Cold Flying & Hot Gossip

Dec 06, 2006 05:04

IC Date: Day 23, Month 11, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Vanya, R'hal, Ellaia, Bren (Yanith & Miyamurath)
Location: Bowl, Sky Above High Reaches & Dragon Baths
Synopsis: True to his word, R'hal and Yanith take Vanya for a ride, showing her what it's like when fighting Thread. Vanya gets an idea of just how cold that can be, and revises her thoughts regarding research. When they get back, it's into the hot springs to warm up. They run into B'ren and Ellaia for a little gossiping about the injured greenrider supposedly from Ista.

Northern Bowl,

The bowl floor is a broad expanse of gravel and dust, packed flat over decades of dragonweight landing on it. Kept free of vegetation, the only color variation across the vast hollow of the bowl are the dragons, in good weather often found sunning on low ledges or sprawled along the floor itself. The well-worn, charcoal-grey walls of the bowl are nearly vertical, far too steep for even the most adventurous climber to attempt. The rim of the bowl, marked by a rainbow of perching dragons at all times of the day, is topped with massive stone spires that stretch upwards into the blue vault of the sky. There are seven in all, great black fingers of stone that seem, from where you stand, to touch the clouds.
A number of tunnels breach the walls of the bowl, leading to various indoor parts of the Weyr. To the southwest, a vast tunnel entrance descends to the baths, curls of steam seeping out on colder days. On the northern face of the stone, a huge gaping maw betrays the presence of the Hatching cavern. Somewhat more modest tunnel entrances lead to the living caverns and the versatile classroom chamber to the west, and the Weyrleaders' complex to the east. In the distance to the south, the vast grey-blue of the lake stretches off to meet the southern wall of the bowl. Autumn seems made for windy days such as this one. It's cool and crisp, and there are plenty of brilliantly shaded leaves to be picked up and spun about.

Mid-morning, getting on close to noonish, if truth be told. Vanya is in the bowl, dressed for riding. The leather pants and boots are her own, but the riding jacket is borrowed from stores, as is the helmet, goggles and gloves. Heavy winter clothes and cold-weather riding gear are slowly but surely making their way out of stores and into the hands of those that need them, and there just weren't any trousers that fit her long legs left. There's a scarf draped around her neck, and her hair's tucked down into her jacket. She's as ready as she'll ever be for this short expedition. Now, all she needs is a dragon and a rider, and she's all set to see what R'hal was talking about.

Brown Yanith comes to earth in a shallow glide, touching down a few yards from where Vanya is waiting. He's kitted out in full fighting straps, with a bag of firestone already in position. R'hal, dressed in his own flying gear, jumps down, slowing his descent with a foot on the dragon's helpfully extended foreleg. "Morning! All set, then? You got yourself some gear, I see."

"Partially, at least," Vanya replies, gloved hand wrapping the scarf around the lower part of her face, now. "Managed to find everything except the trousers, but I figured these would do. They're leather, at least." They also fit her nicely, being well tailored to suit her long legs. "Ready when you are, R'hal," she says, a grin in her tone of voice, if not seen on her face because of the scarf. "At least it's a pretty clear day. No rain or snow." She moves up to the rider, being of a fairly even height with him. "I assume I'm behind you, right?"

R'hal smiles. "They look fine. And yes, behind would be best: you can see what's happening, then. First, though..." He pauses, his eyes losing focus for a moment. The brown turns round to display the sack that's attached to his straps, then lowers himself to a lying position. "Thought you might like to see this. That's a full sack of firestone. I only put one on. We're trained to lift them, of course, but occasionally someone puts their back out getting them up there." Even with the dragon lying down, the sack is well above R'hal's head when he's standing on the ground. "I'll mount up first and give you a hand up."

Vanya studies the positioning of the firestone sack for a long time, nodding. If the helmet and scarf didn't cover most of her face, it would be easy to see the thoughtful expression on her features. She's thinking, that much is obvious. Thinking seriously on this matter. "It's easy to reach when mounted, yes?" she asks, eyes moving from R'hal to the height of the sack once more. "It's only getting it up there that causes a problem on occasion?" She's talking more to herself than anyone else, at this point. "Yes, this bears some consideration," and she nods now. "All right, R'hal, I'm ready," she says, moving into position where he can give her a hand up onto the brown's back.

"It's tied within reach: I'll show you that." R'hal places a hand on the straps, then takes the big step up onto Yanith's extended foreleg. The dragon boosts him upwards and he pulls himself into position, then leans down with a hand extended towards Vanya. "All right, there?" Yanith offers his leg up again.

Vanya's hand reaches up and grasps R'hal's, and soon she's up on Yanith's foreleg, steadily making her way into position behind his rider. She's fairly experienced at mounting dragons now, at least, and soon manages to settle behind R'hal. "Do I need to do anything different than I usually do to strap in?" she asks, curious to know whether or not there'd be a difference. "Not that you'd usually have anyone with you during Threadfall, of course."

R'hal shakes his head. "No, I've put the usual straps on for you - hang on." He fixes his own straps first. "I've got my fighting straps: they hold me pretty firmly. See, the extra ones across the thighs, as well as the ones that go on the belt? Here." Now fastened in himself, he passes the passenger's straps back to Vanya and turns to watch her buckle herself in. "You're all right with those?"

"Oh, yes," Vanya replies, taking the straps and quickly affixing them to the main harness on Yanith. "They're what I'm used to, but I didn't realize there was a difference between those and the ones used during fighting," she muses, taking note of the different placement. "That restricts your legs a bit more than normally, right? Just extra security or do they serve another purpose?" she queries, leaning forward to test the tightness of those thigh straps. "Are they tighter than the regular configuration?"

"Extra security, yes - you can brace yourself against them a bit, too. You move around more in Fall than when you're just going somewhere. Banking, turning sharply, that sort of thing. They need to be a good firm fit. 'Scuse me." R'hal checks Vanya's straps, tugging at the fastenings. Apparently he's satisfied. "Can't be too careful. Now, I've only put one sack up, but normally there'd be one on the other side, as well. Ready to take off?"

"Ready," Vanya replies and forces down that fluttery feeling in her stomach she gets every time she rides on a dragon. "I'll be asking a few questions once we're airborne, but if you can't hear me, that's okay. I'll try to remember them when we get to the ground again." She gives his shoulder a pat, resting her hand there for a moment before grasping onto her own straps.

(Yanith -- Craggy and solid, this brown dragon looks as firm and unshakeable as a mountain peak. Dark earth-tones delineate his form, from the square head, along the jagged ridges of the stocky neck, down to the tip of his graceless tail. Umber washes the broad shoulders and flanks, while the bone frame of his wings is shadowed dark against the translucent membrane of his wingsails. Powerful hindlegs bear his weight on the ground and rock-hard muscles give shape to limbs that are tipped by talons of obsidian.)

R'hal doesn't say anything else until Yanith has dropped into a crouch and launched himself into the air, rising sharply upwards as strong brown wings take the strain. The dragon climbs as he crosses the Bowl, then turns East, with a bugle to the watchdragon as he flies over the rim. He continues to gain height, giving a good view of the mountaintops below. R'hal turns his head and calls, "All right back there?"

"Oh, yes!" Vanya does her best to hide the excitement in her tone of voice. After all, this isn't a pleasure outing, but research. But, there's a hint of thrill in the words. "I love riding, though I was scared stiff the first time," she admits, leaning forward so she can be heard. "He's got a very powerful leap," she observes. "Almost as strong as Teraneth's," speaking of D'ven's bronze. "I've been studying the wing structure, and it's just amazing the way they work so smoothly." She peers around herself, unable to resist the urge to just enjoy herself. The cold wind does chafe at her exposed cheeks, but she doesn't seem to mind at all. "It's cold up here, but it's winter. How bad does it get in summer?"

"Not as bad as winter, but we're not very high yet. It gets colder as you go higher, or if the wind's high like today. And it gets colder than this after Turn's End, too." R'hal explains. They're still rising, Yanith's wings working steadily until he catches a thermal and starts to rise more rapidly and with less effort. R'hal waits until they've climbed quite a bit. "Now, with 1A in Fall, we're usually right up here." The Weyr is some distance away now, the huge bowl looking like a tiny model of itself far below. It really is quite cold, and the wind feels stronger than it did below.

There's a shiver that runs through Vanya's body, partly because of the intense cold, partly because she has never before been so high in the air. Even with all the protective gear, she's cold, and her stomach feels a little queasy if she looks down for too long. But, this all takes second place to the research she's doing, and she looks around herself for a moment, just getting her bearings. "I see," she says, still leaning close to be heard. It's also a little warmer ducked behind R'hal's back like she is now. "Even with the gear, that cold gets in everyplace, doesn't it? Any little gap, or loose places." She lets her hand run down R'hal's back, checking the looseness of the jacket. "All right, if you want to demonstrate what you do up here, I'm ready." Her hand moves from his back to join the other one holding onto the straps tightly.

"Sure. Steady now." R'hal begins to put Yanith through series of manoeuvres: turning rapidly, making small dives, sideslipping, and so on, as if the pair were fighting Thread. It involves a fair amount of leaning, and the straps must be biting. After a bit, the brownrider thinks to reassure Vanya, "This is quite gentle: we'd normally be turning harder, but that's not much fun for a passenger. You get the idea, though? It's not like riding a runnerbeast: you can't grip with your knees because his back's far too broad, so it's just the straps holding you in." His arms are doing a fair bit of work, too, and he's leaning and twisting to steady himself in the manoeuvres.

This is nothing like what Vanya imagined, and the fact this is /gentle/? -- well, that seems to actually surprise her somewhat. It's a whole different thing thinking about something, seeing it on hide, and experiencing it. Her thoughts are whirling almost as much as Yanith's moving, and she's making adjustments to her calculations and exercises even as she's being tossed around. The straps are biting into her own legs, and she can only imagine what it's doing to R'hal. "I ... see ..." she says, shouting to be heard since she's leaning away to watch his back moving. "Yes, yes ... this is important. I had no idea!"

Yanith levels off and flies straight, gliding with only occasional wingbeats. R'hal turns. "Normally, he'd have chewed enough stone to keep him going for a while, but eventually he needs more. That means passing it to him." He leans forward and reaches down into the sack, then holds his arm out with a fist-sized rock in his hand. Yanith turns his head and reaches back to take it. They repeat the process several times. "Except usually," the rider comments, "you're doing that amongst all the other stuff."

Vanya watches the action closely, nodding to herself. That much of her research was good, then, since the muscle groups involved are exactly as she'd pictured them. The bending, stretching motions are carefully observed, and she makes mental notes. "Right. What kind of things?" she asks, curious. "Somehow, one only thinks of riders only doing what you just did, so the more I know what you do up here, the better I'll understand. Now, do me a favor? Repeat that, if you will so I can feel what your back's going through." And she loosens one hand to place on the lower back, right in the lumbar region her research tells her is where the stress really is.

R'hal raises an eyebrow at the touch of a hand on his back, but grins and calls. "Sure. Hang on." He feeds Yanith more stone, but this time the process is rather quicker, and done between a sideslip to the left that has him tilting wildly and a sharp climb back into position followed by a surge forward and to the right. It's very clear, as he leans forward again, why riders need long jackets to prevent gaps. Straightening up, he adds, "And then, of course, you're skipping Between from time to time."

Vanya resists the urge to squeal when the dragon beneath her moves so erratically, and there's only a soft "eep!" exclaimed. But, her hand remains on his back, and she's satisfied when the maneuver ends. "Yep, just what I thought," she explains, patting R'hal's shoulder in thanks. "I was right, there's a lot of stress on that lower lumbar area, and the jacket gaps a little there, even though the back flap is long. No wonder you guys have these tailor-made." There're a few ideas peculating in her mind now. "And you tell me that's gentle?" She has to laugh about that. "I thought my stomach was in my throat there for a moment."

R'hal looks remorseful for a moment. "Oh. Sorry. That wasn't so gentle. I should have tried to jury-rig another set of fighting straps for you, rather than just the usual." He thinks for a moment. "Now, what else? Do you want to try a few skips between? You do that to get out of trouble, basically." He doesn't specify what sort of trouble.

"To avoid Thread or freeze it when it hits you or Yanith, right?" Vanya remarks, understanding that principle. "Well, we can, but I've been Between before, and I can't really see anything," she says, tone thoughtful. "I'll be honest. Between scares me. It's like nothing I've ever experienced, and I don't think I'll ever get used to that awful blackness and cold." There is a bit of nervousness in her tone now. "I just try not to think about it, mostly." She glances around and then smiles. "What I'd really like to do is visit the Star Stones sometime. I think it would be amazing up there."

"All right, we'll give that a miss." R'hal nods emphatically enough for it to be seen, still half-turned towards Vanya. "As you say, though, it /is/ cold - it seems to go right through you. Some Falls, you seem to be ducking Between all the time. Others, not so much. Is there anything else you want us to show you?"

There's the urge to say, "everything," but again Vanya resists. "I can't really think of anything," she muses, thinking for a moment before shaking her head. "But ... well, are you feeling any particular strain, right now? From just this little sample? 'Fall lasts for hours sometimes, right? I know the greens and blues can't last an entire 'fall. What about Yanith? Are you two usually up for the entire thing?"

"Yes. We're normally leading the wing: we have to be up there. Browns and bronzes fly the whole Fall unless the conditions are exceptionally bad - if it's that bad, the Weyrleader might decide to bring a fresh wing in. Oh, and another thing: you're constantly watching Thread; you're also checking the position of your wingmates. For us, that often means looking behind: if we're at the head of a V, they're /there/." He extends an arm diagonally backwards. "And /there/." The gesture is repeated with the other arm. "That's easier for the dragons than for us: they have a wider field of view."

All this is taken seriously under consideration. "There's a lot more to it than I thought," she says, her tone serious. "Many more movements than I originally thought, and many of them second nature and simultaneous. This bears some thought, and I may have to revise my theories a little. But, the exercises I recommend will help a bit, I think. If the muscles are properly loosen up, the ordinary movement shouldn't hurt. It's the sharp, unexpected turns and all which are the factor I need to consider now. We can go back any time you want, R'hal. Thank you /so/ much. This has really given me something to think about, and I'm dying for something to warm me up. It's /really/ cold up here."

R'hal grins. "Home the quick way, then?" He turns to face forward, then calls, "Going Between... now." Then there's nothing to see but blackness, nothing to hear but silence, nothing to feel except the biting cold. Seconds later, they're above the Bowl of High Reaches Weyr, and Yanith starts to descend in a gentle spiral.

Vanya doesn't have time to prepare, and that cold blackness engulfs her. Fortunately, it's a quick Between, but that doesn't stop her from shivering. It feels like her skin is frozen, and any attempt at an expression will fracture it. But, the gentle spiral is nice, though the wind is still icy. Vanya can't help but duck her head, keeping the worst of the cold off of her, taking horrible, shameless advantage of R'hal's solidity to block the wind. When they finally reach the bowl, she's more than ready to find the hottest place in the weyr so she can thaw out. "Th-thank you, R'hal," she says, this time totally unable to keep her teeth from chattering. "That was p-pretty informative, and very h-helpful."

Yanith touches down, backwinging to make the landing as gentle as possible. R'hal unclips straps from belts with practised ease and fingers that don't seem to be frozen. He slides down the brown dragon's side, but stays perched on his foreleg to offer help to Vanya. "All right, there? Let me give you a hand down."

Vanya's fingers are a little on the numb side, and she's having trouble undoing her straps. "Thanks," she murmurs, sound muffled by the scarf. "I feel like I'm frozen through," she admits, allowing R'hal's much more skillful hands to manipulate the straps holding her on. Once they're undone, she moves slowly, almost stiffly until she's ready to dismount. "No wonder you guys immediately head for the baths when you get back," she says, her hands reaching for R'hal so he can help her down.

Northern Bowl

The bowl floor is a broad expanse of gravel and dust, packed flat over decades of dragonweight landing on it. Kept free of vegetation, the only color variation across the vast hollow of the bowl are the dragons, in good weather often found sunning on low ledges or sprawled along the floor itself. The well-worn, charcoal-grey walls of the bowl are nearly vertical, far too steep for even the most adventurous climber to attempt. The rim of the bowl, marked by a rainbow of perching dragons at all times of the day, is topped with massive stone spires that stretch upwards into the blue vault of the sky. There are seven in all, great black fingers of stone that seem, from where you stand, to touch the clouds.
A number of tunnels breach the walls of the bowl, leading to various indoor parts of the Weyr. To the southwest, a vast tunnel entrance descends to the baths, curls of steam seeping out on colder days. On the northern face of the stone, a huge gaping maw betrays the presence of the Hatching cavern. Somewhat more modest tunnel entrances lead to the living caverns and the versatile classroom chamber to the west, and the Weyrleaders' complex to the east. In the distance to the south, the vast grey-blue of the lake stretches off to meet the southern wall of the bowl. Autumn seems made for windy days such as this one. It's cool and crisp, and there are plenty of brilliantly shaded leaves to be picked up and spun about.

R'hal offers a steadying hand until Vanya is safely on the ground, then jumps down himself. "Well, the main reason for the baths is because you're both stinking of firestone and not fit for human company until you wash it off. That and the char. And, of course, you want to check him over, take care of his hide." They've just returned from flight and they're close to the residential side of the bowl. Yanith is carrying a sack of firestone, still almost full.

Miyamurath glides down from her ledge and begins to drop for a hard and grumpy landing in the bowl. However, when she sees Yanith she fans her wings and arches her neck, altering her course at the last moment to drop oh so delicately within his line of vision. Hi, handsome. B'ren rolls his eyes as he slides down, "Was there a Fall I didn't know about?" he calls with a grin.

Vanya nods, slowly unwrapping the scarf from around her face. Her cheeks are flushed from the cold, and she's occasionally shivering. "W-well, that, too, yes," she agrees, staying close to the brown dragon since he's blocking most of the cold wind in the bowl. For a bright, sunny day, it's still rather cold and blustery, and right now, about the only thing she's thinking of is getting warm. Reaching out a hand, she gives the dragon a gentle patting. "Thank you, Yanith. You were very skilled up there, and I appreciate the gentleness. I really do." She grins, turning around to R'hal. "Mind if we go someplace warm? Like the dragon baths? I think I'd like to soak in that hot water for a month. I don't think I can feel my feet anymore." Miyamurath is then noticed, and she grins at the obvious dragon flirtation going on there. "Greetings, B'ren, Miyamurath. No, R'hal was just showing me what goes on during 'fall so I have a better idea of what you guys do up there."

R'hal raises a hand in greeting to the greenrider. "B'ren. 'Fraid I've got Vanya frozen solid." He turns to the woman, concern creasing his features into a frown as he takes in the shivering figure. "You really are frozen, aren't you? Go on, go and get warmed up. I'll just get Yanith sorted out and I'll join you."

B'ren chuckles, "Sounds like fun," he says to Vanya with a smile, "Perhaps I can sit in on a Healer Lesson sometime and see what it is you do." He smiles to R'hal and nods to the brown, "Need any help?" he offers. Miyamurath warbles richly to Yanith again, lifting her wings to show off how they shimmer.

There's a nod and a smile for both riders, her movements a little stiff, and she wraps her arms around herself -- not an easy feat with the bulky riding jacket. "Thanks again, Yanith," she tells the dragon, and then grins at Miyamurath's warbling. "If I'm not mistaken," she comments to the brown, "you have an admirer." Chuckling she looks over at B'ren. "Well, sure, I guess. R'zel's been teaching me what he knows of dragon healing, and we've been meeting in my room on occasion. R'zel can ask Pangioth to let Miyamurath know next time we get together." She glances toward the dragon baths. "Excuse me. I'm going to go thaw out. I have a whole new respect for what you all do up there."

R'hal shakes his head. "We just need to get rid of the firestone," he tells B'ren. "Then I'll get the straps off him and he can go for a soak in the baths." Yanith doesn't seem very interested in baths: he's watching Miyamurath and gives an appreciative croon.

Hot Springs

This large natural cavern is heated by the same mechanism that warms the hatching sands. Fed by a spring, the waters that fill the center bowl are warm enough to steam and deep enough that a bronze might almost float after following the gentle slope down into the pool. There is room enough there for several dragons, provided they mind their wings.
To the right of the entrance tunnel, a second pool has been hollowed out of the rock. It's much smaller than the first and is intended for use by the human residents of the Weyr. Alcoves over the pool hold extra towels and pouches of 'sand.
Glowbaskets have been raised on poles around the lip of the larger of the two pools. They end three-quarters of the way into the cavern, leaving the rest in perpetual shadow. The rear of the cavern is gloomy, its wall broken by a number of small crevasses.

Vanya has never been so appreciative of heat and hot water in her entire life. By the time R'hal and Miyamurath join her, she's managed to unfasten the jacket, and remove most of her outer gear. This isn't quite as steamy as the regular baths, but she's too cold to care much for modesty. Clothes are removed as if she'd lived in a weyr all her life, without a thought given to modesty. A towel's wrapped around her torso, and her hair is twisted atop her head. Then it's into the baths with her, the towel remaining wrapped around herself. A satisfied "ahhh, heat" escapes her before Vanya realizes it. She gives the greenrider a grin. "I've never been so cold in my entire life," she admits.

B'ren chuckles as he nimbly strips down and slides into the water, Miyamurath entering a short distance away. "Tell me about it," he says, "I was born and raised at Ista. The weather here is a crime. I don't know why troublemakers get sent to a warm island when we have to freeze here. It should be reversed." Then he scowls, "Or we should at least be allowed to go visit Ista, at least."

Ellaia stumbles into the dragon baths, having seen Miyamurath come inside and was wanting to see the beautiful green. She pauses in the entrance of the cavern, letting her eyes adjust to the light and steam floating around, shivering slightly. She spots B'ren and Vanya, offering up a wave, "Hey there. Cold enough out here for the both of you?"

"Ista," Vanya murmurs. "That sounds really good right about now," she adds wistfully, sinking up to her neck in the steaming water. "That's right. You're from Ista," she suddenly says, sitting up. "Did you know that greenrider? The one from Ista who was hurt and ended up in Telgar?" she asks, looking over at him. "You know, the one they're all talking about, these days? Shards, I hope she wasn't a friend of yours, B'ren. It sounds as if she was in pretty bad shape." When she hears Ellaia's voice her head turns, peering through the mist at the other girl. "Oh, yeah, especially if you were on a dragon way up high. I've never been so cold in my life. And /then/ we went Between, which just added to the cold. It's a heat wave down here compared to that."

B'ren shrugs a shoulder, "I don't know," he says gloomily, "No one can tell me who it was so I have no idea. And Miyamurath can't reach that far. And we're under strict orders not to leave the weyr." He scowls, "I'm just about ready to just go, though. Forget the consequences, I hate being told where I can and can not go." His eyes flicker in anger briefly and then move to Ellaia. His expression soothes and he smiles a bit, "It's very cold."

Ellaia chuckles softly at Vanya, "I'm sure that it was freezing up there. I've not been up that high before when its that cold. She comes closer to the edge of the pools, kneeling down to be closer to see the pair, smiling at the greenrider, "Good evening B'ren. How are you both doing besides being freezing cold?

R'hal and Yanith enter. The brownrider's carrying a large armful of folded straps and the firestone sack has gone to wherever firestone sacks go. The brown dragon warbles a greeting to Miyamurath as he wades into the pool. R'hal starts to strip, totally unembarrassed in the presence of anyone who might be watching. Soon he's up to his neck in warm water. Stretching his arms, he says blissfully, "That's better."

Vanya peers over at B'ren. "Why on all of Pern were you ordered not to leave the weyr?" she asks, head tilting to one side. "And by whom? Is something going on, B'ren?" The second questions are asked with a knitted brow. She glances toward Ellaia, then back to B'ren, curious. "I'm not going to get R'hal in trouble for what he did today, am I? I was just hoping to learn more about what you riders do when fighting Thread so I could better treat muscle and back injuries." Vanya glances over as R'hal and Yanith enter, then averts her eyes as he strips down. She doesn't look again until he's neck deep. Her cheeks are flushed, but that's likely because of being in that cold wind. "Yes, it's so much better in here. Thank you again, R'hal."

B'ren rolls his eyes, "It's not just me. All the riders. Ever since that Weyr Council. We have to get clearance to go anywhere now. It's like being grounded. It's incredibly insulting if you ask me. Our leaders don't trust us." He glances to R'hal to see the other rider's take on matters. To Ellaia, "So I'm glad we got to Nabol when we did, because we're sure not going anywhere now."

Ellaia furrows her brows a bit at the conversation, especially hearing about the riders being grounded and having to ask or get clearance to go anywhere. She moves over to one of the benches and undresses, not caring who's eyes are on her she comes back over and slips into the water as well. "Guess I'll just join you guys. Better than standing there sweating in clothes. This warm water will ease away a long day in the records room." She looks over at Vanya, "I had heard about the greenrider. There are all kinds of talk floating around."

"It's not that bad, B'ren," R'hal's soaking rather than washing. "We need permission to enter another Weyr's territory, is all, and anyone coming into our area has to clear it with us first. The idea's to stop anyone coming who shouldn't be here."

"Yes, there is," Vanya agrees. "I hadn't heard about riders not being able to leave the weyr without permission," she says, brow knitted. "That sounds kind of ... harsh, doesn't it? I mean, what did they give for a reason?" She glances over at R'hal, and looks concerned. "I hope they don't consider what we did today as leaving the weyr without permission. I wouldn't want to be responsible for getting you in trouble or anything." She ducks a little deeper in the water, relaxing. "Ah," is given to R'hal's explanation. "So, riders can leave, but they have to get permission from another weyr if they're planning to visit? Does that go for holds, as well?" A beat. "And, I wonder if this has anything to do with that greenrider they caught over in Greenfields? It was around the same time, so I was told. This is all rather ... confusing."

B'ren scowls, "Well I asked to go to Ista, and was told no one was allowed to go to Ista or Telgar for a while. And I'm sorry, but that really upsets me. I think it's a frivolous rule, and that the leadership is just throwing around its weight. Reminding us who is in charge." He sits, shoulders hunched, generally angry at the world.

Ellaia ducks down into the water some, soaking as well she leans back against the wall closing her eyes. She sighs softly, "I think is kind of odd to not be able to visit someplace you are from and then having to get permission to go. I'm probably not understanding this correctly." She opens her eyes and tries to find R'hal, "So how exactly do you understand the rules as?" She cants her head to the side, "Oh, I'm sorry. How rude of me. I don't believe we've met before, I'm Ellaia. I've seen you around, but we've not had the chance to talk."

"R'hal. Brown Yanith's." He gives a little nod to Ellaia. "It's all right, Vanya. We hardly went any distance from the Weyr." To B'ren, he adds, "I don't know why they won't let you go to Ista. I think it's all got something to do with that greenrider, and those kids getting taken. 'Fraid I'm not privy to the Weyrleaders' discussions."

Vanya peers over at B'ren for a moment. "You couldn't get permission to visit your home?" She sounds just a bit surprised at this. "/And/ no visiting Telgar, either? How ... odd." Her brow creases again. "Who'd you ask permission from, if I can be so nosy. I'm curious." A nod to Ellaia, then, "Oh, I'm sorry, Ellaia! This is R'hal, rider of brown Yanith. Wingsecond of One-A, as I recall. He was kind enough to take me up today and show me what it is the riders do." And then back to B'ren. "Did I hear you say you just visited Nabol? How is the place doing? Sinopa's planning to make a call there soon, I think. Anything I should warn her about?"

B'ren shrugs at Vanya, not remembering or not willing to say who denied him permission. "It has to be, because Ista and Telgar were the only weyrs involved with that greenrider thing. I just hope it was no one I knew." Again he scowls, and then he grins at Vanya, mood flipping rapidly, "It was nice. Take plenty of marks though, it was the only way we could get anything we wanted. Had to pay for apples, even."

Ellaia rolls her eyes and chuckles at the mention of the apples, "Well at least Kindreal? I can't remember his name B'ren. He was nice though. A good kid." She smiles warmly at R'hal, "Well met R'hal and Yanith over there." Of course the green doesn't go unnoticed, calling over to her as well, "Hello there beautiful."

R'hal is quiet for a few moments, and appears distracted. "Well, I'd better go and scrub Yanith's ridges, before he gets tired of waiting for me." He makes his way over to the other part of the baths.

"Mostly Telgar, from what I heard," Vanya replies to B'ren's comment about the greenrider. "I've heard some wild rumors lately. It's kind of coincidental, them catching a greenrider Exile, and then an injured greenrider shows up at Telgar, one they had a queen mind-lock, so I understand. Makes a person wonder." She shrugs, then, and sighs. "Poor Nabol. I guess they're trying to recoup as much as they can so they can make their tithe. I wish there was something I could do to help, but ..." She shakes her head. "I guess some people did what they could to help during those 'falls. At least that's something." She nods to R'hal, and then seems to be lost in her own thoughts for a bit.

B'ren nods and shrugs, "It is rather coincidental, isn't it?" he asks, stumbling just slightly over the big word. "If you ask me I'll bet it was the same greenrider. But why they'd keep her I don't know. Everyone knows where the Exiles are." Miyamurath rumbles at Ellaia. She is not in right now, she's flirting with a cute blue. Please leave a message after the croon. Croon!

Ellaia grins over at the green, noticing that she's being ignored for a cute blue over on the other side of the pools. "Well I guess my compliments aren't helping today." She waves as R'hal leaves, settling back against the wall again, "I talked to Essdara about the greenrider a bit. We were just trying to figure out if the rider is the same one. I'm not sure on the details though."

Vanya looks over at B'ren, again. "What do you mean, everyone knows where the Exiles are? I haven't a clue where they are except on some island," she says, brow knitted. "Do you actually know where the island is?" It's a rhetorical question, really. But, then, Vanya stands up from where she's been lounging. "I really should be heading back to write down all these notes I have now, and I've got to meet up with Sinopa this afternoon. At least I'm warmer now." She makes her way out of the water, padding over to the towels. The one wrapped around her is replaced by a dry one, and it's not long before she's re-dressed. "Clear skies to you all, and thank you again, R'hal, Yanith," she calls. "Miyamurath, you're as beautiful as ever." And then she's putting on the jacket, grabbing up the riding gear, and heading back out into the cold.

vanya, b'ren, ellaia, rp, r'hal

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