I'll Be Careful, I Promise

Mar 20, 2007 01:38

IC Date: Day 11, Month 6, Turn 3, 7th Pass
Players: Vanya, H'kon, Arekoth, Ellaia, D'ven
Location: Feeding Grounds
Synopsis: Vanya gets some good news for a change, and goes to share it with Ellaia and H'kon. Ellaia gets called back to the records room, but D'ven makes an appearance. Then he's called away, leaving H'kon and Vanya to talk about her circuit.

Feeding Grounds,
Late Afternoon

A white-washed fence cuts an arc across the bowl here, penning in the various beasts that serve as food for the Weyr's dragons. The area itself is large enough for several herds of animals and is the only place in the bowl where greenery might be found; a few small, twisted trees and shrubs are scattered along the rock wall to provide minimal shade. The fence is broken in two places, once near the northern wall where a wide gate can be found, and once again at the lake where it ends and the water takes up the task of keeping the herds penned in. The tunnel to the beast pens is situated near that single gate. The clear summer sky has been hidden behind a dense wall of clouds. They aren't dark enough yet to threaten a storm but the air has grown humid and heavy.

Ellaia blinks a few times when the rider turns to look at her, a look of understanding dawning on her features, "Oh, a joke." she laughs, "I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not used to you joking." She smiles at the man, "No...not nevermind. It was good." She leans against the fence, arms resting over it, watching Arekoth finish off his first beast, settled in the feeding grounds. H'kon is leaning back against the fence facing the brown as the two talk together."

Walking is a good form of exercise, particularly when you've been cooped up inside all morning. There's a bit of a spring to Vanya's step, too, which might be the result of just getting outside and seeing a fine day. Or, it might have something to do with the piece of hide which peeks out of her basket. At any rate, her walk has taken her toward the herdbeasts, where a familiar brown dragon is apparently satisfying his appetite. "Afternoon, you two," she says, striding toward the fence where H'kon and Ellaia are standing. "Lovely day, isn't it?" She glances over toward the brown. "And you're looking particularly fit and handsome today, Arekoth," is added with a grin. "Is this a private party or can anyone join in?" she quips, grinning.

"Well, it was his joke," H'kon offers as some explanation. Eyes drift closed, and then his head is tilted downward so that a little smile might better be hidden. By the time the bloody-muzzled Arekoth has emitted a rumble to Vanya, and then left the bones of his most recent kill in favour of springing into the air, H'kon has mostly recovered. Whatever amusing quip was given by the brown is not shared. The final tinges of amusement fade from his voice throughout the course of noting to Vanya, "Hardly private. You're welcome, of course." Quick glance to Ellaia for confirmation.

Ellaia turns to look at the other woman, a smile turning her lips up, "Hello there Vanya. Of course you are welcome." She motions her hand around at the feeding pens, "I don't consider this a private place to say the least." She takes a moment to study her friend, eyes taking in her demenor and bounce to her step. "You seem to be well? Or I hope you are." She chuckles at H'kon softly then looks at Arekoth as well, wondering what was said between them, but of course doesn't ask.

Vanya laughs, glancing back over to Arekoth as the brown takes off for the sky. "I'm doing well, yes," she says, smiling at the other girl. "I heard back from the hall today, and it was very encouraging," she announces. "I've been granted permission to ride a small circuit of cotholds nearest the weyr. The hall was ... well, they seemed very enthusiastic about it all." She glances then to H'kon. "And, you'll be glad to know each of them is only about a day's ride from here at the farthest, on very well-traveled roads. There's really no danger, except from Thread -- and I should be able to time my circuit to avoid that." She positively glows. "Master Sonji was ... well, the letter sounded like the Hall was glad to see me interested in a circuit." A pause. "It's a step in the right direction, I think. Maybe it's a way of proving myself, and I can get my posting back."

It's difficult to maintain a proper degree of concern when the woman is in such an uplifted mood. Between this, and his dragon's comments, H'kon actually smiles. He turns fully around, hands reaching out behind him so that the fence might still be used for leaning. Even for the atmosphere, he only has a few words to offer of, "It would be good to have your posting again... And if the circuit is a short one..." Head is bobbed a bit more emphatically. Arekoth, meanwhile, is delighting in swooping low to panic the herds, now that his immediate hunger has been sated, not much bothering to catch right away.

Ellaia looks over in the direction of the weyr, someone waving towards the group, getting the record keepers attention. She rolls her eyes and jumps down from the fence. "Well I guess they seem to be able to find me where ever I try to hide." She hears th words of her friend about the circuit, "You got it? That's great. We can talk more about it later, I would love to hear about it more?" She looks out at the dragon for a moment and then to H'kon. "Thanks for the company. And Vayna, I'm happy for you. I'll see you both soon."

"Take care, Ellaia," Vanya says, grinning to her friend. "Yeah, they can always seem to find us when there's work to be done," she agrees, nodding as Ellaia hops down and starts off. "I'll see you later, then." And then she's turning toward H'kon. "They're all fairly close, yes, and safe. I shouldn't be gone for more than a seven-day unless there's an emergency." She smiles at the rider. "It means I can do my work again, H'kon. I can be a useful healer again. I'll be careful, I promise. I won't take unnecessary chances, I give you my word."

H'kon offers Ellaia a quick nod, and, "You're welcome," as she leaves. The briefest glance is sent after the records keeper, before the rider's eyes flick from side to side as the information Vanya is giving him is processed. Though for a time there's no more direct facial expression, after studying her a moment, a certain warmth might be noted in those pale eyes. "I am happy for you," is said in a tone that can only be sincere. "You seem... happier than you have." Though he stands up from the lean, there's a degree of ease to his posture. A quick widening of eyes, and sudden, stretched smile, might have something to do with Arekoth's swooping down upon some poor and terrified beast. Or that might well just be coincidence. "Do you know when you'll start, then?" is queried, with the brownrider taking a step toward the healer.

"Sometime in the next few weeks," Vanya replies, setting her basket on the ground and taking up a position next to H'kon at the fence. "I am happy, H'kon. Even though I know I'm a good healer, and being removed from my post here wasn't as much for incompetence as it was politically motivated, it somehow it still made me feel like I was ... inadequate. This helps. I feel ... better about things," she explains. "More ... well, just happier. I'll miss you while I'm traveling, but I won't be gone for long, and there are people out there who need a good healer. I'm helping people here, yes, but ... oh, it's just somehow different." She leans on the top rail, watching Arekoth terrorizing the herdbeasts. "He's such a show-off, isn't he?"

H'kon turns to be fully leaning on the fence, sliding over just enough so that his upper arm can be lightly in contact with Vanya's arm - though surely it falls nearer her elbow, for their difference in height. H'kon just nods slow as she speaks, eventually craning his neck up a bit to note, "I am certain you will do well... I will miss you also, but it is good to hear you... like this." Arekoth has that poor struggling beastie in his talons now, and is lifting him off to his former spot, where the remains of his first course of the meal still sit. "He is... He is doing very well today. He had a joke earlier. Ellaia missed it entirely." A bit of a smirk. Good moods are contagious when the sun is shining and your dragon is well fed (or getting there), apparently.

There's the sound of footsteps approaching, D'ven having found time for a short walk. When he sees Vanya and H'kon he stops up short, not approaching any futher for the moment and instead just standing where he is, hands folded behind his back, and watching with a thoughtful smile.

Vanya has to chuckle at Arekoth, shaking her head. "He's such a brat," she declares, but it's a teasing kind of tone. "His leg seems to be moving well today," she adds, watching with a professional, practiced eye. "Looks to be a lot more limber, now that it's warm weather." Apparently she doesn't notice it's D'ven approaching, but that won't last long, since she does hear the footsteps. "I'll be careful, H'kon, I promise. I won't take any unnecessary chances, and I'll make sure Thread isn't falling near where I'll be. It's just this is a chance I can't afford to waste. If I do well, it could mean I get reposted here." She looks at the brownrider seriously. "I can't tell you how much that means to me." And then she's glancing around, and spotting D'ven standing not too far away. There's a smile offered to her friend, and a nod. "Afternoon, Weyrlingmaster," she greets, her tone light and ... well, happier sounding than it's been in a long time. "C'mon over and join us?"

"You do not have to explain to me," that brownrider replies, looking back up to the woman, his own expression serious of course, though perhaps with a new degree of comprehension; empathy, even. "Even I can tell." As she greets D'ven, H'kon starts a bit, straightening up, and shifting just a bit away from Vanya. He at least manages to resist the urge to salute, even if he's all but standing at attention. A nod is given to the other dragonrider, before a quick, accusing glance is sent to Arekoth. The latter is busily eating, and not paying much attention to much else.

"Honestly, what is it?" D'ven replies with a barking laugh and a shake of his head. "One of my friends is calling me by my title, and the other is standing straighter than a dick in a whorehouse." There's another shake of his head, this one more amusement and affectionate than the previous, as he approaches to stand with the other two. "Seriously, unless the Weyrleader is standing behind me, you can relax. And if he has standing behind me, Hello Weyrleader."

Vanya chuckles at D'ven, her eyes dancing. "Hello, D'ven," she amends. "Nice to see you out of your office. I was beginning to think your new weyrlings were holding you hostage." She gives the bronzerider a wink, glancing over to H'kon as the brownrider stiffens slightly. "You've such a colorful way of putting things," D'ven is told after the "whorehouse" remark, though there's a bit of the professional in Vanya's eyes as they give the Weyrlingmaster a once over. "I trust you're taking time to eat and rest? I'd hate to see you get sick because you didn't take proper care of yourself. I might be forced to tie you up and give you a nice, relaxing massage. Wouldn't that be horrible?" A brief pause, and grins again. "Seriously, though, it's nice to see you. I was just telling H'kon I heard from Healer Hall, and I'll be riding a small circuit soon."

"Ah. Sorry..." Bite at his lip though he does, H'kon is quite unable to find any better excuse for himself, and is left with pointing out, "No. No Weyrleader." No longer leaning on that fence, hands move to link behind his back, stance broadening a little. As Vanya sets to teasing the bronzerider, H'kon contents himself to study the occasional clump of dirt or collection of pebbles near his feet.

D'ven grins. "Well, that's good to know. I'd hate R'vain to be standing behind me and me not know." It's clear he's joking, and he too finds part of the fence to lean on. "Oh, don't, Vanya. I'm already hearing about my health from...well, everyone. The kitchen keeps sending over food, which is kind of nice of them." There's a slight shake of his head, followed by suprise. "Circuit riding? Sounds interesting. Plenty to see."

"I hope so," Vanya says, regarding the taller bronzerider for a moment. Yeah, she's assessing his health; you can tell by the way her eyes flicker over his face and physique. "Most of the cotholds don't have a posted healer, you see. I won't be gone but maybe a seven-day out of each month, which leaves me plenty of time to see patients here, too." She smiles, nodding at what D'ven says about the kitchen. "That's good -- as long as you're actually /eating/ the food they send, not just letting it sit and get cold." Oh, well, she does know him. "And, I fuss at all the riders, you know. H'kon gets his fair share of nagging." There's a smile offered to the brownrider beside her. "Oh, will you relax?" she says, giving H'kon a gentle poke. "It's not like we need to be formal, considering it's just the three of us. D'ven's not going to pitch a fit if you don't salute. We're not one of his weyrlings, after all." It's a teasing smile she gives H'kon, now. "How are they doing, by the way?" she asks of the bronzerider. "They look to be a handful."

H'kon is indeed paying some attention to the conversation, despite any apparent distractions, and is roused by his name. Well, and the poke. A twitch of a grab, that undoes the 'at ease' sort of stance, is made after the offending finger, in time with, "I am relaxed." With something to prove, now, the shorter man pushes his shoulders back a bit, looking up to D'ven. A moment of clear mental searching, and then, "Arekoth likes Peloth... I assume she is interesting?" Forced. But at least an attempt. (And that brown dragon is still busily making a mess of himself with that second 'beast.)

And, no sooner than Vanya asks about the new batch of weyrlings than a runner comes flying up to the Weyrlingmaster, babbling something about how he's needed back at the cavern for an emergency. D'ven, with a murmur of apology, abandons the healer and brownrider. Vanya smiles fondly after the tall, blond man, shaking her head. "I guess they're more of a handful than even I thought," she remarks, turning around to regard Arekoth and his herdbeast. "I feel for him. It can't be easy being Weyrlingmaster." She's quiet for a few minutes, then, "I don't exactly know when I'll be heading out for the circuit. The Hall is sending maps, and I'll need to arrange for a runner. I'm not a great rider, but I suspect I can stay on one of the beasts long enough to get me to the cotholds."

H'kon, oh so relaxed, stiffens right back up as that runner comes to fetch the Weyrlingmaster. It's still with a straight back and upward-tilted chin that he gives the faint agreement of, "Apparently," for Vanya's comment. Arekoth is nearly finished this second beast, now, taking his good, sweet time in licking at a few rib bones. Vanya's reard is indeed noticed, and the brown shows his teeth, complete with blood and hanging bits of meat. Nice. Having come down from alert, at least a little, H'kon moves to settle back into the slightest lean against that fence. "You will get better on a runner, then... and perhaps you could then teach me to ride," is suggested, referring back to a past discussion. Head cants a little, and there's a more serious, "You will let me know which cotholds you will be going to, when you go?"

Vanya nods. "I will, yes. It's always good to have someone know where you're going and when you're expected," she explains. "That way, if something happens on the road, the cothold can send word if I don't show up." There's a pause, then a shrug. "It's not a perfect system, but I'll be sure and give you my itinerary before I leave." She pauses again, then, "I'm sure things will be fine, H'kon. I'll take all the proper precautions, and make sure I know where I'm going. I'll write letters to the cotholds, letting them know when to expect me each month, too. Like I said, all four of them are within twenty to thirty miles from the weyr, so it's not like I have a huge, long distance to travel. I'll have plenty of food and water with me, and the maps will have trader places marked in case there's unexpected Threadfall. My father did circuits for seven cotholds every month, so I'm sure I can manage four." There is a fond smile for the brown dragon, even though the grin he offers is a little on the grisly side. "Now that is a formidable sight," Vanya remarks. "No wonder some people are scared to death of dragons."

H'kon looks Vanya over in a way not fully dissimilar to the inspection she'd given D'ven just earlier. Of course, his eye is not trained, nor indeed searching, for quite the same thing. It's a moment before the brownrider is content, giving his favourite, "Huh," and tilting his head now to peer after his lifemate. "Good," is decided in time, once the travel plans have been allowed to work through his brain. "You do know it is not that I don't trust your abilities..." there's almost an upward hint, and indeed this sounds as a question. "It's just... Yes, you know." Arekoth receives a bit of a smirk. "He used to actually work to be gruesome in his eating. To see if he could draw attention from the dragons in our clutch... I suppose it is not quite the same now. But... it also is." With a heavier lean up against the fence: "He will likely need another kill after this before he has finished..." Fair warning?

If there's one thing being a healer has taught Vanya it's not to be squeamish. Arekoth's eating isn't nearly as bloody and messy as the operations she's seen at Healer hall, and, at least they're not on human beings. "Oh, he's all right," she manages, nodding toward the brown. "I've seen farmers whose table manners were similar." A chuckle, then, sobering, "THank you for that, H'kon. I really do know what I'm doing, and I'll be careful, I promise." She's assured him of this several times already. "My skills will be needed, and maybe this means the Hall is taking another look at me. I may even be reinstated here. Faranth knows I've been trying to keep out of gossip and let things about E'sere and Yevide die down."

The dragon shifts from licking the bones of his kill to licking at his muzzle, and in time, his attention shifts back to that beast. Far too long without a stampede. And so it's up, up into the air. The brownrider gives his traditional little grimace at the mention of E'sere, and that whole business, though it's more of a flinched expression than anything drawn out. Nonetheless, a hand is reached forward so that he can brush at her elbow with his fingertips - a short-lived touch, but seemingly enough to at least have H'kon contented for the moment. "Yes. It would be good if you were reinstated." A glance up to his airborne lifemate, who sets to swooping and diving and generally terrorising the beasts again. Surely this will be even more drawn out than the last, if his pattern is anything to go by. "Yes. After this he will be done." Break. Momentary silence, but for the thudding of hooves against the dirt, and other sounds of startled animals. Then, "I've made something for you. It may be useful in this new endeavour; I am not certain. It wasn't the original intention... When Arekoth is done, we will fetch it from the weyr for you." And H'kon resumes that lean fully, both arms braced on the fence, set to wait until that described moment comes.

Vanya's own posture mimicks H'kon's, and she places a foot onto the bottom rail. "Another gift?" she says, obviously surprised. "That's very sweet of you, H'kon, but you don't have to spend all your time making things for me." It's a modesty she possesses showing through. "I'll love it, of course, no worries of that. But you don't have to make things for me." But her smile is warm and sincere, and there's not a woman alive who does't enjoy getting presents. "We could have dinner together in my room, if you'd like. You can give it to me there."

When I do not sleep, then I must do something," H'kon replies, perhaps an expression of his own sort of modesty. A shrug of his shoulders comes here, and he adds, "This is something I've been planning for some time. The design kept changing, so there are different models already throughout the Weyr - in the kitchens, an dother places." A slight nod of his head goes to the offer of dinner, H'kon completing the acceptance with, "That would be nice." The rider's attention is then turned to Arekoth's sport and hunt, and that infamous companionable silence, perhaps more peaceful than it has been in some time, with the recent turn of events, easily finds its place once again until Arekoth is ready to leave.

"Well, I'm going to take a run to the baths," Vanya announces. "I'll see to getting dinner to my room afterwards, and maybe I can even be persuaded to play a bit for you tonight. I've learned a new piece for the gittern." There's a smile given, and her basket is retrieved from the ground where she set it down. "I'll see you in maybe an hour? Then we'll have a nice, quiet evening in, and maybe you can help me plan my route." Then, with a swift lean, she brushes her lips over his cheek, whispering, "Thanks for believing in me..." before she turns and heads home.

arekoth, d'ven, vanya, ellaia, h'kon, rp

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