A Most Interesting Seven Days

Dec 19, 2006 01:04

IC Date: Day 25, Month 12, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Jandor, Kale, Issa, Vanya
Location: Living Cavern
Synopsis: A typical evening in the living cavern, with a few high points. Jandor drinking is fun to watch!

Living Cavern,

Large enough to hold the majority of the Weyr's human population, this cavern can become loud enough to deafen thanks to the acoustics caused by its size. The ceiling is so far overhead that it's cast into shadow, a darkness that is broken only by the spark and glitter of a lucky beam of light striking the minerals found in the rock walls. Below, most of the floor is covered with an assortment of long tables and benches. There are some smaller tables, surrounded by chairs, but privacy appears to be a rare thing in this bustling cavern. Large hearths line the west wall, with fires burning day and night to warm the food and drink that keep the Weyr's inhabitants fueled. The serving tables are near the hearth, opposite the dais that holds the single table reserved for the Weyr leadership and honored guests.

It's no subdued corner of the caverns for Issa tonight; she's right in the middle of the dinner rush, squeezed onto a bench between her wingmates. They linger over a finished meal, empty dishes scattered across the table in front of them, and talk loudly about any number of subjects, their conversations layering on top of each other with an easy, amiable manner. Jokes fly across the table, followed soon by laughter that lifts and rumbles to join the normal buzz of the cavern. Issa is a quieter contributor to the antics, sitting calmly amidst the exaggerated gestures and boisterous banter of her male counterparts, her amusement writ more quietly in the sly smile she wears. There's suggestions of a card game being tossed about at the moment, and a couple of the louder blueriders are getting anxious to separate to a more serious table.

Another person lingering over her dinner is seated at a table near the hearth, soaking up the warmth as she seems to be going over several hides. Stylus in hand, Vanya appears to be reading from one hide, then jotting down words on the other hide, then comparing that to a third hide in front of her. An empty plate with the remnants of dinner sit to one side, a mug of steaming hot tea within easy reach. Whatever it is the healer is doing, well, it is pretty intensely studied for a long moment before something is scratched out, and something else written above it in smaller letters. The others at her table pay her no heed, and the woman seems to be lost in her own world at the moment. They soon drift away, off to find more lively company, perhaps. The expression on Vanya's face appears quite thoughtful, the non-nibbed end of the stylus tapping at her cheek or clasped between her teeth as she studies.

Struggling to bring out a large plate, Kale seems to straining to gather up his strength to move along the plate. On the plate is a quivering cake which he seems to be carrying towards Issa and her fellows. "Heads up!" He offers as he moves to sit it down on the table. "Watch this." The young man says and taps the centre of the cake and the cake itself quivers before a small crack develops in the middle and suddenly white vanilla liquid bursts from the top and covers the entire cake. "Ha! It worked! It worked!" He beams. "Come look Vanya! Come look! This was what I was cooking the other day." The young man, having seen Vanya as he passed the hearth she was sitting at.

Issa, just then leaning across the table to slip a humorous observation to a brownrider, jerks back upright as a cake is slid onto their table. Blinking her surprise, she turns her gaze to Kale and offers a little smile, greeting with a soft, "Hello." "This for you, Issa?" a dark-skinned, wiry greenrider asks teasingly, elbowing a nearby bluerider to gain his attention away from talk of cards and poker. Issa brushes off the comment with a glare and a good-natured smile, however. "What's this?" she asks of Kale, turning her attention back to him.

Hearing her name seems to snap Vanya from her preoccupation with the hides and she looks up with one of those "huh?" expressions on her face. Her head turns from side to side, trying to locate the source of who called her, finally spying the tall, assistant cook at a table of riders, only one of whom she actually knows. Since the tables are not all that far apart, it's easy for the healer to see the "exploding" dessert, and she realizes this is what Kale meant the other night. She nods in one of those "ah" kind of ways, smiling. "Nice," she says, uncertain if she'll be heard all the way over there, but doesn't, at the moment, make a move to stand up. That could be caused by a number of reasons, not the least of which is she doesn't want to risk losing her seat by the warm hearth. The other is because a knot of people are standing right behind her chair. "Looks good," she adds, nodding.

"An experiment." Kale says, chuckling softly as he looks to Vanya and winks at her as they obviously share a joke. "It's called my volcanocake." He offers. "I was working on it a few days ago and it didn't work the first time." He snickers, laughing. "Come eat some!" He tells Vanya. "It's for you too. Your table was too crowded to sit this down and I had to sit it before it exploded in my face, or I dropped it."

"Whoa, Reyce better watch out," the lanky bluerider, otherwise known as G'bit, teases, a deck of cards running a rustling shuffle in his hands. "Men are out to buy Issa's heart with sweets. Might have had more success with wine, but..." G'bit shrugs and shares a grinning shrug with the shorter greenrider who drew his attention to the situation. That greenrider contributes a tease of his own. "If I baked you a cake would you make eyes at me, too, Issa?" "If I thought you were, in the least, capable of understanding flirtation when it hit you in the face, J'no I might do just that," Issa counters with a wide, sweet smile. "Touche," the greenrider quips laughingly, then turning to address G'bit on the subject of the particulars of the poker game. Issa turns back to the book and leans her elbows onto the table, leaning over the remnants of her meal. Brows lifted, she surveys 'the experiment' and says, "Well, cut us a piece, then."

Vanya looks a little frustrated for a moment, perhaps not particularly wanting to move from her cozy spot near the hearth. There aren't all that many people at her table, but she does have several hides spread out, so that does take up some room. "In a moment," she calls to Kale, holding up one finger in that classic signal of not this instant, "I need to get this finished before I forget what I need from it." Research, then. She's known for that, after all, and rumor has it she's been spending a lot of time down in the records room lately. Whatever it is she's doing, it's more important than dessert -- or is at the moment, at least. "Looks delicious," she adds, head once more bending over the hide. "Save me a piece." Yep, whatever it is she's doing, it's taking her mind off of sweets. Unusual, that.

"Aah.. I will, but it's not pieced." Kale offers before he nods to the others. "No pieces." He reaches down into his small bag and pulls out spoons. "It's a free for all!" He tells them and holds the spoons out towards the riders. "Please enjoy!" He says, grinning.

Issa accepts a spoon with a mildly surprised look, but her curiosity drives her hand toward the cake. The riders to her right, however, wave off the offer of spoons, pushing back from the bench along with a few of the other riders. G'bit hang back a moment, stopping his card shuffling to whisper something into Issa's ear before he straightens to his full height again. Issa grins around the bite of volcanocake, the sound of a chuckle escaping just as G'bit steps away to find a smaller table for their game. "It's great," Issa compliments generously to Kale as she looks back, leaning forward to snag another bite. A remaining brownrider and his blueriding wingmate across the table from her also partake and mumble their thanks before devouring more, carving chunks into the cake. Issa pauses in the lifting of a bite to her mouth to cast a glance back at the delaying Vanya; it's only allowed to linger for the span of a heartbeat though, before she turns her smile back to Kale.

Jandor arrives in the Living Caverns with the stomping of heavily booted feet shaking off the snow that is to be found outside. He is easily visible, given his bredth of shoulders. Of note is the fact that he is picking his way up the center of the living cavern with an extremely careful, extremely precise step that is kind of amusing to see in a man of his size. He shuffles, half dancing and half moving as though he is on ice towards the hearth, the gathering crowd and most of all.... the smell of food. This strange, mincing balet of a walk is soon explained as he draws near for a half-empty skin is clutched to his chest as though it was a precious baby. The healer, today, is clearly drunk. His face is somewhat redder than usual, and not from the wind either. Plesant smells of expensive alchohol surround him, and his overtly-precise movement is accentuated by the unabashedly cheerful expression of his bearded face. Indeed, the Healer is the picture of someone who is roaring, loaded drunk and doing his best to pretend that he is not.... and failing.

Vanya finishes jotting down that all-important information, then sets hide and stylus aside. Excusing herself to those standing behind her, she rises, moving through the chairs to where Kale stands. "A small bite, then," she says, nodding toward the soon-to-be-decimated volcano-cake, and she holds out her hand for a spoon. "It looks delicious, but I'm fairly full from dinner, and I have a ton of work to finish before tomorrow," she explains to the cook. Leaning forward, she dips her spoon into the cake, eating. Her brows lift and she nods. "That's very good, Kale. Worth the effort of exploding flour all over the kitchen and yourself?" It's a teasing query, nothing more. And then she turns to Issa, nodding. "Hello, Issa. My greetings to Oshisyth (sp?). I hope you're both doing well?" There's a smile in there for the greenrider, and nods to those others gathered at the table. "My greetings to you all, and my duty to your lifemates," is added for the other riders present. Jandor, for all his mincing ballet steps, is not, at the moment noticed.

Kale does notice the rather stumbling Healer and he motions to one of the assistants to hurry over to help the man. It's a nice young blonde girl. "Thanks." He mouths to her before he turns back to the others and grins. "Yeah, the stuff was fun.. It's part of the enjoyable aspect of cooking." He reaches out with his own spoon and scoops some into his mouth. "Yum."

"H'lo, Vanya," Issa greets casually, looking up at the healer, a spoon held at the ready. "How's your work going? Sinopa keeping you up to your ears in home remedies for split ends?" It's as good-natured as the teasing exchanged between her dear wingmates, and delivered with a charming smile to boot. Her attention follows the blonde kitchen assistant that Kale hails, mouth quirking with amusement held in check when she sees the drunk Jandor and the skin he cradles. While she spoons another bite of cake into her mouth, she watches him idly for a few seconds, then turns back to await Vanya's response.

Vanya glances away from the cake and to Issa, her brow lifting in ... well, it could be amusement. "Hardly," she says, chuckling. "Nothing quite so trivial, I'm afraid. /That/ I could hand her ready made, since I make my own shampoo and conditioners." There's a bit of a smirk on her lips. "No, this is something else entirely, and only one of about five things I'm researching. Some for her, some for me. Just keeping busy doing my job." Another bite is taken from the cake, then the spoon is laid down. It's then when she takes note of what Kale did, and her eyes move to take in the rather inebriated Journeyman Healer. She watches Jandor with an eye to his movement, wondering if the girl will be strong enough to hold him up if he should topple. Her expression doesn't exactly hold approval, but it doesn't really look upset, either. Rather neutral, all things told.

Jandor is intercepted by the assistant of Kale's and his eyes light yup. "Well!" He says, loudly. Very Loudly. "A young woman come t'help me, eh? Will ye be helpin' me all the way back tae m'cot, or jus' over t'tha' food o'er there?" This is said in an incredibly sweet tone as though to scare her off as he politely declines any physical help, instead continuing to balet his way over to where the food is. As he nears Issa, he notices the idle look and he visibly wiggles his bushy eyebrows at her. It isn't an amarous sort of wiggle, although it COULD be mistaken as such. Then Vanya's look is seen and with some difficulty he redirects his forward course towards her. He doesn't seem like he's going to fall, so long as he doesn't try to move quickly -- and he isn't. After he reaches a position of being a few feet away from her -- alchohol fumes quite palbable -- he takes a breath and steadies himself to speak again. "M'heard about what happ'nined t'ye. Fardlin' shame." There is a pause. "No." He says out loud. "Good gentlemen dinna hit on t'ae nice Healers." This seems to be a statement to himself, although everyone else can hear it. "What're ye plannin' t'do?" The last bit for Vanya.

"For the healers.." Kale mentions in idle conversation. "What's the best way to make someone fall asleep?" The young man mentions as he scoops up some of the cake to slide it on the plate. "There wouldn't be anyway to slide some of that in this cake, would it?" He asks, much more softly as he looks to Vanya. "Hm?"

But Issa's attention has detoured to Vanya, ignoring that brow waggle from the other healer in preference of the conversation she's started. "Five things, hm? Like what?" she asks casually, then quickly adds, derailing the spooned piece of cake she'd been bringing up to eat. "If it's not prying," she adds quickly, waving her spoon lightly before slipping it past her lips. But then Jandor arrives, supported by his little blonde assistant. Quietly, she watches, chewing over her bite of cake.

Since apparently everyone seems to know about her dismissal, Vanya doesn't seem overly surprised when Jandor asks his questions. "I'm planning to take advantage of opportunities as they come to me," she replies smoothly. "I still have my knot, and I'm still allowed to practice medicine, just not as a posted healer to the weyr. Which doesn't disallow me to offer my services to anyone I choose, /and/ accept payment for them." Her lips curve in a rather pleased smile. "Since the weyr chiropractitioners are very over-worked, I can provide the same kind of pain relief at a more convenient time." There's a little smugness about her answer, but it's not rude. Kale is given a quirked brow and a decided "No," nothing more. But Issa? Well, Issa has her attention for the moment. "Various things. Mostly I'm working on something with a rider that will help injured dragons. It's proving interesting, if nothing else." Not a word on what she's doing for Sinopa. Nope, nope.

The eyes of the drunken healer flit to Kale, his mumbling apparently caught on ears that have no right being that precise after that much alchohol. "Well. T'best way tae get 'im t'fall 'sleep is t'have as many relations as possible with 'im or 'er until they pass out from sexaustion." He actually says sexaustion. It's a new condition that Jandor has invented because it sounds good at the moment. He beams at Kale, and sways slightly on his feet. "But, I s'pose ye mean medically and fer that, t'ambience is the most important. Quietness, relaxation, etcetera." He then swings back to Vanya and Issa -- nodding slightly. "I see, I see. Why are you so fixed on 'Reaches? Why not take a postin' elsewhere?"

And Issa doesn't press. She's just a curious passer-by, after all. "That sounds interesting," she contributes to Vanya's explanation of her research, nodding the whole time. From there she is attentive, merely listening, her spoon held idly aloft without even a hesitant effort driving it toward the special cake again. Jandor's speech merits a silently mouthed repetition of the word 'sexaustion,' amusement compressed into a small smile that's not allowed to rise any further.

Jandor is looked at quizzically. "Sexhaustion?" she repeats, the brows lifting. "Well, that's certainly descriptive, Jandor," she adds, chuckling softly. Issa, for the moment, is forgotten as Vanya's expression turns thoughtful. "I'm not sure. Partly because I like it here, and partly because I feel I don't like to leave a job half-done. I began working with some of the riders on warm-up exercises, and I'd like to continue, at least the research portion of the experiment. So, I can either leave it unfinished and leave -- ending up Faranth knows where, incidentally -- or remain and see it through." There's a pause, and Vanya adds, "Also, Sinopa has hired me as her assistant. I'm not the kind to leave someone in the lurch, not when I'm being allowed to remain if I choose. So, I choose to stay." There's a small curve upwards of her lips. "Besides, I like it here better than just about anywhere else I've served. There're many things to be said for a weyr, not the least of which is very interesting events." A beat. "Or, non-events, as the case may be."

Kale sighs softly as he looks towards Jandor and tries to laugh softly at the man before he stares at Vanya. "What?" He wonders, blinking once again. "I didn't know, I'm sorry." he tells her before he looks at Vanya softly. "Well, enjoy everyone." He motions to the cake. "Make sure and eat up." He heads off.

Jandor sways on his feet once again, though covers it up with a fairly nimble sidestep. "Are ye arguin' that t'method dinna work?" He leans forwards towards Vanya. "Tell ye what. Let's head back t'somewhere quiet, 'n perform an' experiment!" He suddenly blinks at himself. "Huh. T'where'd that come from? Dinna remember say'in that. I mean, I thought it..." His brows furrow as he looks confused. "Did I jus' make a pass at.." He asks Issa, then turns around and fixes his face on Vanya with a look of great apology on his face. "Lass, I'm really sorry for bein' inappropriate at ye. I tried t'not say it, an' I don't 'member moving my lips, but.... I think I turned my head, an' it came out my earhole." He lifts a broad hand, scratching at his head with a little bit of an upset edge. "Anyway, uh. Who's your friend?" He looks towards Issa and nods at her.

"Good for you, I say," Issa speaks at last, the contribution slipped into a lull while she jabs her spoon in a gesture at Vanya. "Though it must be hard to leave the important work of the infirmary to just be someone's assistant." Just a comment, forgotten as soon as it's said. And as soon as Jandor insinuates what he insinuates. The amusement can be held back no longer and Issa's smile jumps into a broad grin. "I think you did," she assures him unhelpfully, nodding slowly as her eyes watch him so as not to catch a word of his drunken talk. Once he reaches the end, she uses his nod as her cue and introduces herself, spoon set gently on the table so she can offer her right hand. "Issa, rider of Oshisyth."

"I'm sorry," Vanya says, completely ignoring the entire "did I make a pass at you," part of the conversation. "My manners are slipping. I should have introduced you to Issa long before this. And, the young man who so politely invited your young blonde friend there was Kale, one of the assistant cooks." She glances down at Issa, shaking her head. "Well, I think everything I'm doing now is fairly important, all things considered. Certainly my work with the riders is, as is the project I'm working on with H'kon. And, Sinopa has been a good friend, so I really don't want to just walk away from her. Keeping track of ledgers and stores is fairly important, since it keeps the weyr running smoothly. So, I guess it all depends on how a person defines important." She gives a chuckle. "Mind you, I enjoy working in the Infirmary, and I am free to volunteer my services if they are needed, so, honestly? It's like having the best of both worlds, and, no, I have no idea why the Hall has taken this stance with me. I'm not going to look a gift runner in the mouth, however. I intend to make the most of my time here."

Jandor is really trying to be intellectual. He's trying so very, very hard and it's probably humorous as he sways on his feet again. Obviously, the thing to do is consume more. He uncorks the skin, releasing a rather interesting scent. Sweet, fruity, but very sharp and most defenatly high in alcohol content. Aimably, he offers it to Issa after tipping some back into his lips. "Good t'meet ye. I think m'Jandor. Journeyman Healer. Trauma spec-ul-ist." He has to say the last word slowly. "M'not nearly like this normally." He stares at the hand for a moment and sort of flails with his ineffectually. "Forgive me for not bein' polite. Hand-eye co'rdination is goin' fast." Back to Vanya his attention goes and he takes a very deep breath as he attempts his reply. "Coulda used ye t'other day. Wee bit of a rough fall. Few people came in hurt." He nods at her, though, and winces as though he regretted doing it. "Anyway, as long as ye are keepin' yourself satisfied 'n busy. I'd wondered a bit, I did."

"Nice to meet you." The greenrider, however, retracts her offered hand to wave off Jandor's offer of a sip, that wave transforming again into an indicating point at her own glass that still holds a finger of red wine. That done, she turns to Vanya, smile turned up sweetly as she works on banishing the mirth that cropped up in response to Jandor. "Oh, I didn't mean that it wasn't important, in it's way. I just meant, well... to go from saving lives to keeping records for Sinopa. Seems like you'd get bored not saving the Weyr, that's all." Her smile doubles its sweetness briefly, then she turns her gaze down to the spoon, fingers fiddling with it to spin it around on the table idly.

"I hadn't heard from Healer Hall yet, so I couldn't help," Vanya explains, and she seems a bit upset at this. "I did what I could for the unhurt riders, though, passing out food and water. That was something, at least." She glances over her shoulder toward her own table, apparently satisfied no one has bothered her research, or the hides she has unrolled on the table-top. She does seem somewhat amused at Jandor's condition. "Is there a celebration or something I've missed?" she asks in a bemused tone. "Usually someone who has this much to drink has a reason." But Issa draws her attention once more. "Saving the weyr? Well, I'd hardly equate what I've done in the Infirmary as saving the weyr," she says with a good-natured chuckle. "I was but one of many who did what they could to maybe ease the pain of wounds, that's all. And, yes, I admit I miss it, but I'll be there often enough, I'm sure. Sinopa knows my first love is healing, and has encouraged me to continue my projects while still helping her."

Jandor nods at Vanya once again and immediatly regrets doing it. This time, he actually puts a hand on his forehead, closing his eyes for a moment. "Wow." He says, lightly to himself before straightening up. "Ye sound lucky that you've a Weyrwoman t'take you under her shoulder." He then blinks at Vanya's question. "No, No cele'bration. I think...I think I was drinkin' on my own an' got bored. So, I came 'ere and I'm dissapointed now because I can't find what I'm lookin' for. M'all confused, too." He blinks though, innocently. "Y'dun need a celebration t'get drunk. S'just fun. I put in too many hours so, now I got some forced time off." Issa is squinted at. This is to say, one eye is closed and the other held open as he attempts to focus on her. "M'not a drunk, I promise." He insists. "S'just t'odd day an' circumstances. I apologize if I stare at ye, 'n make inappropriate comments. M'really can't help it."

Issa nods over Vanya's answer slowly, still smiling brilliantly all the while. Nothing more is said on the subject, she merely accepts the healer's words. But her eyes are drawn sideways to Jandor again, her gaze lingering there before she turns her face toward him. "Don't worry. I'm used to it." Calm and collected, if thoroughly amused, in the face of his drunken antics, it would indeed seem that she is.

"Nothing wrong with having a drink or three, and many hours of work is certainly as good a reason as I've had on occasion to over indulge," Vanya says, smiling. "Why don't you park yourself in a chair, though. I'm sure Issa and her friends don't mind if you join them," she suggests. "I'll even invite myself, as well. I've done as much as I can tonight." She pauses a moment. "If you'll excuse me, I'll just go collect my things." And, she does just that, moving briskly back to her table to collect her hides, and then to deposit her dirty dishes in the appropriate bin. Armful of file carefully held, she makes her way back, choosing a chair and sitting down. "To comment on your earlier words, yes, I consider myself lucky to have a friend like Sinopa. She's been very helpful to me for these past few months. Despite what the Hall feels, if I hadn't had her work to help me, I would have gone mad during my leave."

Jandor considers this for a moment as he leans forwards, studying Vanyas with his one open eye. "M'love tae, but.. m'gotta find what I'm lookin' for. Ye know how t'is. When yer lookin' for somethin' an' ye got yer head set on it. So, m'gonna take m'leave and stagger 'long, much as it stinks t'divest myself of such beautiful comp'ny." He looks between Vanya and Issa to indicate he means both equally. "So. I'll see ye both later." And with that, he flashes each a surprisingly disarming grin -- teeth white beneath the beard -- and begins to pick his way up the tunnel towards the lower caverns.

Issa watches Jandor leave, head tilting to mark the drunken stagger as he walks away. "I never get tired," she comments to Vanya, "of watching drunk people. Always amusing." The spinning spoon drifts to a stop under her fidgeting fingers then is abandoned near the cake plate. "I, however, am due to meet Reyce any minute now." She makes her excuse with an almost sheepish smile but rises from the bench without delay. "I'm sure I'll talk to you later, now that you've decided to stay here at the Reaches." It's familiar, friendly, almost sisterly the way she delivers that. Her hand even reaches out to gently pat Vanya's upper arm, the contact fading quickly as she returns her hand to her side. "You're free to finish off the cake with my wingmates. Though I'm not sure what good company they'll be." The two, a brownrider and a bluerider that had been engaged in a debate about the pros and cons of having your laundry done by the same laundress that shares your bed, look up and give Issa a devilish smile. She waves her goodbye, then turns to say her farewell to Vanya. "Have a good night, healer."

As Jandor makes his way out of the cavern, and Issa takes her leave as well, Vanya smiles and nods, wishing him a pleasant evening. Turning back to Issa, she smiles and chuckles. "Yes, it can be most amusing, until they start to get belligerent. It's less amusing then." She glances at the cake, shaking her head. "No, I think I'm going to call it a night, actually. I'm sure we'll run into one another again, Issa. My duty to Oshisyth." The other riders are likely too busy debating to notice the healer as she stands, still smiling. As Issa takes her own leave, Vanya turns her steps toward the lower cavern and home. She's not certain why, but she feels a certain amount of satisfaction. It's been an interesting few days, that's for sure. Gathering her things, she rises and turns her own steps toward the lower caverns and her room. Yes, it most certainly has been a /very/ interesting seven days.

vanya, kale, rp, issa, jandor

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