Let's Keep it a Girl Thing

Sep 26, 2006 20:31

IC Date: Day 26, Month 6, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Nari, Vanya
Location: Baths
Synopsis: Just a short scene where Vanya meets up with Nari again, and they end up discussing possible ways for Vanya to repay T'ral's "kindness" in letting her know about Susannah.

The bathing cavern is divided into a number of large pools, each spacious enough for ten to fifteen people. There is one cold-water pool with the remainder being given over to water warm enough to fill the air with swirling clouds of steam. Each pool has been tiled in blue and white and boasts benches along the sides to allow people to sit and soak. Alcoves in the walls have been hollowed out to provide places to store clean, dry towels and various other bathing paraphernalia.
The corners of the room have been decorated with potted ferns, brought here from Ista Island. They are pampered and fussed over by the staff who keep the baths clean and stocked. The plants provide a cheerful splash of color in an otherwise pale and steamy cavern.

It's been a long couple of days, and though Vanya has managed to hold herself together, there are times when she needs to escape. It's actually early enough that the baths aren't crowded, and she's managed to find one of the smaller, hotter pools. Here she lounges, letting the water ease her tensions, and relax her a bit. Not that it stops her from thinking, at all, but it does make what she's thinking about easier. Yevide's murder, E'sere's kindness, D'ven's concern when he heard Vanya had been left alone with valuable evidence. All of it. So much to sort out. And her personal feelings about the riders, and all kinds of other confusing, conflicting thoughts.

Someone is in here hiding. Or at least if it's not intentional, Nari is doing a good impression. She's squirreled herself away into a corner, partially obscurred by the abundant fronds of a nearby plant. There's several moments in which Nari is oblivious to the fact that she's no longer alone, nor has been, apparently for a while. There's a faint splash as she moves, blinking a bit. "Oh. Hi."

Vanya's eyes open and she looks over, recognizing the newly arrived rider. "Nari, hello," she says, smiling. "I'm afraid I was lost in my own world over here," she apologizes. "So much to think about these days. Are you settling in all right? Get assigned a weyr, yet?" she asks, sitting up a bit, not as concerned about the nudity any more. "If there's anything I can do to help, please just let me know." She reaches over and picks up a bottle from a basket, opening it and pouring a bit into her hand. It has a fresh, herbal scent that wafts on the steam. "I was being lazy for a bit, before washing my hair."

"That's quite alright." Nari seems a bit more self-conscious then the average weyr resident, keeping her distance for the most part. "Yes, there are many things to consider, I've settled in alright I suppose. I was assigned a weyr and I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll manage." She sticks to the obscuring folige. "Don't let me disturb you."

Vanya nods, and smiles, then dunks underwater to wet her hair. Then, working it into a lather, she scrubs at her scalp. "I take it that you and Wingleader Br'ce have known one another for a long time," she remarks, just making conversation. "He seems a very nice individual," she adds. "I had only met him earlier that evening. Apparently, he and I share a penchant for tossing rocks when things are on our minds." She continues to wash her hair, and not really looking over at the other woman, giving her that privacy Vanya tends to share.

"We were friends well before we were Searched." Nari admits, her voice holding several seemingly conflicting emotions. "He and I are both Benden Blooded, not directly of course, but connected. We always seemed to understand each other as children. When I went to Benden Weyr during my Candidacy, he... was a comfort. The familiar in the midst of all the new."

Vanya listens, nodding now and then. "I'm related to the Lord Holder of Ruatha," she says, and there's a bit of hesitancy there. "My mother was his sister, actually." That's all the info she really imparts. "I believe I've seen the Benden leaders on occasion. Not since I left for the Hall, of course. And I was much too young to be part of any entertaining the Lord Holder did before I left. I used to watch from one of the side rooms." She seems a little ... vague about it. "I can imagine it was nice for you to have a friend during candidacy. I remember what it was like to be first at the hall. I was the only one from Ruatha there. It would have been nice to see a familiar face."

Nari nods, ducking under the water and pushing her hair out of her face when she resurfaces. "Ah, well then you do understand a bit." There's a vague smile, all in all the girl looks... well. Preoccupied. And with nothing overly happy. "Br'ce was a comfort." There's a twitch of a smile. "When D'ven and T'ral weren't teasing us raw anyway."

Vanya chuckles. "Yes, both of them seem to enjoy teasing," she replies. "I must think of something suitable to repay T'ral for his little joke about Susannah. A full body cast and traction comes to mind," she adds chuckling. "Oh, don't get me wrong, though. I'm not upset, and I can see the humor. I had a good laugh over it afterwards." She pauses, rinsing her hair a second time. "Would you like some homemade shampoo? It's a little nicer on the hair. I make it myself, and there's plenty to share. It's much better than the sand." Vanya falls quiet then, rather noticing she's doing most of the talking. "I'm sorry, I'm just blathering on. I realize that can be annoying sometimes. Please, just tell me to shut up. I obey orders well." Nothing upset in the voice or words.

There's a soft chuckle. "You're not annoying me at all." Nari continues to mildly tread water as she soaks. "Shampoo? Sure, I suppose. My dragon and I both have a penchant for cleanliness. "The best way to deal with those two is to simply not rise to the bait. However if there is a prank you have in mind, consider me a full co-conspiritor."

Vanya laughs, passing the bottle of pale green liquid over to the other girl. "It's not as abrasive as the soapsand. I have a kind of liquid soap I use, as well, if you'd like." She gestures to the basket. "I've heard some comments on all the girly stuff stinking up the baths, but I think it smells nice." As for T'ral and D'ven, Vanya gives a bit of a laugh. "D'ven and I ran into one another earlier, and went up to the waterfalls. Thanks to Teraneth, it wasn't a long trip. He did come clean about Susannah to me, but ... I think T'ral needs a bit of a lesson. It's not nice to tease healers, for we are evil and have access to all kinds of things." There's a devilish hint to her tone. "I should think of something, but I don't want to offend him or the rest of the wing. I do see the humor in the situation."

"Phht. You'll not offend. You'll likely make friends forever. Riders are the ultimate boys, Vanya. In order to get along, you generally need to be one of them." Spoken like someone who's chosen that path. Nari accepts the shampoo and sniffs it. She pours a dollop into her palm and starts to work it into her hair.

Vanya nods. "I've never been around many boys. I had an older brother, but he apprenticed when I was too young to be a pest," she explains. "I like them, Nari. And I can see why they do some of the things they do. When you face death almost daily, you tend to live a little harder between times. I didn't understand that really until I got here." Then, as if she realizes that Nari, too, faces that same death, she looks down at her hands. "I don't mean to exclude you from that. I'm just not used to women being riders. I think it's a good thing, mind you, but most of us don't get the respect for being a professional like the men do." She's quiet a moment, then, "Well, I'll think of something appropriate to do to him. Nothing harmful, just ... I need to let them know they can't get away with it but once, maybe twice." The humor is back in her voice now.

"Don't worry over it." Nari seems used to that sort of thing. She ducks under the water again, rising her head. "Well, like I said, let me know if there's a way I can help." There's a pause and Nari says, "You might have an idea with the traction. That is if you could honestly spare the bandages. That would be more than a little funny to see."

Vanya laughs. Well, old bedsheets would work for that, actually. No need to use real bandages," she says, then gets an odd look on her face. "As a matter of fact, we're short bandages and a few other things down in the infirmary. It's odd. There was plenty in stock, but now... I must speak to Neiran about it." Then, dismissing that, she grins. "Some students did that to someone at the Hall. It was a marvelous joke. He'd just made Journeyman, and they celebrated a little too much. He was an incurable prankster, and he passed out -- I /suspect/ with a fixed drink, if you know my meaning -- and they put him in bandages, both arms and legs in traction, then told him he'd had a bad fall and would be that way for ...oh, something horrible like forever." Her eyes are twinkling. "Of course they let him up after about an hour, but it did set him back a bit."

Nari laughs lightly in response, smiling. "As I imagine it would. You know... I think we could likely get Br'ce in on this as well. Or perhaps D'ven. I'd have to check. But in anycase I think it would be /quite/ funny."

"Actually, I'd rather not involve the guys. Maybe ... just keep it a girl thing? My only worry is upsetting his dragon or his weyrmate. I want to have fun, not make enemies. The guys might enjoy it, but women are ... well, I'm acutely aware of what upset women can do." She sighs, really uncertain. "I know that Br'ce has a weyrmate, Aida, and there was already a bit of a misunderstanding between us over something in the infirmary. I'd rather not upset her, or anyone else." She pauses. "But, it would be funny, and I suppose I'd have to let someone know about it. Maybe T'ral's wingleader, at least. I wouldn't want to upset anyone. I am new here, and all."

Nari tosses Vanya a curious look. "You and Aida? What over?" The topic seems to interest Nari to the degree that she abandons her previous distance enough to wade closer. Curious.

Vanya blushes slightly, but maybe that's the steam. "I had been drinking D'ven's mead and ... well, I kind of let my big mouth run away with me," Vanya explains, embarrassed. "There's an injured rider, T'zen, and one of my specialties is long-term recovery. Neiran is his primary healer, and I kind of spouted off that I was going to see to it that T'zen recovered." She pauses. "Aida is close friends with Neiran, and thought I was over-stepping myself. I was, and I wasn't. Neiran planned for me to work with T'zen, but that news hadn't filtered down to me or anyone else. It was awkward, and I sounded like an egotistical bi -- well, I just sounded bad." A pause. "Aida didn't take it well. Not angry, just put me in my place."

Nari ahhhs and nods. "Yes. She can be direct." There's something there. "But in anycase, I've been hiding in here long enough. Zally is telling me I need to pay attention to her. Forgive me." Nari offers another wan smile as she makes her way towards the edge of the bathing pool.

"It was nice to meet you again, Nari, and if you really want to help me, well, just let me know," Vanya says. "Take care, and clear skies, rider. My best to Zalmayth. She is a beautiful green." And then she simply goes back to bathing, pouring another kind of "stinky stuff" into her hands and working it into her hair.

t'ral, susannah, vanya, joke, rp, nari

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