and fruit here, if you two would like to share my dinner," she offers, moving the basket to a more central location. "Afraid I only have the one mug of tea, though." As for Ellaia's comment about the sunset, there is a most agreeable nod. "It is beautiful, yes. Only seen one place prettier, and that's near this cothold called Darkwater. It's the last stop on my circuit, and just before you get there, the trail takes a wide turn around a mountain and the valley's spread out in front of you. I usually get there about an hour before sunset, and ..." She shakes her head. "It's breath-taking. I should love to show it to H'kon, but it's a little far for an afternoon jaunt, and there's not enough room for Arekoth to land." She sighs, but then turns to regard Tavaly. "I should hope you at least waited to get clearance from the healers before you took back to the sky. If you didn't, I /will/ spank you." A finger is wagged in the rider's direction, but it's a friendly, "I care" kind of threat. "And, the ointment I give you won't smell bad, I promise."

Ellaia laughs softly, "Thank you very much." she says and takes the seat between the two of them, grinning at Vanya, "I think that you always carry around fruit, meatrolls and cheese with you don't you?" she teases her friend gently, following it with a wink. She holds up a skin, "I brought my own." The young woman pulls her legs up under her, wrapping her arms around them, scooting back so she can actually see both of them rather easily. "Yes, I'm a scribe. Not exactly what I wanted to do, but it keeps me at the weyr for the time being." She reaches over and snatches up a meatroll, "I would love to ride out there sometime and see it Vanya if you want company on a circuit one time maybe. I'm sure I can get a few days off." She looks at her fingers, a little self conscious, considering she usually gets most of the ink off of them.

"My dear, you would have to catch me to spank me, and while the ol' herdbeast injury still twinges now and then, I know how to run from scary women with paddles. I did it for several Turns in my youth. My buttkiss still stings from that woman's lessons." Tav states with all the seriousness of death and a fondness that a rock could exhibit. It is the name that seems to earn Vanya a rather.. scrupulous glance from Tavaly. "H'kon, mm? Glad to know someone's caught that man's interest. Does he actually speak in more than grunts and whistles to you?" She teases, then peers at Ellaia, and at her fidgeting with her fingers. "They looked fine at the Masque. Only reason I saw anythin' s'cause I was lookin'. Just on the inside of the thumb and forefinger, in that little stretch of flesh." She holds her own finger forward and shows where she speaks of. In Tav's fingers, there is always some sort of dye or the next. Excess moisture from leather and the like. "No shame in it. Means yer not idle, and that's fine by anyone's standards, lady." On the subject of food, Tav is more than happy to agree. "Some cheese, if you don't mind," and some cheese, indeed, is plucked from Vanya's offerings and is nibbled upon. "So how is it that you two know eachother?" She looks between her two companions curiously.

"I'm fairly certain this month's circuit will be the last I do until spring," Vanya comments. "Once the snow sets in, some places will be impassable, I'm afraid. I thought I might see if I could find a rider willing to take me to the cotholds during the winter," she ventures. "I'm just not certain if that would put a strain on the weyr, and that's the one thing I don't want to do. I still haven't written to the Hall to see if I can beg them to give me back my post." The questions about H'kon catch her off guard, and there's a bit of a blush to her cheeks now. "Sometimes," she replies. "Other times ... no." The request for food means she's spared from saying much more at the moment, and soon the basket is passed to her companions. "Help yourself. I do tend to grab a bit more than I should, but so often others join me out here." A pause, then, "H'kon has his ... moments. He can be very sweet when he wants to be."

Ellaia looks between the two, only for a second though with the talk of spankings and grins at Tavaly, "So you can run that fast then. I don't think I remember a time when I got that paddle from my mum. Been a while." A look at the food stuffs is given, her lips brought between her teeth as she ponders, taking a piece of fruit. Before taking a bite she throws out her own words about H'kon, "I actually got a full sentence out of him once, but I think it made his brain hurt, so after I got two words here and there." She grins at Vanya, her tone easy and light, teasing of course. When the greenrider shows her where she saw the ink she looks back down at her own fingers, "Well, I guess it was one way to be able to find me afterwards if you wanted to then huh?" A roll of her shoulders into a shrug, "I don't mind hard work. Did that at Big Bay with my brother on one of the ships." She looks to the healer though, taking a bite of her fruit, to supply the answer to Tav's question.

"Pardon my sayin' so but far as I met 'im, I doubt th'feller's got a true sweet muscle in his body." Or outside of it, but Tav's not one to say such in the presence of delicate folk. Today. "And if you need a ride here and there, please don't hesitate to ask me whenever. I'm usually holed up in the weyr for the winter, anyway. Would be nice to get out now and then." Ellaia's statement about ink and marks earns her a grin. "I like t'thank my dance partners afterward. So, thank you! I hope I didn't kill your feet too terribly." The greenrider winks to the scribe, then focuses on the cheeze, and again on Vanya, still seeking answer.

"I met Ellaia in the records room, I think," Vanya finally replies to the question of how they met. "Or, it might've been the living cavern, I don't recall. Oh, wait --! It was here, at the lake, actually, last fall. She and B'ren were doing their skinny-dipping thing. I warned them about catching cold, but neither of them would listen. A healer couldn't possibly know what she was talking about, after all." Oh, yes, there's teasing in that tone, and a laugh follows. "H'kon is ..." She shrugs. "It's just his way. He's a very private person." Well, let's state the obvious here, Vanya. "He just ... doesn't talk much, and before you ask, it does cause problems. We spend about as much time misunderstanding one another as we do --" Okay, let your imagination fill in that blank. "He can be sweet, Tavaly. Those moments are just few an far between." She shrugs, giving up on trying to explain the brownrider. "Arekoth's leg is improving, at least. It'll never be completely healed, but it's not as stiff as it was this time last year."

Ellaia brings her hand to her face, covering her eyes as she remembers the cold winter day and the dare that got her into the cold water, a blush creeping up her neck to color her cheeks as well. "Oh my, I was hoping that you might forget about that. I can't believe that man dared me into doing that. I thought we would be sick for several seven days." She reaches out to push on the woman's arm, if close enough, playfully of course. "Oh, yes you were right dear Vanya, but still. I couldn't pass up a dare. Especially from that greenrider." She rolls her eyes at the thought and glances over at Tavaly. "You were a perfect dance partner actually. I'm just glad that I was able to take Vanya's place, considering..." she says with mirth dancing in her eyes. Getting back around to H'kon, "Doesn't talk much. Nope. He sure doesn't. Good thing I met a few on the ship and learned how to be more fluent in 'grunt'." the words sliding off her tongue, a soft laugh following it.

"Perhaps you could get him to talk during /that/, at least. Even if it is more grunting and whathaveyou." Tav waves a hand at Vanya's potentially not-so-clean statement. "He was a crab to me, and I even offered to repay him for his help. Never have I met a man that made me want to break a bottle of wine over his head after I'd offered it to him as payment." Tav says, frowning, then side-glancing at Ell and grinning from ear to ear. "Don't go skinny-dipping with greenriders, lady. We're bad news. Even badder when we're in the water." A wink, and then Tav is slipping down the face of the rock. "Hate to cut our little visit short, but seems I may have company up in my weyr. I'll bid you two a good eve and hopefully remember how to walk in the morning." She winks at the pair of women and limp-jogs toward the bowl wall with Immath drying off in aerial spins far overhead.

Vanya chuckles. "I never forget a patient," she says to Ellaia, "and B'ren was in to see the healers within three days of that little escapade." Her head gives a shake, but it's in mirth. When the greenrider scoots down from the rock, Vanya watches and nods. "It's all right, Tava, I'll forgive you -- and I'll probably take you up on your offer to drop me at the cotholds. It'll mean I can see them during the cold and flu season, which is so very important. It doesn't take much for a simple cold to turn nasty, and there're a lot of kids at Darkwater." She smiles. "It's good to have you back," she says, glancing up as Immath heads out of the water toward her rider. "Drop by my room sometime, and I'll get your that ointment. I should have it made up in a day or so." As for the comments on H'kon. "Sometimes I think a thump on the head might improve things somewhat. It's a shame he doesn't take after Arekoth. That one's quite the flirt, you know?"

Ellaia nods in agreement with Tavaly about getting H'kon to talk, chuckling softly at the idea of breaking a bottle over his head. "Well I don't think that I would go that far." She cants her head a bit, rolling her eyes with a shake of her head, "Oh, is that some sort of warning Tavaly? Bad news are ya? Well I'll have to find out for myself. Any time you feel like skinny dipping just let me know. I've done it once and can do it again." she teases the woman. She watches her move off, "Nice to meet you. Thanks for the lovely dance again." She turns back to Vanya, "So how are you doing? Its not like we've really had much of a chance to talk. You said another circuit in the spring?"

Vanya, too, watches Tavaly depart, then turns her attention back to Ellaia. "Oh, I'm doing all right," she says, picking up some cheese from the basket. "I've been sorting out a few things in my head, is all. Needed time to think a bit after the last go-round with H'kon. Things have been ... odd, lately." She nibbles a bit of cheese, then takes a sip of her luke-warm tea. "We had an argument just before my last circuit, and it's just taken some time to get it all sorted out." She shrugs, taking a deep breath. "Other than that, I'm fine." A pause, and then Vanya brushes crumbs of cheese off her dress. "Yes, this month will be the last circuit for this turn, unless I Tavaly and Immath give me a ride. Snow gets deep in the passes, and I'd never get a runner and pack animal through it. So ..." She shrugs. "I expected that, though. Figured I'd warn the cotholders I might not be back until spring thaw."

Ellaia picks up another meatroll, chewing on it thoughtfully, "Odd lately? I'm not sure I should ask. And I hope that maybe its a good kind of odd." She takes another bite, glances off in the direction that the greenrider had taken off too. She opens her skin to take a sip, concern in her eyes, "I hope you are fine. I would hope if you need anything you can come find me." she offers. The women are sitting next to each other, the sun almost down, sharing some food by the lake, having a quiet conversation, though not private enough for others to not join

Miyamurath swoops down, nearly standing on a wingtip as she shows off her agility for any who might be watching. Folding her wings she neatly hops to the ground, lifting her head and warbling her happiness. B'ren slides off and is barely on the ground before Miyamurath's wings spread and she springs aloft again, hovering there. Just because she can. B'ren frowns, "It's a long walk to the Living Caverns from here." The green snorts. You need the exercise. B'ren lifts his eyes to his green and sighs, and starts trudging in the direction of the caverns.

"Oh, it's not a really /bad/ odd, just ... things got a little strained between us, is all. We had some misunderstandings, but it's better now." A pause. A nibble of cheese. A sigh. "I think. I'm not really sure. I get the impression he wants more from me than I want to give, but I'm never certain with him. If he'd just come out and tell me what it is he wants of our relationship, I'd be able to give him a better answer than I have." She shakes her head. "It's like there's something inside him which just won't loosen up enough for him to /talk/ to me." There's a soft chuckle and a shake of her head. "At least he broke down and escorted me to the masque. I didn't expect that, since we'd been arguing. That was nice of him. Afterwards, we went up to the spire and talked for a bit. So, I /think/ things are better." And then she's distracted by the wing-tip landing of Miyamurath. "Ah, well, if it isn't the skinny-dipper himself," she says, teasing Ellaia, waving in the greenrider's direction, though it's unknown whether or not he sees her. "And, by the way, you can come with me on that last circuit, if you'd like. Company would be nice."

Ellaia looks up when she hears the wings of the green, smiling gently she calls out to B'ren and his lifemate, "Hey there beautiful. Making sure that he gets his exercise I see." She chuckles, then looks back at Vanya, "Well talk to him about it then? I can see that he is fond of you of course, in his little ways." She pauses to think a moment, "I don't know him that well, but of course conversation doesn't seem to be his strong suit. He seems to open up around you more though that the rest." Another look to the lake at the mention of the Masque, "Well at least that is a step in the right direction."

Miyamurath lands again and hops forward towards Ellaia, dipping her muzzle for a caress, should the woman oblige. B'ren rolls his eyes. "She thinks I'm getting fat," the fit rider laments, "just because I'm wearing thicker clothes as the weather cools." The green snorts at her rider. No, you're getting fat. B'ren sighs, much distressed (sure) and then flashes a grin, "Who are we talking about, then?" he asks the two women.

"Hello, B'ren, Miyamurath," Vanya says, drawing her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. The sun has just about slipped below the horizon, but it's still quite light outside. "You're looking lovely tonight," she tells the green, smiling at her. "Oh, we were just talking about H'kon, brown Arekoth's," Vanya replies. "He's a little on the taciturn side at times." She watches the green dragon come toward Ellaia. "I think she likes you," is teased at the other girl, then back to the rider. "How've you been, B'ren? I've not seen you out and about much lately. Been busy?"

Ellaia chuckles and slips down from her spot where she's seated, reaching out to touch the green to give her a scritch. "Hello B'ren. Nice to see you again. And of course your beautiful Miyamurath." She gathers up her things, sighing softly, "Well I wish that I could stay longer. I've got a few more records to work on before bed." She smiles at her friend, "We'll get together soon. I would definately love to go out on a circuit with you. We can talk about it more." She offers a smile to the greenrider, "its been too long B'ren. I hope we can have dinner or something." She waves as she heads off.

B'ren offers Ellaia a wink and a wave before swinging around to smile at Vanya. His eyes roll to the sky, "Psh, H'kon. You can do better than that. Me, for example?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows. Miyamurath pouts for a moment as Ellaia leaves, and then turns her attention to Vanya. Scritch?

"Definitely, Ellaia. Rest well when you do," Vanya says, nodding to the woman as she prepares to leave. And, then there's a lovely green dragon asking for attention. "Oh, how fickle we women are," she teases the dragon, reaching up to scratch at those perennially itchy eye-ridges. B'ren's remark has the healer laughing. "Oh, you're as big a flirt as Arekoth," she tells the greenrider. "It would serve you right if I took you up on the offer. Remember, I'm a healer. We're the evil ones who poke, prod and prescribe medicines." And then she laughs.

B'ren winks, settling down on the ground, "And who says I'm not in to that sort of thing?" he teases right back. "But I know one thing, I don't beat around the bush. If I want something, I come right out and say it." He shrugs, "So, want to go to bed?" Miyamurath croons softly, leaning into the woman's scritches. No! Not until the scritching is done at least.

Vanya is just a little startled by the greenrider's bluntness. "Ah ... don't take this the wrong way, B'ren, but not right now. Things are a little complex with me right now, and as much as I'm flattered by the offer, I have to decline." She's polite about it, at least, and thankfully she can look at Miyamurath so the rider doesn't see the deep blush on her cheeks. "I thought you and Ellaia were ... well, a couple?" she queries. "You certainly seemed very interested in her when I first met you. I hope you didn't have a falling out?"

B'ren shrugs a shoulder, not seeming to feel strongly one way or the other about her decline. Then he chuckles, "Oh, Ellaia's great, but I like to keep my options open," he says flippantly. "With Miyamurath rising to mate so often, I can't very well settle down, can I?" The green breathes a low wuff of relief and stretches luxuriously before curling her tail around her haunches and crooning deep in her throat.

"You are such a pretty thing," Vanya croons right back at Miyamurath. "No wonder all the boy dragons chase you." It's easier to tease a dragon than a person, and Vanya does enjoy stroking and petting those gentle giants. "Well, keeping your options open is always a good idea, and I suppose you're right about not being able to settle down. Not that there's anything wrong with either, mind you. It wouldn't be very practical for a rider, all things considered. Flights would play havoc with a marriage." She doesn't seem to have any particular inflection on the words, either. "Did you two fly 'Fall today?" she queries. "I'm not certain which wings went up, but everyone came back safely. No injuries, what a relief." And, yes, she's keeping up with the scritching.

B'ren shakes his head, "No, we didn't fly. We're not scheduled for a few more, so we can relax." The greenrider rolls his shoulders and then pushes himself up, "Well, I'd better start treking to the Caverns for my dinner." The green dragon seems disinclined to move, and warbles. Have fun, B'ren.

Considering the air has turned decidedly cooler with the sun finally setting behind the mountains, Vanya reluctantly stops her scritching of green dragon eye-ridges. "Actually, I should be heading inside myself," she says with a little shiver. "It gets cold after dark these days." There's a sigh, and a final, gentle stroke of Miyamurath. "I'll give you scritches again, pretty lady," she promises. "You just find me if I'm out at the bowl, and I'll give you plenty of attention -- if Arekoth doesn't get in the way." She has to laugh. "I could use some hot tea, and the living cavern's probably cleared out from dinner by now." She slides off her rock, brushing dirt from her skirt and picking up her basket. "You take care, B'ren," she says, heading off toward the opposite side of the bowl.

tavaly, vanya, b'ren, ellaia, rp

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