Cider Sipping & Conversation

Nov 25, 2006 04:18

IC Date: Day 5, Month 11, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Jandor, Vanya, Sinopa, Ylenia
Location: Living Caverns
Synopsis: A late evening encounter has its ups and downs, as Jandor gets to briefly meet Weyrwoman Sinopa (net problems kept her out of the scene mostly) and Ylenia.

Living Cavern,
Late Evening

Large enough to hold the majority of the Weyr's human population, this cavern can become loud enough to deafen thanks to the acoustics caused by its size. The ceiling is so far overhead that it's cast into shadow, a darkness that is broken only by the spark and glitter of a lucky beam of light striking the minerals found in the rock walls. Below, most of the floor is covered with an assortment of long tables and benches. There are some smaller tables, surrounded by chairs, but privacy appears to be a rare thing in this bustling cavern. Large hearths line the west wall, with fires burning day and night to warm the food and drink that keep the Weyr's inhabitants fueled. The serving tables are near the hearth, opposite the dais that holds the single table reserved for the Weyr leadership and honored guests.

It is late in the evening at High Reaches Weyr today and the ruddy light of Rukbat has long since faded away. Outside, winds blow somewhat hard; causing the driving rain to come down in diagnol streams with enough verb to actually sting the flesh when it impacts. only to add further unpleasantries with soggy cold a moment or two later. Needless to say, those who are able to be inside have taken cover from the elements and the Living Cavern is all hustle and all bustle. There will be no quiet klah sipping and reflection today as the place is very nearly packed with all walks of life and many are banging their mugs upon the tables in verb as a harper entertains them. This particular man seems to be engaging them in some regalling story, and the atmosphere of the Living Cavern rises and falls with the high and low points in it. In moments of shocking suspense it is almost deathly quiet, only to explode into boisterous uproar when the hero of the day emerges. It is a rather festive and not at all unplesant situation -- unless one wants quiet. It would seem that the bear of a man that is sitting just near enough to the group to catch the story would be one of those, for there is an unplesant look on what of his face one can see through his heavy beard. An empty plate of food is in front of him, along with an empty desert plate and an empty plate that has a few flecks of salad leaves on it. These he is ruminatively picking with his fingers as he listens with half interest, one eye kept on the entryway to the cavern.

Although she's been inside, out of the weather and protected from its influence, Sinopa still has a stole wrapped around her body when she enters the living cavern. The scene before her is watched a moment before she pads from the entrance leading to the upper caverns over towards the hearths. There she procures for herself a mug into which a portion of hot cider is poured.

Fresh from the steaming baths, Vanya enters the living cavern, perhaps drawn by the noise, or perhaps in search of a different view than the walls of her room. There is, after all, only so much one can do to disguise the fact one is living in a cave, after all. Even one that is somewhat warmer -- although barely! -- than the out of doors. Rain tends to make the floor muddy, although some effort has been made to keep it clean. And, so, it's with an intent to find a relatively quiet place from which to partake and yet remain separate from the crowd that Vanya comes in, making her way toward the food tables to find herself a nice, hot mug of something. Tea, klah, cider -- hot being the operative word there. Once she has acquired said hot drink, she peers around the cavern, spying, eventually, several familiar faces, amongst them Sinopa. With drink in hand, Vanya makes her way toward the hearth and the Acting Senior Weyrwoman, a smile on her lips. "Nice to see you out and about," she says, grinning a bit. "Crowded tonight, isn't it?" As she casts her eyes around the people, she spies another familiar face, and tilts her head to one side, studying him just a little before offering a nod should she catch his eye.

Jandor just so happens to be close enough to Sinopa and Vanya that he can hear some of what is actively being said, even over the din of the harper who seems to be working slowly up to the crashing and dramatic climax of his story -- judging at least by the tone of his voice and the amount of effort he is putting into just how /impossible/ it is for the hero of the story to escape his bonds. And so, one eye is on the harper and the other surveys the other two with the same sort of casual interest. "Vanya." He says by way of greeting as the look is noticed, his voice fairly easily carrying above the din due to its resonance. Sinopa is nodded to, but no verbal greeting is voiced to her -- not out of impoliteness, more out of lack of knowing her on an equivelant personal level.

Sinopa was just about to make her way back from where she came, but then there's the sound of a familiar voice and instead the goldrider turns to offer a warm smile. "Good evening, Vanya," she greets quietly. It's at a point where the noise has dimmed so that the audience can hear the words being said. "The same could be said of you," she returns, "How is your evening going?" she queries. There's certainly enough soft chatter in the cavern that the weyrwoman's short conversation is not off-putting for the performance. The woman's gaze follows Vanya's own and the nod from the man is returned before she looks back to Vanya. "Friend of yours?" she asks before teasing, "Or admirer?"

"Jandor," Vanya replies in kind with a tone of respect. "I hope the evening finds you well," she adds, holding her mug in both hands to warm them. Her own voice may not carry quite as far, but she's fairly certain she was heard, and didn't disturb the oratory going on. "Oh, actually, a fellow healer," she replies to the inquiry. "I leave the admirers for you," she teases. Looking back to Jandor, she indicates his table. "May we join you?" she asks, glancing back at Sinopa. "I'd like to introduce you. Jandor's rather well-known in healer circles, and has come here for the Caucus. A trauma specialist." She moves toward the man, figuring Sinopa will follow. "Good evening," she says to the Healer. "May I present High Reaches' acting Senior Weyrwoman, Sinopa, and my current boss. Sinopa, Journeyman Healer Jandor." The introductions are perfectly executed, with just the right amount of difference for both weyrwoman and journeyman.

In through the door from the bowl comes Ylenia, the cloak she's wearing dripping wet, which has her pausing just inside to take it off and set it aside somewhere. Even having been wearing the cloak with the hood up, her hair is wet and clothes are damp. She's half muttering to herself as she pushes back wet strands and looks around, her gaze traveling over the room. After a time, she makes her way toward the food tables, following the paths of others, so that she can get herself a mug of warm cider. For the most part, she keeps to herself and just out of the way.

Jandor does not intitially look that intelligent, given his somewhat..... well, Jandor really just looks like Jandor. One might have taken him as a foolish brute until the revalation of his status among the Healer community is let slip. Furthermore, he is perceptive enough to pick up on the conversation from his distance away for he inclines his head to Vanya and Sinopa both -- responding initially to Vanya's tease. "Of which I am certain there are many, Weyrwoman Sinopa. Very well met." One of his shortish legs kicks at the two chairs nearest to him and with the screech of wood on stone they are pushed out enough that not just one, but the pair might slip into them. "That said, I think the evenin' finds me well enough. Haven't really decided yet. Have m'work done for the day, and now I'm sort of staring at my mug and....." He shrugs, the gesture somewhat overdone -- although not deliberatly -- by the bredth of his shoulders. "You know how it is. Can't take this sitting around. Figured I might as well be warm, so here I am." His eyes flit to the newcomer -- Ylenia that is, watching her with the interest of one who knows almost nobody at the Weyr yet as she goes about her business.

"I'm sure that after the social you have quite a few admirers," Sinopa replies softly to Vanya - for her only - and then winks playfully. Leaning away from the other woman she takes a sip of her cider and then casts another, appraising, look at the other healer. Hmmm.... no. "Another healer?" she echoes, seeking confirmation from Vanya with a look that clearly says, 'that doesn't look at all like a healer.' The compliment from the bulky healer prompts the goldrider to turn around and offer a, somewhat forced, smile. If Sinopa looks slightly reddish about the cheeks, it's really only a light sunburn. Honest. "Evening, Journeyman Jandor. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. Just arrived to the Caucus, have you?"

Vanya blushes a bit at the teasing remarks about the social, knowing it's teasing because there are no hordes of young men -- or old men, for that matter -- beating down her doors of an evening to spend time with her. "Oh, Sinopa, you have such hopes for me," she murmurs, chuckling. The scraping of chair legs on stone gets a bit of a wince from her, but Vanya moves foward, choosing one of the seats which will offer her a view of both Sinopa and Jandor at the table. "Indeed, another healer, and one who should prove quite handy should we have another bad 'fall," Vanya replies, nodding to the weyrwoman. She sets her cider on the table, but doesn't immediately remove her hands from around its warmth. "Settling in well enough?" she inquires of Jandor, once he's replied to Sinopa, of course. Ylenia is, unfortunately, not in Vanya's immediate visual range, but when Jandor looks in her direction, Vanya's eyes follow. She doesn't know the girl, but can sympathize with /anyone/ who's been out in that cold, damp weather.

Off to one of the fires goes Ylenia, standing just close enough so that she can feel the heat and hopefully dry off a bit. A faint smile is given to any that she notices looking her way, although she doesn't make an effort to join in on any conversations. Not yet, anyhow. Instead, she sips at the cider and closes her eyes, rocking back a bit on her heels as she warms herself.

Jandor removes his eyes from Ylenia in order to look back into the faces of those he is conversing with; as is polite. Sinopa is given a very reserved smile, as though to indicate he noticed her blushing but is not one to truly make light of it. "Aye, just arrived four days ago. Still getting m'bearings and figuring out exactly what is what and where t'be and getting used to the idea of being back in a classroom -- where I most defeinatly don't belong." Vanya may notice that he is successful this time in pushing the irritation at being posted here out of his voice, and one would almost never know of it except for past conversations. "Still meetin' people, getting the run of things. Finding it a little hard to break the ice sometimes, but I get around that. Sometimes, you have to take drastic measures to nab people's attention. Speaking of which.." He snags a passing drudge by the arm and mumbles something to them. They give him an odd look and dissapear. "Anyway, back t'business. I'd like to think I'd be allowed to be useful, if a bad fall were to happen. I need to find out who's in charge of the infirmary so I can have a bit of a word with them." At this point the drudge reappears, bearing a steaming bowl of soup on a small tray. With a somewhat meek expression as though she found the task relatively odd, she halts near Ylenia. "He said to bring this to you. Somethin' about healers orders or being warm or something, I didn't quite get the gist of it." She points at Jandor, drops the tray and scoots.

Vanya listens as Jandor talks, her own question being answered at the same time as Sinopa's. She toys with her cider, sipping now and then, and generally being quiet. Until Jandor mentions being of use. She gives him the name of the Master WeyrHealer, adding, "I'm certain he'll be very glad of the assistance. Healers are something the weyr seems always in need of, sadly. Journeyman Neiran -- who is also at Caucus, by the way -- is often in the Infirmary when not busy with classes or study. You may have heard of him, Jandor. He's quite celebrated for his surgical skills. I can attest to that, since I worked with a patient of his who was badly cut in the abdominal area. I handled the long-term recovery, and I'm proud to say he's back with his wing and flying where he belongs." She then seems to realize that she's waxing at length, and falls silent, allowing others to continue the conversation. Jandor's actions with the drudge are regarded with a little curiosity, but when the girl is presented with hot soup, Vanya nods, though it's mostly to herself.

Ylenia looks a little surprised at the appearance of someone carrying a bowl of soup. A slight frown touches her lips before she glances over to where the others are sitting, considering them a moment. After nodding to the woman that had brought the bowl over, she picks it up and makes her way toward Vanya and Jandor, the soup in one hand and the mug of cider in the other. She does look a little warmer then she did when first arriving, though.

Jandor makes much the same gesture as he did when Vanya and Sinopa arrived, kicking the chair opposite him out from the table so that Ylenia can sit down in it. "You looked a bit cold." He says, and flashes her his reserved smile -- partially hidden behind his beard. Back to Vanya his attention goes, then. "Journeyman Neiran, eh? Think I've sen him around. Should poke him and see if I can get a bit of conversation out of him at some point. Anyway. What brings you here, tonight?" The newcomer is looked to. "Journeyman Jandor." He says, thoughtfully. "And Journeyman Vanya. Of the Healer Craft."

When the beneficiary of Jandor's soup comes over to the table, Vanya smiles to the girl. "Evening, miss," she says, tone pleasant enough. Sinopa, it would seem was called away by someone, and has politely excused herself from the table with suitable apologies. "She's very busy," Vanya murmurs, and it's quite true. Sinopa /has/ been very busy of late. "There's been a lot of work to catch up on. Things got set back by the trial, and now it all has to be done before --" She stops, not certain exactly what to say. "-- before we get farther behind."

Ylenia sets the bowl and mug onto the table before settling into the offered chair. "Thank you," The words are murmured before she looks up again and offers a faint smile, "I'm Ylenia. I'm visiting my cousin here right now, so I suppose you could call me a guest for the next little while. It's nice to meet you both."

Jandor smiles to Ylenia. "Well met." He says. "And welcome to High Reaches, although that probably sounds a little bit odd coming from me as I just got here myself. Where are you originally from, then? Chances are, this weather well and truly isn't to your liking." His eyes flit to Vanya then, and a slightly concerned look crosses his face. "Oh, I'm not surprised about the Weyrwoman. They're Weyrwomen afterall. Though, I'm wondering -- you say that like there's specific work that needs to be caught up on."

"Well met, Ylenia," Vanya replies, and is about to give the almost identical welcoming speech as Jandor, but he beats her to it. She chuckles. "I remember saying all that a time or two. It /does/ seem odd, since I'm still relatively new here, myself." When Jandor mentions the weather, she shivers. "I don't think this cold and wet is much liked by anyone, not even the natives here. Fort gets cold enough, but this is really a damp cold that seeps into your bones." And then, "Well, the store inventories hadn't been done for sometime, and there are things to be ordered and sorted, all kinds of things. And, Sinopa works with the Headwoman, of course. Since the trial upset everything and everyone, the day to day work kind of languished. So, Sinopa and I spent the past few sevens up-dating all the ledgers and lists, making sure they all balanced. I write a fair hand, and I'm good at reports, so I offered to give her a hand with the hidework."

"I'm from Benden Hold. And, really, the cold isn't too bad if you're dressed warmly enough. And don't spend too much time out in it, I suppose." Ylenia gives a small shake of her head, then brushes her braid back over one shoulder. "I think for the length of time that I'll be here, I can put up with it." She smiles a little, then falls to listening as she starts to eat her soup.

Jandor laughs softly to himself. "Nothing is too bad, Lass, if you don't spend too much time in it as you say. Unfortunatly, from what I hear it is only going to get worse. Some of us are here for the long haul, but I'd think you'd likely do well to get out before the realy nasty weather comes. How long are you expecting to stay?" He nods at Vanya, then. "I see." He is about to ask her if all is well with the infirmary, but ends up stopping short for the obvious reason of not wanting to upset her. "Anyway. The best way to combat the cold is to seek certain creature comforts." There is a pause. "Meaning..." He adds, quickly. "Blankets, fireplaces, that sort of thing." He's glossing over the fact that the previous comment has the potential to be taken poorly. "Is there anything left, that needs ordering?"

Vanya grins, a bit of a twinkle in her eyes at the mention of "creature comforts," but she doesn't expound on it. "Indeed, stores has a fair few blankets and quilts that are slowly making their way out into the various weyrs, dorm rooms and private rooms, I dare say. The Headwoman was mentioning that we might want to order some new ones made, since some are getting rather threadbare. I requisitioned an extra quilt or two for my room. It doesn't have a hearth, just a small brazier that works ... well, sort of keeps it warm." She chuckles. "Oh, yes, I've heard it's going to get /much/ worse than this. Later in winter, I hear the passes are next to impossible to negotiate, and the only way in or out is by dragon." She glances at Ylenia. "Are you visiting someone here at the weyr, then?" And, in answer to Jandor's last question. "Not much more in stores, but I'm sure the Infirmary will be needing to resupply soon. The last bad 'fall kind of tapped them out of certain things. Willow powder, and numbweed, for one thing. I've no doubt there'll be an excursion south to harvest numbweed leaves at some point."

By that point, Ylenia has just been listening and eating her soup, which is mostly gone. She's all polite about it; no slurping whatsoever. At Vanya's question, she gives a nod and nudges the bowl away. "My cousin Senna. She works in the kitchen. She had a baby about a month ago and asked that I come to visit her, so I thought that I'd stay a month or so. Unless the weather gets too bad for me to return home. If it does, well, I guess I'll stay until it's better." The fingers of both hands wrap around her mug of cider, "I do like it here, though. I haven't really been that social, though. I spend most of my time with my cousin or out looking around."

Jandor gives Vanya a bit of a strange look. It's hard to say exactly what kind of look it is, but it's certainly an odd one and it's likely in response to that grin and eye look. Defenatly a funny expression. "Mm. I should probably pick something up. I brought one blanket with me, that I got from a trader a bit back. Thick furs. Comfortable." His eyes flit to Ylenia then, once more. "What is your trade, if any, if you don't mind me asking? Might be worth thinking about finding some work if you're going to be here for any length of time. Don't get me wrong though, I just hate sitting around doing nothing." He takes a sip of his neglected mug, before hmming to himself. "I think being social is the only way to be sane around here. And it helps you learn who's back to rub and who to avoid." A light smile, then his eyes are back to Vanya. "Mm. Sounds interesting. Wonder if I can get away from classes for a day."

"I've heard Headmaster Sefton is fairly strict, but I do see Caucus students taking time off for recreation," Vanya muses. "I've never met the man myself. I keep meaning to check into auditing some of the classes, the one on ethics, for example, or, perhaps, diplomacy. I've no interest in being a leader, personally, but learning is an on-going process." She doesn't say anything at Jandor's expression, having turned her head to look at Ylenia. "Ah, well, congratulations on your cousin's baby," she says to the girl. "Is she back at work already, or still taking some time off?" Vanya is, however, distracted from the answer by Jandor once more. "Being social helps, I will say that, but I'm afraid it requires a personality different from my own. I'm not all that social, not like Sinopa -- although she's trying her best to get me out more. I tend to be a bit of a loner, and the crowds often intimidate me."

"I'm a weaver. I brought some supplies with me so that I could work on things in the evening when I had time. Tapestries is mainly what I make." Ylenia smiles at Jandor as she speaks, then turns her attention toward Vanya again. "She's taking a little more time off before returning to work. I told her that I'd help out a bit once she did go back to work, though, which is why I'm staying as long as I am. Besides, the baby is adorable, so it's not like it's a chore at all."

Jandor is a little quiet as the talk goes to semi-family related things, his eyes a little bit distant for a few seconds. He does nod though, recovering from whatever his lapse was quickly and nodding to both women. "What sort of tapestries? Do you do it mainly for art, or are you one of those who makes historical tapestries, or...?" His attention is given to his mug before going back to Vanya. "Mm. Ethics class." He says into it. "How positively fun." There's a certain tone in his voice that sugggests he's been to here and back again with that topic. "Anyway." He looks up at her. "Bit of a loner? Not social? Huh. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought you were doing fine with it here? And when we last spoke?"

"Well, I'm not quite antisocial," Vanya says, chuckling, "and I don't /always/ hide in my room, but I'm not nearly as out-going as others. Contrary to what it may seem, when I arrived here, I was very taciturn and hardly spoke to anyone. Being thrust into a crowded, generally genial place does tend to force one to socialize, after all. I've grown a little less of a loner than before, but I'm by far not as comfortable in huge crowds as those who were raised here," she explains. Then, to Ylenia, she nods. "That's probably wise, taking some time off. A baby takes a lot out of a woman. There are herbs she can take, as well, that will help replenish what she's lost in childbirth. She should check with ... oh, Hannel, I think. Down in the infirmary. She's a bit of a specialist on that. Very knowledgeable."

Ylenia nods to Vanya, "I'll be sure to tell her that. She seems to be doing well, though, and is happy. Which is nice to see. She's very attached to that baby; I'm not at all sure how she'll be able to return to working in the kitchen and be away from him for any length of time. But I'm sure she'll manage." She leans back a bit in her seat, allowing one leg to stretch out beneath the table. "I make some historical tapestries, Jandor. Most are mainly for art, though. Decorative and all. I mean, those are the ones that I like making most of the time."

Jandor perks at Ylenia with some interest. "I see, I see. Well, give it a few turns but with all due hope, you'll have reason to put me on one of those." He chuckles faintly at his own ambition, before smiling at her. "I'm most likely being silly but it never hurt anyone to have lofty goals; did it?" He leans forward, resting his left elbow on the table and cupping his chin with the hand of it -- eyes flitting from woman to woman. "I'm sure." He says to Vanya. "I'm just messing with you a little though, and complimenting you on doing all right for one who isn't supposed to be very talky."

Vanya has the grace to look a little embarrassed. "I used not to talk much at all," she says quietly, sipping the still-warm cider. "At the Hall, I rarely spoke out of class, which earned me a reputation for being stuck up. I've improved a bit. People here tend to ask a person about things, and not let them get away with being quiet." She nods at the chuckling, and concentrates on her cider as Jandor and Ylenia talk tapestries. In a pause, she remarks, "My older brother, Rappa, is a Journeyman Weaver. He's a designer, though. Mostly women's dresses. The Weyrwoman has taken to favoring his work. I'm very pleased for him."

Ylenia gives Jandor a playful wink, "I'll have to keep that in mind, then, and hopefully be the first to make your adventures into a tapestry." She absently toys with her mug, "I making clothing, as well. My mother was sure to teach me how to do that, since I have two brothers and we were forever stitching up things of theirs. But I much prefer making tapestries, I think. They take longer and people seem to enjoy looking at them. It's nice when someone seems pleased with my work."

Jandor suddenly perks at Vanya, and rounds on her with a completely straight face. "Really?" He asks. There is a trace of excitement in his eyes. "Yer brother is a weaver, specializin' in women's dresses? Oh-ho! We need t'talk, lass. Think y'could get me a good bargain on something custom fitted? I mean... " His huge hands lay themselves over his pectoral muscles. "Y'think he could make somethin' that'd empahaize my bosum? An' the subtle curves of my glorious backside?" Is he kidding? It's really hard to say. He's speaking with such entheusiesm and with such an excited expression on his face, one really has to wonder. "There's nothin' I love more than the feelin' of the breeze waftin' around my ankles 'n the feel of silk when I smoke my pipe on the lake shores. But, I've never been able to find someone to make me a dress that'd fit!" He pauses then, and seems to settle down -- a thoroughly amused expression on his face. Almost, but not quite laughter. "Woo, got a little carried away in my joke. I'm kiddin', I promise. Pretty funny mental image, though! Bah-ha!"

Vanya's first reaction is sheer and utter amazement. Her expression must be priceless, truth told. Her mouth opens. Then it closes. Then it opens again, but no sound really comes out. She blinks, looking at Jandor with a bit of pure astonishment. It's only when he admits it's a joke that she seems to come out of her reverie long enough to feign seriousness. "Perhaps, though it might take a few fittings and you'll definitely need a corset to emphasize your waist and boost your bosom. With the right corset, you'll have enough cleavage to maybe even attract a bronzerider or two. Though, finding the color to compliment the beard may take some doing," she says with mock thoughtfulness. "Rappa's good, though. Shall I drop him a letter and let him know he should bring his measuring tape when he visits next?" It's a sweet tone she speaks in, and she could almost be serious herself if her lips weren't twitching.

Ylenia eyes Jandor while he talks, both brows hiking upwards as he goes into the whole thing of finding a dress that might fit right. She merely blinks when he finally says he's joking, her gaze slanting toward Vanya. Still, she remains silent as she listens to the two.

Jandor chuckles faintly, as his sense of humor gets the better of him. It eventually spreads into a full blooded laugh. "Hahahahahahaahahha!" He says, pounding the table lightly with his fist. "That was priceless! Half a million marks for your face! Hahahahahahaha!" He laughs so hard that he actually has to wipe tears from his eyes and is still chuckling when he smiles apologetically at Ylenia. "Sorry if I wierded ya out." He says. "I enjoy yankin' on people's chains now and then, and you have to admit... it was pretty funny. Heeheeheehee." A final tear is wiped away as he rises, one or two more chuckles coming from him as he straightens up. "Anyway, I best be hittin' the hay. I'd almost say do it, Vanya, just to see the look on his face. Tell him that there's some shapley lass who wants a custom fitting and... hahahaha!" He claps her lightly on the shoulder, and turns to head for the exit.

Vanya can see the humor in the situation, though she does glance around as people look over at Jandor's mirth. "He'd probably not bat an eye-lash," she cautions him. "My brother's rather ... he has a rather odd sense of humor himself," she says. As Jandor rises, she nods. "Well met, again," she tells him. "Rest well, and do keep warm. Stores only has a few quilts left, so better move fast on them." She gives Jandor a wave, then downs some more of her cider. "I should likely be on my way, as well, Ylenia," she says, sighing. "I've work with Sinopa again tomorrow. Well met, and welcome. I'm sure we'll run into one another again." And, she rises, nodding to the girl and makes her way to the exit, as well.

Ylenia waves after Jandor, then smiles at Vanya, "I should probably go chekc on my cousin, anyhow. She's likely wondering where I am. Have a nice evening, both of you." She sets about cleaning up her stuff before she, too, heads out.

vanya, sinopa, ylenia, rp, jandor

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