Ten More & Then Rest

Dec 15, 2006 13:38

IC Date: Day 15, Month 12, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: H'kon, Vanya & Arekoth
Location: Dragon Baths
Synopsis: Another evening of working with Arekoth in the hot springs. H'kon and Vanya talk while Arekoth works on exercises and getting his rider to be a little less awkward.

Hot Springs,

This large natural cavern is heated by the same mechanism that warms the hatching sands. Fed by a spring, the waters that fill the center bowl are warm enough to steam and deep enough that a bronze might almost float after following the gentle slope down into the pool. There is room enough there for several dragons, provided they mind their wings.
To the right of the entrance tunnel, a second pool has been hollowed out of the rock. It's much smaller than the first and is intended for use by the human residents of the Weyr. Alcoves over the pool hold extra towels and pouches of 'sand.
Glowbaskets have been raised on poles around the lip of the larger of the two pools. They end three-quarters of the way into the cavern, leaving the rest in perpetual shadow. The rear of the cavern is gloomy, its wall broken by a number of small crevasses.

Thankful to be out of the miserable weather outside, Vanya is in the heated water without much preamble. Arekoth is hard at work with her encouraging him, guiding him and instructing him through his rider. The leg is examined carefully, her hands gentle, her voice soothing. "I'm liking what I'm seeing here, H'kon," she says, glancing up at the rider across the dragon's injured leg. "He seems to be following instructions very well, and I did get to discuss the liniment with both Neiran and Roa, and both said it shouldn't hurt him any."

Arekoth certainly is following instructions well. The brown's head tilts from one side to the other, basking in the praise coming from the healer. The occasional thrumming rumble from his chest further expresses his pleasure at being seen for what a diligent and clever beast he is. H'kon, for his part, is in the water as well, though off to the side, arms crossed over his chest to make the strangely chiseled muscles along either forearm stand out all the more. "We've been doing these at least once every day in the water," the brownrider offers as information, a hint of a smile in his voice no doubt stemming from his dragon. His tongue polishes idly at his front teeth, and a slow nod is given for the news. "When did you want to first apply it?"

"Probably when we finish," Vanya says, indicating the basket of bottles she has with her. "Now, I can't actually massage his muscles like it can a humans, but the lotion itself may help. Remember, this is just a bit of trial and error here, but I promise I won't do anything that will bring Arekoth harm. There's nothing in the lotion that will hurt him." She moves her hand to the injured leg, running it along the surface of the hide, probing just a little. Her other hand rests on the brown's shoulder, patting him. "I think, though, that Roa gave me an idea that might be interesting to try." She regards the leg for another few moments, then says, "All right, that's enough for right now. Go soak and relax for a few minutes, then we'll work some more. We don't want to over-stress the joints."

H'kon's following nod is gruff, not unusual. A snort from the brown, before he takes a few paddle-steps away from the healer, is translated as a rather smooth, "I'm sure it's strong enough to keep going. But we'll wait until you're ready." The name of a goldrider was enough to perk the man's interest, and it's of his own volition that he moves forward in the water, arms uncrossing and fingers playing at making little ripples over its surface, toward Vanya. Having at least somewhat filled the vacuum left by Arekoth's departure, the question of, "What is it Roa suggested?" is posed.

Vanya relaxes in the water, sitting on one of the ledges that seem to be convenient for such resting. "Well, we were talking, and I'd asked her to check the recipe for the lotion. We both agreed that it' difficult for a human to massage a dragon, and were kicking around ideas. One she came up with was to create a device that might move over the muscles like ... well, I can't think of a better way to describe it than wheels." She moistens her lips, expression thoughtful. "When I was at the hall researching for my Journeyman's paper, I found this diagram of a small device with rounded wheels that apparently was used to roll over a patient's back. I'm not certain exactly how it was used, since that was a while ago, but I'm thinking of something like that which could be used to roll over dragon hide and maybe work similar to a massage."

H'kon refrains from taking a seat along the ledge himself. Arms do eventually go back crossed, fingers squished against his sides to still too much of their business, which in aqueous settings tends to lack direction. "Wheels," H'kon repeats. Eyes are closed and eyebrows dropped as he attempts to envision such a thing. "I don't understand what this device would look like." Icy-blue is exposed to stare out at the world again. "You don't have one I could see?" One hand escapes its confinement, and knuckles are run against a bicep testily. "It would need reasonable weight to it... what was it made of?"

"The diagram I saw used a wooden construction, but I don't remember all that much about it," Vanya replies honestly. "It wasn't something I was planning to use, so I didn't keep a record of it in my notes. I'd probably have to make a trip down to Healer Hall and see if I can find it again. It wasn't very big, though, and anything geared toward a dragon would need to be larger, I think." She takes a breath, exhaling slowly. "I'm not sure this will work, even if I can find the right record. I can maybe sketch it out for you, but I'd rather have the actual schematics to work from."

"Wooden," H'kon nods. "Would need to be a dense wood." The lowered brow remains, occasionally looking almost painful as the man continues his hypothetical attempts. "Stronger. Still might have to be weighted, if it's going to make any difference." Now that thought has overtaken the majority of his energies, H'kon does indeed move toward that ledge, settling on it almost awkwardly, at a distance a little over what is polite from the healer. "A sketch might be good. I could probably figure out what all was needed... wheels are used in a lot of things." And so he has a lot of examples to use.

Vanya nods. "I can remember what it looked like, yes, but I'm not certain of the components and how they'd go together," she admits. "If you think you could help me design something like that, well, I'm all for it. I'm not even certain it would work, but it's worth a try, I'd think." She watches Arekoth for a few moments, then looks over to the rider. "It would have to be weighted, but it can't be so heavy that a person can't lift it, unless it was in some kind of rack or something. All that mechanical stuff is beyond me." She ponders a few more minutes. "And, in case you were wondering, I didn't mention specifics about who and which dragon to either Neiran or Roa, though I'm sure the weyrwoman can figure it out easily enough." A pause. "She was encouraging, about my being removed, and offered me several options I might explore."

H'kon takes his turn to offer a snort (Arekoth is too busy paddling to fulfill this function). "Obvious I'm going to help you design it," is said a bit harshly. "I'll try, anyway." Chest has been pushed out just a little during this proclamation, and it's slowly that his shoulders roll back forward. "A track would have to be designed either especially for Arekoth, or made changeable," he notes, one finger raising to tick this onto some sort of mental list. "It... is of no consequence if Roa 'knows'," he adds. "How close together were the wheels? All in a line, or spaced apart?" A blue-tinged dragon eye turns on the conversation, and almost meekly, H'kon questions, "What sort of options?"

"As I recall, it was a small device with several round wheels on axles that rotated when you pushed it over a body," Vanya replies. "There were four of them on the diagram I saw, and they were spaced in a diamond-shape, one, then two, then one. It had a handle that allowed the healer to hold onto it while they worked." She thinks another moment, then nods. "Yes. For a dragon it would have to be bigger, no doubt. I'll see if I can get down to Fort and find the diagram. It would likely tell you more than a drawing I do." She pauses, glancing out to Arekoth. "Well, for one thing, she mentioned that since I'm not being recalled to the hall and reassigned, I'm free to pursue a private practice here. As much as I dislike the idea of offering my services for payment, I'd have to do just that. Since I'm not posted here, I'd have to pay for my room, I think. But ... yes, I have options."

"I'm sure your drawing will be fine," H'kon ammends quickly. "I'm no good for pictures anyway. Just need an idea." There's the slightest reddening of his cheeks beneath the dark stubble; frustration at this confession. Arekoth is the first to react to 'offering her services for payment', a splash of his tail preceding a warble, which is accompanied by a cough of laughter from H'kon. "I'm sure there will be all kinds wanting to partake," shoots from the brownrider's mouth, spoken quickly and low. The blush dissipates, any personal failings forgotten for the moment. "I'm certain there are always options," he adds, shoulders still twitching gleefully, though the actual laughter was rather short-lived.

Vanya gives both dragon and rider a glance, expression slightly confused. "I'm not certain what's so amusing, but Roa seemed to be of the opinion that my skills will be needed here, so I plan to stay. I know a few people who are interested in learning massage techniques, and I'm still the only healer here who specializes in long-term treatment of injuries. I'm sure I'll manage," she says, moving a little on the ledge. "That, and Sinopa is more than happy to retain me as her assistant, so I won't be idle." She looks back toward the brown, then stands up. "All right, let him know we can go back to work, if he's ready."

Her lack of understanding only stretches a grin over H'kon's face, still somewhat lopsided, though more natural by far than his attempted polite smiles. "You need the image," he states simply to dismiss the thing. Arekoth offers a final warbled word on the matter, rotating slowly in the water to face the woman. Spirits still decidedly high, H'kon gives a firm statement of, "Arekoth hatched ready." He pushes off from the ledge now, toward the dragon. "Just tell us what we need to do. You're the one with the skills." Surely the bubbles from the dragon's nostrils, at his rider's final words, are unrelated.

Vanya moves out to deeper water, observing the brown. "Swimming is good, and it's deep enough for him to do that. I'd like him to swim about ten times around the pool, and then I want him to do the up/down exercises he was doing before." She returns the smile from H'kon, and even chuckles a little at the "hatched ready" comment. "Well, his stamina is good, and his willingness to follow instructions is more than I can say about some riders. Anyway, when he finishes that, he can soak a little more, and then leave the water. We'll dry off the leg, and I'll apply what I have of the lotion. I'm also thinking if there was a way to apply heated towels to the leg up in the weyr, it might help loosen the stiffness before he tries to use it."

H'kon's eyebrows lift as he nods his chin to Arekoth, and the brown moves to follow orders, his swimming looking as much like prancing as he can make it, with the over-emphasis to each stroking motion, and the stillness of the glide that is allowed thereafter. H'kon remains at the edge of the pool, though not seated there. "Hot towels," H'kon repeats. "I... am going to have to request more towels, then." A glance over his shoulder as Arekoth attempts to ensure that Vanya is still watchiing his majesty. "If you would show me where best to put them, though, we could do as much."

Vanya's eyes haven't left Arekoth, and she nods in approval of his "prancing" swim. "That's good, Arekoth. Really good," she says, smiling. "I'm sure there're plenty of towels, or even large pieces of cloth would do. Anything that can be wrapped around the leg to heat it. Does your weyr have a hearth? If not, you might want to get a good-sized brazier to heat water on. Then, just dip the towels into the hot water and apply them over the place that hurts him the most on cold mornings. There are herbs you can put in the water that might help, too. Wintergreen, mint, that kind of thing."

H'kon shakes his head at the question of a hearth, while Arekoth, encouraged, is well into his second lap of the pool. A shake of H'kon's head negates the hearth. "A brazier. And towels." Pause. "And -mint- now." His eyes fall on the swimming brown, and he murmurs, "You'll have to tell me where to come by the mint. Never thought to get as much. Luxury." Snort.

"Mint's easy to come by, and relatively cheap. Any trader will have some, and I've no doubt there's plenty in stores," Vanya replies. "The brazier, well, there're some of those in stores, too, or were last time I was down there. Most folks want the smaller ones. Less trouble to keep going." She smiles. "Look, H'kon, you don't have to do all this. Really. It's just something extra I thought of. If Arekoth can move well enough to get down here of a morning, it's probably not necessary. Heat is the key. As long as he can reach the dragon baths at least once a day, it'll be better for him. And, if the up/down exercises work, then that should suffice." She looks around at the dragon, nodding. "All right, he can start the exercises, then we'll get him out and dry him off."

"If it will assist a more full recovery, then we'll do it," H'kon states flatly. The man has moved a bit closer now, with Arekoth coming to stand in a more shallow area, and beginning to work his left leg and paw, as requested. Once again, he monitors the healer, and once again it is to check that she's monitoring him. "But I'll have to make a point of getting what's required. I didn't know they were, before." An expression of trust, even if not so simply stated. "How many repetitions of those lifts do you want done?"

Vanya's watching the dragon closely. "I think three sets of ten should do it, a break between each set in order for it to not get overtired. I know he's strong, and can likely do many more, but I want him to realize that this isn't an instant cure, and he shouldn't overstress the joints or muscles." She moves closer to Arekoth, nodding her approval. "Nine, ten," she counts. "Now, a few minutes of rest, just letting the water hold the leg up. Then again."

A heavy exhalation, the draconic equivalent of a properly over-emphasised, 'yes, /mom/,' is given, though Arekoth does as he's told. After, of course, a quick, hard flex of draconic muscle is given, to show just how serviceable that leg really is. "You ugo ahead and tell him that. I won't be able to explain it," H'kon notes to Vanya. There's a twinge of amusement again, and a rare, openly fond look has turned on his lifemate. It vanishes just as quickly, but that won't deny the fact that it was indeed there.

Vanya grins, and chuckles. "Well, I'm fairly certain he heard me," she says, gesturing to the fact Arekoth is, in fact, doing exactly what she said. After a few more minutes, she nods. "All right, Arekoth, ten more." She faces the brown, moving next to the injured leg, watching in closely as she reaches her other hand up to pat the dragon's shoulder. "You're doing so well," she croons, knowing that dragons, like humans, need that encouragement. "I'm so pleased with how it's going. You're doing very well." There's a fondness in her voice as she works with the dragon. "Annnd, rest."

Arekoth straightens and relaxes and lifts and lets fall the paw one final time, as directed. A self-satisfied rumble is given, the brown's head holding just a bit higher out of the water for a moment. At the word 'rest' however, he tucks in his legs and sinks below the surface, as one might slip into a hot bath after a cold day. Bubbles show up from his nostrils. "Hn," is all H'kon can say for his dragon's antics. And the brownrider moves quickly to the edge of the pool, and hauls himself out of the water.

Vanya smiles and swims a bit around the dragon, viewing him from all sides, apparently. "All right, one last set of ten, then out of the water," she instructs, treading water while she watches the big brown. "I'm very impressed with you, Arekoth," she says, nodding. "You've got to be one of the best patients I've ever worked with. Now, if only humans were as understanding and willing to do what they need to in order to get better, we healers wouldn't have all the hard times we have." She chuckles, nodding again as Arekoth performs the exercises. When the last one is done, she gestures toward the water's edge. "All right, let's get you dried off and see what we can do then." She makes her way to the pool's edge, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around herself, then padding over to the bench where her basket and clothes sit.

"He doesn't think it's easy to be much better than he is," H'kon puts forth, willing to distance himself from this statement with that use of the pronoun. "He's the best he knows of." This last is said with open skepticism. The brownrider has acquired a towel, and as he offers this last bit of speech, is rubbing a corner of it in his ear, drying that out. Arekoth, of course, does as told, exercising and then heading for the sloping exit of the pool.

Once Vanya is dried off herself, she puts back on her clothes, all except for the boots, which she doesn't bother with at the moment. The basket is pulled over, and two bottles of the lotion are extracted. She grabs a couple of towels, and moves over to kneel beside the dripping dragon. The lotion is rubbed over the dried hide, and Vanya looks up at Arekoth. "Do not lick it," she says firmly. "It has a bit of numbweed in it, and it'll make your tongue numb. You won't like that," she warns. The lotion is rubbed into the hide with sure, strong strokes, and probably makes Arekoth's hide tingle a little. "Now, the tingling sensation is just the mint working. It'll feel both hot and cold at the same time, but that's how it's supposed to feel," she explains.

Arekoth does not move to lick, though he does take a good wiff of the stuff. Which brings a sneeze. And not just any sneeze. A big brown dragon sneeze. "How similar is this to what you put on my fingers?" H'kon questions. It surely sounds more accusing than he'd meant it. A towel finishes drying his back, then his legs, and the young man is chasing down his pants. These are pulled up, and belted on. It's barefoot and bare-chested that H'kon makes his way toward Vanya now, kneeling to monitor her ministrations.

"Similar, but not the same," Vanya replies, watching the leg closely, not looking up. "Doesn't have quite as much numbweed in it, for one thing, and more mint. If you've ever chewed mint leaves, you know how it makes your mouth kind of tingle? Well, that's the mint working. It heats up but also makes the skin feel a little coolish," she explains. She doesn't seem to see any problem with skin reaction and nods. "It will keep the hide from being stiff, and I'm not certain how it works, but it also helps the muscles beneath the skin remain supple."

H'kon nods, both hands folding overtop of his upraised knee, his fingers clutching at each other, off and on. "Okay." Arekoth is keeping his nose well away from the stuff, his head turned to look in the direction opposite his foot. "The mint makes his nose tickle," H'kon offers as explanation. A slow nod is given, fingers releasing each other to stretch out, even as Arekoth's paw gives a twitch. Testing. "Do we have to do this forever, or will it actually help it heal?"

With a final swipe of her hand, Vanya rises, wiping her hands on a towel before she heads back over to sit next to H'kon. "Honestly? I'm not sure at this point, but we've just started. I can't really say much until we do this for a while. I'll keep a close eye on his progress, and see if there's improvement. You've already said what we're doing is helping, so that's a good sign." She picks up her socks, wiping her feet off on a towel before putting them on. Then the boots. The ones he fixed for her. Those are donned, the laces tied. "I'm fairly certain all this will help, but I've told you before I'm new at this. With human patients, it can take months to see marked improvement. I'm hoping it won't take as long with Arekoth."

H'kon has moved back to the bench no sooner than Vanya is wiping her hands on that towel. Arekoth is still refusing to point his muzzle at his paw, though the appendage is being stretched a bit more regularly now. Testing still. "I guess we'll see, then." Her boots are noticed, and H'kon's head tilts to the side to inspect these, and surely only these. "Those work?" A nod to the footwear.

"Indeed, they do," Vanya remarks, putting both feet on the floor and grinning. "I don't slip and slide across the bowl, and with a pair of thick socks, the fit perfectly." She stretches her feet out in front of her, regarding the heavy boots. "Can't say my brother would think them very fashionable, but they do the job just fine for me." She regards Arekoth for another minute, then says to him, "Try walking a bit, Arekoth. See if that joint's limbered up some."

Arekoth's excitement at the opportunity to stretch his legs is not easily missed. The dragon all but hops into an easy step - favouring his leg as per his usual. H'kon leans forward, closes his eyes, and soon the fiery brown is into a slower and more deliberate pace. Now the biped of the pair is willing to turn his attention back to the boots. "You can't see fashion in snow." The tip of his tongue slides between his teeth thoughtfully. "My feet are quite wide. I'm... please that they fit you, though."

"Like I said, a thick pair of socks takes up the extra room," Vanya answers. "They give my feet enough room, and don't bind. They're great, H'kon. Thanks." But her eyes are on Arekoth, now, watching him move. "I wish I could do more. It looks like he's moving better, though, the limp's not quite as pronounced. Unfortunately, he can't live in here where it's warm. We'll keep working with it, though, and if we can get that device made, well, maybe that will help the muscles. I'm just afraid my skills are too limited."

"Part of it, I think, is he's used to walking as he has done for so long." This insight
is murmured softly. H'kon, meanwhile, reaches for one of his boots, flips it over, and sets to cleaning the treads. Busy fingers... A rock is removed, and then fingers still. The brownrider's head turns fully so that he can regard her. "We appreciate what it is you are doing. I think it -is- helping." Arekoth continues his pacing. "Your skills seem to be serving just fine."

"I hope so," Vanya says earnestly. Then, "All right, Arekoth, I want you to stand still and evenly distribute your weight on all four legs. Gently, and if the injured leg causes you too much pain, tell H'kon. He'll tell me. We have to see how much pressure the leg can stand, you see." She rises, moving over closer to Arekoth. "I don't want you to hurt, but we have to see if it's getting stronger," she explains. A hand goes out to rest on the brown hide, and she does smile. "I'm encouraged by what I see, by the way. You're being very good about this, and I'm very pleased with you."

H'kon stands, dropping the boot, and leaving it there where it falls. "You won't hurt him," is all but chided, the rider coming up alongside the dragon, who has slowed to a stop and is standing. Wings are extended, ever so slightly, to assist with balance, and slowly, Arekoth eases the foot down. A point from H'kon has the dragon mirroring its position to that of the right front paw. And then the slow shift of weight begins, along with a rustling of wings. "Hold," is instructed aloud to the dragon. And, turning to the healer, "It stretches here. Not sure if it's pain. But it definitely stretches. Not sure it'll take more weight."

This is what Vanya needs to know. She quickly kneels, examining the leg, running her hand over it, feeling the strain and stretch of muscles. "All right, relax, Arekoth," she finally says. "I see where the problem is, but I don't know that my skills are good enough to fix it. I think I can help it, but those particular ligaments are torn, meaning they've separated from the muscles. At least, I think that's what's happened. Like I said, a lot of things regarding dragon anatomy we have to guess at."

Arekoth pushes his weight back toward his right side, the left paw lifting, relaxing, and then settled back down in its more usual manner. "How do we get them back attached to the muscles?" This comes as almost a demand from the brownrider, able to loom, if only for Vanya's kneel, and having made full use of it in observing her touch to Arekoth's twisted limb.

Vanya looks down at her hands, then back up to H'kon. "You don't," she says simply. "Not without a surgical procedure, and that's never been done, to my knowledge." She takes a deep breath, her expression grim. "I'm not a surgeon, H'kon. At best, I can stitch up wounds, but something like that -- it's beyond me. It's beyond most healers I know, with the extremely rare possibility of someone like Journeyman Neiran whose specialty is surgery." She shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I don't know what else to tell you. I can do what I can, and it will help strengthen the leg, I'm sure, but I can't cure this."

"Hmph." The air pushed from his lungs must accidentally vibrate some vocal chords, for the rider has nothing to say to this. A look shared with his lifemate, and H'kon turns sharp on his (bare) heel, and makes for the bench upon which his clothing had been discarded. Here, he goes to war with a tunic, eventually managing to get it up and over his head, and facing the right way. Arms are pushed through the sleeves harshly before socks and boots are looked to. Arekoth is far less abrupt, offering a low rumble to the healer, his head descending somewhat (even if there might be remnants of that minty ointment on him) in her direction.

Vanya's face is the picture of pain and sadness. "I'm so sorry, Arekoth," she whispers, reaching a hand to gently touch his muzzle. "I'll do what I can, and hope it helps, but I don't know what else to do." She strokes the muzzle, letting her hand convey her sorrow and dismay. "I'll talk to Neiran, and see if he can offer anything more. It may be I'm just not skilled enough yet, and there /are/ other things that can be done. I can only go by what I know of healing humans." And then she leans her forehead against the soft, brown hide of his shoulder, trying not to cry.

Arekoth croons something long and involved to Vanya, which H'kon doesn't go through the trouble of passing on. Now, clothed excepting his jacket, the man simply takes a few steps toward his dragon. "He'll be fine," is stated from behind the healer. Were she to turn, she might see the brownrider standing back on his heels, arms crossed over his chest, expression stoney.

But she doesn't turn, and Vanya continues to lean against the dragon's shoulder for another few minutes before she seems to pull herself together. There's a distinct "sniff" and then she's turning. "I'm not going to give up, you know," she says to H'kon. "I'm going to continue working with him, and maybe -- just /maybe/ -- what we're doing will give him more mobility and strengthen the leg. I'll consult every dragon healer I know, and see what they have to say. I'm not a quitter, even when things look bad." This is said with determination and fierce will. "Sometimes things aren't as bad as they look from the surface."

"I didn't think you would give up." This is pointed out in a type of monotone. Soon, the brownrider's eyes are forced closed once more by a more involved discussion. Arekoth shifts a little, to ensure he has room enough, before stretching his wings out, brilliantly displaying their scorched browns, and, of course, the physical prowess he possesses in relation to them. The mental argument ends, and H'kon opens his eyes, though one is widened more than the other, and his eyebrows mirror this. And now the blunt query of, "Were you /crying/?"

Vanya's cheeks are flushed, but that's just from the heat of the springs, right? And the dampness on her cheeks is from the hot air. She doesn't answer, just wipes a hand across her cheeks and eyes, moving away from the dragon now to the bench where she sits down and uses a damp towel to bathe her face. She wants to say no, but that honesty in her prevents that. So, it's a soft, "Not crying, exactly, no," for his answer. "I'm just tired, I think. It's been a long past few days."

H'kon stiffens as the healer moves past him, his gaze icy now in more than just the colour of his eyes as he tracks her progress to the bench. Arekoth takes a slight step, wings folding back up along his back once it seems he's made his point with his display. The woman's words have H'kon's jaw jutting out a bit, clenched. And then, quick as he'd left the first time at the assessment of Arekoth, the brownrider heads to the bench, and falls, heavy, though not expressly so, into a seat next to the healer. Not even keeping his usual distance. And an almost grudging, "I'm sorry," is offered.

"There's no need to be sorry," Vanya replies. "I'm the one who doesn't have the necessary skills to effect a cure. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I'm all right. I just don't know what else to do, but keep on keeping on, if you get my drift. I'm not giving up, but it's frustrating to see a problem and not be able to fix it. That's the /worst/ part of healing. When you know there's something more to be done, but you don't know how to do it." She shakes her head. "I wish I could do more, and I'm going to try. It's just ... frustrating."

H'kon takes a moment to consider the apology offered in return. Fingers are lined up, the tips pressed together so as his hands might form something of a star, symmetrical down the middle. Finally, he gives his head a harsh shake. "You never said you'd be able to fix it. And we're all limited by things." There's the faintest twitch at the corner of his mouth, and, turning his head toward her, eyes leaving his fingers and moving to her, he clarifies, "I mean if I upset you. I'm sorry."

"You didn't upset me, H'kon," Vanya assures him, perhaps a little bit surprised he thought he did. "I was just overcome for a moment. I can't stand it when someone, even a dragon, hurts. He's such a wonderful dragon, Arekoth is. So strong and resilient. I want to make him better, and I can't. I can help a little, ease the pain a little, but I can't cure what's wrong with his leg. I will try, though, and I'll consult with those who know more than I do. I won't just give up."

H'kon looks distinctly helpless upon hearing it's not his fault. Fingers are flattened against each other, curved back out. "Well, he doesn't hurt. Anything you do improves it. I told you before, things go just fine. So maybe they go better." He attempts a comforting smile, this one not quite as awkward on his face as such attempts often tend to be.

"Thank you for that," Vanya says, returning the smile. "I'll do my best for Arekoth, and from what I can see, the heat and exercise is helping keep it limber." She glances at the brown and nods. "Anyway, you'd best get him back up to the weyr to rest. I'll look into a couple of things, and get you that drawing. If I can wrangle a ride to Fort, I'll see if I can find anything else out. There's quite a bit of info on torn ligaments in the records room. Could be I'll find something useful." She smiles again, reaching out to pat the rider's arm. "I should get back myself so I can grab some sleep. I've got work in the morning with Sinopa, and some decisions to make."

H'kon looks to his arm as it's patted, attention turning next to Vanya. "If... you need a ride to Fort," he starts, though is forced to pause for some quick memory retrieval, "tomorrow, after lunch... the drills will have ended, and I will have two hours or so." Arekoth has already started heading toward the exit, but he does turn to blurt something out, in full dragon-voice. "We'll be happy to take you." And now, retrieving his jacket from under the bench, the brownrider stands.

Vanya considers this. "I think I know where to find what I need, so two hours should be fine," she says, nodding. "I know Sinopa has a meeting with the Headwoman tomorrow afternoon, so I won't be needed. A quick run down and back should be fine. Say, meet you in the bowl right after lunch, then?" She, too, stands, pulling on the heavy riding jacket and gloves, a scarf around her wet head. The basket is picked up, and she turns to H'kon. "Thanks. I'll see if I can't get with Neiran, too. Or maybe Roa and see if they have anything to add."

H'kon bows his head in return. "We appreciate your efforts. And will see you tomorrow afternoon in the bowl." And it's a quick step that takes him to Arekoth, who has, while waiting, taken to stretching his paw out and back again, still testing.

arekoth, vanya, rp h'kon

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