Quiet Solitude for Three

Nov 07, 2006 19:41

IC Date: Day 26, Month 9, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Essdara, R'hal, Vanya
Location: Hatching Galleries
Synopsis: Seeking a quiet place for some alone time seems to be the goal of at least three people in the weyr. (OOC: This is an introductory scene for a new player, R'hal.)

Hatching Galleries,

Countless rows of benches have been carved directly into the rock face of this immense cavern. The stone itself is dark grey and smooth, and warm to the touch due to its proximity to the sands. The galleries follow a curve, extending out on either side of the sands. A black-painted wooden railing that looks sturdy enough to keep the hatchlings away from the people and the people away from the hatchlings separates the two areas. Baskets of glows have been raised on intricately carved poles that line the aisles, ensuring that there is ample light to see by.

Evening in the weyr, and Essdara has come to the oppressively hot hatching grounds in order to have some peace, quiet, and time alone. She is sitting in the middle of the galleries, staring out at the dark and empty sands with an expression of deep thought and concentration. Next to her is a small basket, with a few pastries in it that she occaisonally is nibbling from.

Peace and quiet seems to be the goal of at least one other person in the weyr. Vanya, too, has come to the deserted hatching galleries in search of a quiet, warm place in which to think. Unlike Dara, however, she has no basket, just herself, and a cloak she's removed since it is warm. It's dark, but when she finally sees someone else there, she stops. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone else was here," she says, apparently not recognizing the lone figure.

Essdara looks over at the healer-cum-assistant and offers her a small smile. "Hey, Vanya. Yeah, just me, needing some time to myself. Pastry? They've got citrus jelly inside..." She nudges the basket in an offering way. "How're you holding up, hon?"

Vanya hesitates. "Hey, Dara, I didn't recognize you," she says, remaining on the stairs for the moment. "I don't want to bother you, so I can go, if you'd rather be alone." There's a pause. "I'm doing all right. Keeping busy. That seems to help. Sinopa and I have almost all the back log of hidework done, though, which is good." She pauses. "And you? How're you doing?"

"Pretty good, all in all." Dara replies. A smile, and she is waving Vanya over, "And you are never a bother, hon. I don't mind sharing the quiet with a friend, but I can already feel the claustrophobia setting in, the press of a ton of people who don't want to be out in colder weather. So, I come here to not be crowded."

Vanya hesitates another second, then moves toward where Dara's sitting. "I know. I thought I was the only one who was feeling crowded tonight, so I slipped in here. It's quiet." A pause. "And warmer than down by the lake." She chooses to sit near but not next to Dara. "So, this is where the eggs are born?" she asks, kind of just making conversation. "It's certainly warm enough."

Essdara nods. "Even gets warmer when there actually is eggs." An amused grin, "And if you think it's bad up here, you ought to have a stand out there sometime and see what it's like for those of us unlucky enough to be called Candidate. Shards, but that had to be one of the least comfortable things I have done."

"Really? I'd think the chance to Impress a dragon would help overcome any discomfort," Vanya remarks, looking at her friend. "What's it like? -- to stand on the sands with the hopes of Impressing?" She seems genuinely interested. "I mean, I'll never have that opportunity, so tell me about it, please?"

"Hope." Essdara says the word as if testing it. "No, there was no hope, not from me. I didn't want to be there, and I doubt I wil want to next time. But promises have been made, and I keep my promises." She is quiet a moment. "What was it like? It was hot. It was tense. I could feel hundreds of eyes watching my every move, waiting, some sure I would Impress, some sure I would not. I remember those eyes the most. And I lied, I had hope. Hope for my friends. Some are riders now, some not." A quiet pause. "And that was, really, close to the last time I talked to her."

"Her? -- her, who?" Vanya asks, head canting to the side as she thinks. Then, "Yevide?" Yes, that must be it. Vanya vaguely remembers something Dara mentioned once about her having been asked to stand. "I'm sorry, Dara. I really am. I didn't know her, but no one deserves to die like that." There's a pause. "E'sere didn't kill her, Dara. I know he didn't. He may have done all those other things, but I know he didn't kill Yevide." She reaches out a hand and touches Dara's arm. "Tell me about her. Not the story you told in D'ven's weyr that night, but tell me what she was like."

Essdara thinks about that a moment. "I still don't think E'sere killed her. It doesn't make sense, and I do believe that." She closes her eyes. "She was... Kind. She always had time for me, she always had nice things to say. She cared, about who I was, what I was." She opens her eyes, but her focus is still in the past. "She liked tea, always had a pot or a cup for someone. She knew what it was like to just be a normal person. You could feel her need to lead, but it was tempered by real love, real caring." A sigh, and she looks over at Vanya, "There's not much else I can say about her. She was wonderful, and she did so much for me. I wish you'd gotten to know her, I wish you had seen what she could have been..."

Vanya listens to Dara, then nods. "She sounds like someone I'd have liked," the healer says, smiling gently. "I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to meet her, to know her. Sometimes fate conspires against people. I'm sorry she got used in someone's game, and it killed her. Hopefully, someday we'll know the truth about what happened." Her lips curve upwards a little more. "She liked tea? Sounds like I should've met her. We have that in common. I like tea. So does the former weyrleader, Ganathon. Did I tell you I met him a while back? Just before E'sere was arrested. He invited me to tea, but I had to cancel it because of a bad 'fall. That reminds me. I should send him a note and see if we can meet again."

"G'thon... I had tea with him once, not long before Yevide died, just a couple days. He's an interesting person. And he's made Niya happy, so I like that. She's... Well, I dunno what she is, but she needs some happiness. We all do, really." She smiles again.

"Happiness is fleeting, Dara," Vanya replies. "I learned that a long time ago. Take pleasure in the moments of happiness we're given, but don't mourn them when they pass. There'll be many moments of happiness in our lives." She sits back on the bench. "I'm not sure about him, to be honest. E'sere told me to be careful around him, that he's not ... not quite all there. I don't guess any rider is, once they've lost their dragon. I'd imagine it would be like having half yourself ripped away. But -- Miniyal?" Vanya seems a bit surprised. "I didn't know they were together. I met her at the gather. She helped me choose some books for E'sere. She seems nice enough."

"She's... Well, Niya's interesting. Odd, but a good person. Needs friends." Dara frowns just a bit. "No, Vanya, it's not like having half yourself ripped away, and I am sad yuo think it is. To blame E'sere on that beautiful bronze of his, that's just... No, whatever happened with him, it's either his base nature, or or soemthing he chose." A shrug. "Happinness... Amazingly, Vanya, I'm happy. I've relatively few complaints, and it's all minor shit that I can cope with pretty easily."

Vanya's forehead knits. "I don't know what you're saying," she says, shaking her head. "What am I supposedly blaming E'sere for? I'm not blaming him for anything. All I said is that E'sere warned me to be careful around Ganathon ... G'thon ... whomever. Whose base nature? Dara, you're not making sense." She looks a little warily at the girl. "And, I don't argue that you're basically happy, all I'm saying is that for most people, happiness occurs in small doses."

Essdara blinks, and blushes. "Oh! I /completely/ misheard you, Vanya, I'm sorry for tht. I thought you were talking about /E'sere/." She lapses quiet then, chewing on her lip abashedly. "I have no idea how I made that leap, I'm sorry. Anyway.. Yeah, I'm sure the happiness won't last, but I'm determined to enjoy it while I can." And again she trails off with a frown.

Vanya nods. "No, I was just telling you what E'sere said to me when I mentioned to him I'd met Ganathon," she says slowly. "Dara, you seem terribly distracted. Is anything wrong? Anything bothering you?" she asks, concern in her voice. "You can talk to me, you know."

Essdara shakes her head quickly, "No, no, not at all. I'm just... I've got a lot on my mind, that's all, hence the being here alone thinking. But it's nothing bad, I promise, just... Complicated. It'll settle soon enough though."

Vanya regards the young cook with dubious eyes, but nods. "All right, I can buy that," she says. "I think we all have a lot on our minds right now. Still, you know I'm here if you do need to talk, Dara." Vanya sits back on the seat she's chosen near Essdara, about halfway up the galleries. It's late evening, and the gallery is deserted all but them. It's warm inside, at the least, which is pretty important when it's fall in High Reaches. "How's your friend Limerri doing? Did you still want me to talk to her?" the healer asks, taking a new tack in the conversation.

And here, padding quietly up the stairs, comes R'hal. The wingsecond is apparently deep in thought as he heads towards the back row of benches, unconsciously seeking height. He looks set fair to pass the two women without noticing them, until he hears Vanya's voice just a few feet ahead of him. "Oh, sorry, ladies. Didn't mean to disturb your conversation. Don't mind me."

And, unexpectedly, a blush at Vanya's question. It's faint, and in the dark could be unnoticed, but it is defiantely there. "Limerri... Yeah. Yeah, she's doing well, and like I said, she can always use more friends. Do her good. Working on introducing her to D'ven actually, I think they could be good friends." And then there is a new voice, and she is turning to offer the newcomer a wary smile and wave. "Hello there, Sir. Not disturbing, we're just chatting."

Vanya's distracted from Dara by the arrival of someone else in the galleries, and she looks over, peering into the semi darkness. "Oh, no, not disturbing us at all," she echoes, offering a smile to the man. "You're more than welcome to join us. We're just enjoying the warmth." She shifts a little on the seat, trying to get a look at his features in the dim light of only a few glow baskets in the gallery.

R'hal smiles at Essdara, but looks more curiously at Vanya. "The warmth's pretty welcome: it's cool for this time of year. You're the new healer, aren't you? Or, maybe not so new now. I don't think we've met. R'dal. Brown Yanith's." He ducks his head in something that hints at a bow.

Essdara smiles and offers the wingsecond a polite wave, and offers the basket of pastries she has out to him. "I'm Essdara, and this is Vanya. I work in the kitchens, and yes, she's a healer, though lately more an assistant to Sinopa than anything. What brings you to our little haven of peace and tranquility?"

"Well, relatively new, yes," Vanya replies, nodding her own head to the brownrider. "Well met, R'hal. My duty to Yanith, please," falling back on the customary greetings. "If fall is this cold, I fear winter," she remarks about the warmth. "It was so nice here this past summer. I'm glad I got the chance to experience it in good weather before the cold settled in."

R'hal grins at Essdara again and relaxes a little, starting to look like someone who's not about to rush off. "I've seen /you/ around. As for the haven of peace and tranquility, maybe it was the peace and tranquility? I should go home, but..." He shrugs. "Not ready to wind down and sleep yet, I guess." Glancing across at the healer, "I'm afraid it gets a lot worse than this. How are you settling in?"

"A lot worse." Dara agrees easily, with a soft laugh. "But it's not all bad, really. Just wet and cold. still wouldn't trade it for anywhere else." She looks to R'hal a moment, thinking. "Seen you around, though I don't think we've talked. You're a wingsecond. One-a?"

"So I hear," Vanya replies to the fact someone else has told her it'll get colder soon. "I was ready to take my pillow and sleep in the baths the other night. My room was freezing," she comments. "As for how I'm settling in? -- I'm coping," is all she says. Perhaps there is a faint uneasiness in her expression, but with the darkness, hopefully, it's hidden. "Fort Hold gets cold, too, but it's not as high up in the mountains as here. I survived there, so I can survive here." She pauses, then, "Wingsecond, hm? I know another Wingsecond, but with 3C. It's nice to meet you, R'hal."

"1A, yes," R'hal confirms. "3C - that would be D'ven, then?" He nods. "Teraneth's." His lips purse slightly. "You could draw some more sleeping furs from the stores? If you're getting cold now, you'll be frozen solid by Turn's End. Yes," he adds, looking back at Essdara. "Odd that, considering we've both been here for Turns. Oh well, I guess we've talked now."

"We have, and not so odd. There's lots of people here at the weyr, and it's all too easy not to meet people. And truly, I was pretty reclusive up until a turn or two ago, just meeting the occaisonal rider or whatnot in the caverns." A glance at Vanya, and a gentle tease, "And I am sure you will find some way to keep your bed warm, Van. More furs is always an option too."

"Yes, D'ven," Vanya confirms. "He's the one who picked me up from Healer Hall and delivered me safely here after my first dragon ride," she says with a chuckle. "Amazing that was just over two months ago. It seems like /so/ much longer." She's quiet a moment, then glances over to Dara, a look of complete surprise on her face. "You mean there's someone in the weyr you /don't/ know?" Oh, the mockery! Of course she's teasing Dara, and there's a good-natured laugh for the girl. "I'm really amazed at that." As for Dara's teasing, well, justifiable teasing in return. "I'm sure I will, but extra furs will do for a start."

R'hal twitches an eyebrow at Essdara's teasing of Vanya, but takes his cue from the healer's equally teasing tone. "Oh, well, you've plenty of time to meet the rest," he tells the girl. "I've seen you round the kitchens, haven't I?"

Essdara nods, grinning. "Been a cook close to two turns now, youngest in many a year." Pride in her voice. "Spend most of my time there, but I get to leave around dinnertime, since I get there before dawn. I do my best while I am there to ensure our food is tasty and well-prepared, so we don't send our riders off to fly Fall on improperly nourished bellies." Vanya gets a smirk, "There's lots of people I don't know, Vanya, and lots I wish I didn't. If you need help finding them in the stores though, look me up. I'm well familier with them."

"After spending three days doing inventory in those storage caverns, /I/ know where they are, too," Vanya says. "Sinopa's tireless. I was ready to drop a couple of times, but she wanted to get it done, so we kept going." She shakes her head. "Anyway, I already requisitioned an extra fur, and it's helped. I wish I ranked enough to get a room with a fireplace. My little brazier doesn't do much against that dead cold." She gives an exaggerated shiver. "I still don't know how the riders keep the weyrs warm, despite what D'ven and you told me, Essdara. I mean, they're /open/ and no doors."

R'hal chuckles at Essdara. "A noble calling." He sounds more serious when he frowns at Vanya and says, "Well, yes, but the living area's usually got heavy curtains across to stop draughts. And there's a large warm dragon just outside your door. Or lack of door. But why's a journeyman healer taking inventory in the stores? A bit outside your line of duty, isn't it?" Arms fold across his middle.

Essdara rolls her eyes, "Sorry, Vanya, but I have no sympathy for you. I'll tell you what, I'll sleep in the cold, lonely room of yours and you can sleep in the hot, loud dorms. A few weeks in there will remind you how good you have it." R'hal's question quiets her though, as she waits to hear how Vanya will explain it to him.

Vanya's smile seems to freeze for just a moment, but she braves it out. "I was placed on administrative leave," she says, calmly, quietly. "The past few sevens were rather emotionally draining on us all, as I'm sure you know." Now her voice softens, grows a little less certain. "Healer Hall felt I might benefit from some time off, but allowed me to remain here so I could continue my research on my Senior Journeyman thesis. I admit it's been nice, but I do miss the Infirmary." It's mostly the truth, and if she's left a few things out here and there, well, it was only speculation on her part anyway. "So, Weyrwoman Sinopa was kind enough to offer me work as her assistant. An awful lot of hide-work was put off during the trial, but we've got it nearly cleared up now."

R'hal slaps his hand to his head. "I'm stupid. That was you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... you know." Looking rather embarrassed, he swallows hard and tries to retrieve the situation. "You're doing research? Is it anything I'd understand?" He shoots an exploratory glance towards Essdara, as if trying to gauge the severity of his slip by her reaction, then looks back to Vanya.

Essdara relaxes as Vanya explains, and grins a bit at the rider's reaction. "Her research is very interesting, and I am sure she would love the chance to talk to another wingleader or second about it." She stands up. "But, if you will btoh excuse me, I think I am going to move along. I'll leave the pastries, you should definately enjoy them. We don't make citrus jam often after all. R'hal, it was a pleasure meeting you."

"Well, actually, if your wingleader has had you doing some odd additions to your warm-up exercises, that's probably my fault," Vanya confesses. "I'm a physical therapist, and one of the things I'm researching here is the effect of various stretching exercises on riders, hoping to see they relieve stress on certain muscle groups in the lower back." The healer doesn't seem too upset; perhaps she's reconciled herself well enough over the past couple of sevens. "If my study shows what I hope it does, well, maybe it'll prevent lower back injuries in long-time riders." She smiles, hopefully to ease the man's embarrassment. "It's really all right, R'hal. I'm not that sensitive about it now. And, well, if you are interested, I do have notes on it if you'd like to read them sometime." As Dara rises, Vanya smiles to her as well. "Thanks. You take care, Dara. And give my best to R'vain and Limerri next time you see them."

R'hal nods politely to Essdara. "Likewise." Then he listens carefully to Vanya's explanation. "That sounds very interesting," he says, with only a fractional pause before the last word to give away his ambivalence. "I think most of us put it down to chill. You know, from flying. Your jacket sometimes rides up... lets cold air in down there and you get stiff." He tugs at the back of his jacket as if trying to avoid that fate.

"That can be a contributing factor, I'm sure," Vanya says, watching as Dara leaves. "But, there's more to it than that. I've noticed a lot of older riders -- meaning in their 50s, mostly -- begin to complain of lower lumbar pain. That's what made me think -- especially after watching the warm up exercises most riders to -- a few stretching exercises might help." She shrugs. "I'm still working on the research, so no definitive conclusions quite yet." She smiles a little self-consciously. "But, I've been known to bore people to death with my theories, too."

"Mmm." R'hal makes a non-committal noise, sucking at his upper lip. "I guess I've got a little way to go before I get there, then. I hope. But, it does sound worth looking into. And what's an exercise or two, if it keeps you flying longer? We exercise anyway."

"Well, two of the wings are already using the exercises I recommended, but I understand. If you're ever interested, just grab me and we can talk," Vanya says, realizing that she might have waxed a little too much on her pet project. "Or, if you just want someone to talk to, that would work. I don't always bend people's ears about healing. I can talk about other things, too." She chuckles, glancing at the basket of pastry Dara left behind. "Would you care for these? I'm afraid I'm not really big on sweets, and I'm still quite full from dinner."

R'hal grins at the healer. "You're a healer. You're /supposed/ to bend people's ears about keeping fit. Maybe I'll inflict 'em on my wing. The exercises, I mean, not the pastries." He peers into the basket and adds appreciatively, "Those look great. Thanks - if you're sure you don't want them." He extends a hand towards the basket.

"No, please -- if Dara made them, they'll be delicious," Vanya assures the brownrider. "Well, I can go on at length if someone doesn't stop me," she says, smiling. "I'm more than happy to demonstrate the exercises I think help most, if you'd like. Jogging around the bowl just isn't enough of a warm up for the right muscles. I'm also a massage therapist, so if you or any of you riders /do/ have any unusual pains, there are things I can suggest which might alleviate it. I can't practice medicine while on this leave, but I can advise, at least."

"Oh, yes?" R'hal doesn't seem to know quite what to make of that offer. his hand closes on the basket of pastries. "Well, I'm going to take these off back to my weyr and be dreadfully greedy, I think. Tea and pastry - just the thing to warm up before bed. I'm glad to meet you, healer." With another of those formal little dips of the head, he starts to take his leave.

"And nice to meet you, as well, R'hal," Vanya echoes, also rising. "Tea and bed sounds very good. I'm a big tea drinker, myself, and a cup sounds very good right now." She pulls on her cloak, knowing it's going to be very cold outside now that the sun's long set. "My best to your Yanith," she adds, wrapping the fur-lined cape around her and stepping toward the stairs. "I'm sure we'll meet up again sometime. Until then, I wish you clear skies." And, with that, she begins to make her own way from the galleries.

vanya, essdara, rp, r'hal

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