Warning: Contents Under Pressure

Oct 27, 2006 16:29

IC Date: Day 2, Month 9, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Ellaia, K'rom, Vanya, R'zel, Akos (NPC Guard: Morely)
Location: Baths, Lower Caverns
Synopsis: What starts out as a pleasant enough evening in the baths turns a little ugly when two people under a lot of pressure find themselves in the same room. It's not a big explosion, but there's plenty of tension.

Early Evening

The bathing cavern is divided into a number of large pools, each spacious enough for ten to fifteen people. There is one cold-water pool with the remainder being given over to water warm enough to fill the air with swirling clouds of steam. Each pool has been tiled in blue and white and boasts benches along the sides to allow people to sit and soak. Alcoves in the walls have been hollowed out to provide places to store clean, dry towels and various other bathing paraphernalia.
The corners of the room have been decorated with potted ferns, brought here from Ista Island. They are pampered and fussed over by the staff who keep the baths clean and stocked. The plants provide a cheerful splash of color in an otherwise pale and steamy cavern.

Ellaia sits in one of the warm pools, eyes closed with the water almost up to her neck. She takes a deep breath and sits a moment longer before she takes the cloth that she brought to wash her body off.

Vanya enters the baths quietly, bottles in her basket of soap and shampoo clinking softly, the only sound that announces her presence, really. She looks tired, weariness etched on her features as she chooses a place to set her clothes after she disrobes in silence. Perhaps the thick mist hides the fact she's not alone, since it's not until she's wrapped a towel around her body and chosen a pool before she notices it's already occupied. She's already stepped into the water before she sees the other person. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. Mind company? If so, I can find another spot," she offers.

Ellaia doesn't hear the woman come into the cavern until her words carry to Ellaia's ears. The young woman opens her eyes and smiles warmly, "Don't mind at all. There's plenty of room in here. I'm just surprised that we've got it all to ourselves." She dunks under the water, staying under for only a brief moment to wet her hair before coming back up, "The water feels great. Its been a long day."

"A long day, indeed," Vanya agrees. "I never realized just how long days could be until now," she replies, slipping the towel from her body and easing into the hot water. Towel and basket are set on the side of the pool, and she sets about unbraiding her hair. "I'm Vanya," she says by way of introduction, "and thanks for sharing. I don't think I can take another step without falling down." Weary, yes, that tone, and kind of just ... there. Not much emotion. Once the hair is loosened, she ducks beneath the water, too, and pulls a bottle from her basket.

Ellaia picks up the soap that she brough with her, wetting the cloth again and rubbing it into it before she begins to wash her body. "I'm Ellaia. Nice to meet you Vanya. I don't think I've seen you around here before, but.." she shrugs her shoulders, "it is a pretty big place so its possible we've only just not crossed paths." The girls squints her eyes a little bit with the steam swimming around her face, making it a little difficult to see anything around her except the pool she is in with Vanya.

Pouring a soft, pleasant-smelling pinkish liquid into her hand, Vanya works it into a lather in her hair. "Oh, I'm usually working night shift at the Infirmary, so I'm not out and about until afternoon. Easy to miss me, if you don't know where to look, I guess." Pleasant enough voice, tone maybe just a little hollow-sounding, but that might be tiredness. "Well met, Ellaia. Are you a Caucus student, or a resident?" she inquires.

Ellaia continues to wash, her arms are first then down to her legs and feet. She sighs softly, feeling her muscles scream at her in defiance. "Most definately a long day." She looks over at the other woman curiously, "So you work in the infirmary? I bet that can be busy sometimes." She dunks back under the water again a moment, picking up her bottle, pouring liquid into her hand to rub it into her hair. "I actually from Big Bay Hold but was searched to stand here. Of course I didn't find my lifemate, so I'm just here trying to figure things out."

Vanya nods, working the shampoo into her hair. "Worked, past tense," she says, and there's something about the way she says this that might indicate it's a sore subject at the moment. "I've been given a leave of absence, so, no I'm not working there right now." She doesn't sound unpleasant toward the other girl, just ... well, it might not be a good subject to mention. "Big Bay Hold? -- that's someplace I've never been. I'm originally from Ruatha, myself. Well, more recently Healer Hall, but I was born in Ruatha." There's a pause, then, "There's always next time," she says. "One of the queens here should rise at some point. Maybe you'll Impress next time." She and Ellaia are in one of the smaller pools, both of them taking their time about bathing. The mist is heavy, but the sound of their voices carries well enough.

Slowly entering the Baths, K'rom is followed a little by his ever present guard who stays by the entrance and doesn't look in. Kie slowly makes his way through the mist, notung that there are voices, but says nothing for now. He looks tired, if you get close enough to notice, and seems a little distracted. The young weyrling has a couple of towels and a small bag of stuff meant for himself to clean with and moves to a small private area to change and then slip into a pool of water.

Ellaia scrubs her hair as well, taking the time to make sure she hits each sensitive spot, massaging slowly to enjoy the tingling feeling. "Sorry to hear about it. I hope you'll get back to it soon." comes the response of the infirmary deal. She lets her dark eyes look over the other woman, "Big Bay is a good place to live if you like being near the water." she replies with a small hint of sadness tinting her voice. "Ruatha huh. I can't say that I've ever been there. Do you get the chance to visit home often." She dunks under and rinses the soap out, brushing the water from her face before continuing, "Maybe. Its not big deal if I don't Impress. It was actually a surprise to be searched in the first place."

"Well, we're even there, since I've never been to Big Bay Hold," Vanya counters, chuckling softly. "No, I've not been home but twice in the past twelve turns. It's not always been convenient," she replies, an oddness to her tone now. "I've only seen the ocean once, and that was when one of the Masterhealers took a few of us down to Boll to help with treating some patients. I was only there a day or so, and saw the sea from one of the upper windows." Perhaps it is instinct that tells Vanya there's someone else in the baths with them, since her head turns and she peers through the steam toward the vague figure. "Evening," she says, letting that person know there are others present. Back to Ellaia. "That seems a good attitude to take, but you don't know what the future will bring."

K'rom sighs slowly and rests for a moment before speaking, having recognises the voice finally, "Evening Vanya." The young weyrling moves closer so he can be recognises, but there is still some privacy with the mist. "You said something about Big Bay? My parents are there and I grew up there until I went to Nabol with my brother." Kie blinks vaguely seeing another figure, "I'm K'rom, weyrling to green Iusath here." He stifles a yawn and sighs slightly.

Ellaia blinks her eyes to try to see through the mist at the weyrling, "Well met K'rom. I'm Ellaia. I grew up in Big Bay actually. Lived there my whole life until I was searched. My father is more of a teacher now and my mother works with the children." She puts the washcloth on the ledge next to her and sinks back down into the warm water, watching the girl near her with a curious look, "Maybe you will get the chance to see the ocean again sometime. If I happen to get that dragon someday I might be able to take you."

"Perhaps someday, yes," Vanya remarks to Ellaia, glancing over at K'rom and nodding. "Evening, K'rom, my duty to Iusath," she says, her tone normal enough sounding. "How're you doing?" she asks the weyrling, obviously having at least caught the weariness in his movements, if not on his face. "I'm afraid I didn't have time to blend the tea before I was placed on leave of absence by the Hall, so you'll have to ask one of the other healers to do that for you." Cool. Yes, emotionless, that statement. "I'm sorry, but once on leave, I cannot practice medicine, and that includes blending herbs for teas." Now that's explained, she ducks beneath the water, rinsing her hair. More shampoo is poured into her hand, worked into a later. "Well, teaching is an admirable profession, and taking care of children is a very necessary job."

Listening and nodding as he leans against aone of the sides for support, K'rom slowly scrubs himself with a soap and sighs. "Well, I remember the ocean, but they do have a nice waterfall here that's nice too. When Iusath gets to where she can fly, I want to take N'ka to Big Bay and show him the ocean." Kie glances at Vanya then, "Well, Iusath has started keeping me up more. Seems that she's more actve at night and I lose track of time when I talk to her and answering her questions, so haven't been getting as much sleep." Kie blinks then as he catches on to what else Vanya says, "Leave of absence? That's unexpected. Is everything okay?" ANother blink and a slight blush, "No worries on the tea. I think I can handle it." Thean that's all that's said.

Ellaia listens quietly to the weyrling and Vanya, her eyes almost shutting with the effects of the warm water and low voices, lulling her towards sleep. She shakes her head a bit and sits up more in the water stifling a yawn. She reaches over for her towel and steps out of the water slowly, "If you two will please excuse me. I'm sorry, but if I stay much longer I'll drown in this pool falling asleep." She chuckles softly, "It was nice to meet both of you. I hope to see you around more."

Vanya knows that feeling, and nods to the other girl "Rest well, Ellaia, it was nice to meet you," she says, and offers a smile. It's not a great big smile, but it's friendly enough. "I'm sorry I wasn't better company," she adds, lowering her hands and then rinsing a second time. When she surfaces, she gives a wave of her hand. Then she turns to K'rom. "Well, unexpected by some, not so unexpected by others, I imagine," she says, tone dry and a little wry. She shrugs, reaching for another small bottle in her basket. "I'm sure I'll survive. Three months isn't all that long." Of course it is, and her voice says it is. "I can't say I'm happy, but I'll cope." She nods at K'rom's mention of handling his problem. "Good. I can still talk about things, but I cannot give any medical advice."

Still leaning againt the side of the pool, K'rom nods, "WEll, it was unexpected by me and I am sorry to hear it. I think you do a wonderful job here." Another yawn, which is odd for the early evening hours. He waves at Ellaia as she leaves, calling out his goodbyes and sighs, "I would love talking with you even if not for medical advice Vanya. You're nice, and I do consider you a friend."

"Considering me a friend might not be too wise, K'rom," Vanya replies, still in that rather dry tone of voice. "I mean, I'm sleeping with the enemy, don't you know? There're obviously those around here who take exception to the fact I prefer to think a man is innocent until proven guilty. That's not too popular these days." Bitter? Oh, just a little, maybe. "But, it's not your fault, so don't worry about it. I know where the blame lies." She pours a greenish-colored liquid into her hands, turning her back so she can work it into her wet hair. "Where's your shadow tonight?" she asks, then, meaning Morely. "I'm sure he'd love to report what I'm saying. More evidence that I'm insane, likely."

K'rom blinks just slightly then, staring at where Vanya is, or at least her voice in the mist where he can vaguely see and shake his head, rinsing off now. "Well, actually I don't care who you sleep with. I am not the one who will be judging E'sere and only know the small part that I will be testifying too, and mainly because I was asked to." Kie snorts then, obviously have had a little doubt lately to his part in the trial. "Morley should be near the entrance. He usually doesn't like to enter the Baths completely once he's sure I'll be safe."

Vanya's response is a soft snorting sound that may or may not indicate belief of what K'rom says. It's just a sound. She ducks beneath the water, rinsing whatever it was she put into her hair. "Be that as it may, K'rom, there are people here who have already decided he's guilty, no matter what evidence is produced to the contrary. He's the chosen sacrifice for the weyr's stability." She snorts again, this time rather obviously. "And what's really sad is this Aivey already confessed to all the killings. She was the one who twice tried to poison E'sere, even. But does that matter? Apparently not. I mean now they're saying E'sere was the one pulling all her strings. Right. Makes sense to poison your leader, doesn't it?" And then she seems to realize that she might be over heard and falls very quiet. "I'm sorry you're involved in this mess, K'rom, but you could always tell them you want nothing to do with it. It's not the kind of attention /I/ would want."

A slender figure sporting a swaddling cream-colored bathrobe makes his way into the baths, a slight figure that balks momentarily at the steam. Akos pauses a moment, his frosted blue eyes narrowing as he attempts to look through all the steam, ultimately divining that there are two wobbly people in one of the bathing pools. Satisfied with the small number of attendants, the slim Weaver makes his way towards one of the alcoves, unwrapping himself from the bathrobe and shrugging it off his shoulders so he can work on folding it up. His shyness can be explained in that simple act of disrobing, for even here, under the hazy light, the albino stands out like a flare of brilliance, the reflection off his pale skin giving him a distinctly glowing look.

Noding and going about washing his hair some, Kie sighs, "Well, I never heard of Aivey actually until recently when I heard another prisoner attacked Sinopa and then it took me a little bit to find out her name. She admitted to the murders, huh? and she did poinsoning? Wow....I really hadn't realised...." Kie sighs then as his shoulders hunch, "Well, Vanya, I wish it were that easy. I have to testify and there's no way I can get out of it." Still, Kie is not happy about it. "I haven't passed judgement for everything he's being accused of and won't, but that's just me." Then movement and another person comes in and Kie goes quiet, sighing a little.

Vanya doesn't even bother to look in K'rom's direction as she takes up her soap and a cloth for washing. Movement in the mist draws her attention, and she glances over, seeing Akos disrobing. She glances back at the water, giving the man his privacy. "Whether you testify or not, K'rom, don't you see it doesn't matter? The powers that be need a scapegoat, and E'sere's well enough known that he's the perfect sacrifice. After all, they couldn't dare allow him to become Weyrleader! Faranth forbid! They might not be able to manipulate him like they can you or me, or anyone who doesn't hold the reins of power here." Bitter, yeah, really bitter. "So, they've got people willing to testify that he's this evil person who must be exiled. That way, there's no one in their way. It was all very well done, I'll hand them that."

Hey, wait. He recognizes that voice. Akos turns slightly at the sound of it, leaving his robe in the alcove and moving quietly along the paths between the pools until he arrives at that one that is already occupied. He glances to Vanya, but it is a cursory glance, and the heat brings a flush to his features that shows bright on his white skin, "K'rom?" He squints in an attempt to make sure, inevitably blinking and rubbing the back of his hand over his eyes in an effort to ease the steam from his vision.

Towel and various other bathing paraphrenalia secured in the crook of one arm, R'zel comes striding in, clothes damp with sweat. All that steam hardly daunts the slender young rider; without so much as a squint--or worse--around, he succeeds easily in navigating his way around the other vague, hazy forms en route to an alcove none too far from the weaver's. There, seemingly oblivious to the conversations around, he sets his towel and clean clothes down in a neat stack, letting them occupy half the alcove. Then he proceeds to make efficient work of undressing, folding up the removed garments into a semblance of neatness on the other half of the available space. With that, he walks along toward Vanya and K'rom's voices and slips into the pool a short distance away, solemn-faced. No word of greeting, not yet.

Rinsing his hair first and then pausing before replying to Vanya, "Well, I don't know if he's guilty of everything he's accused of, and I doubt he is. Vanya, I am sorry to say this, but he is guilty of *some* of the things and I saw that myself. Which is why I have to testify, even if I am not happy about it. I do hope he's proven innocent of the crimes he didn't commit, but there are some he did and I know that." Kie stops then and turns to a voice calling his name. A familiar voice, "Akos? I'm here." Relief is evident in Kie's voice to hear the Weaver and then vaguely seeing him through the mist, the new person not really noticed yet.

Vanya watches R'zel as he enters the pool with the rest, and nods. But her attention is on K'rom. "And, of course, you're totally innocent of fault," she says softly, her voice almost deceptively sweet. "As are all the others who've made up their minds it's got to be E'sere who should take the fall for everything. No one has ever made a rash decision, or said anything they regretted, like 'hey, I'd love to see old whatsisface drop dead?' Or, got a little into their cups and said how they thought the weyr could use cleaning up." She gives a snort. "No, of course not. Everyone's perfect, innocent -- except E'sere. He's the embodiment of evil here." Vanya shakes her head, perhaps only then noticing Akos and R'zel. "I'm sorry if I'm offending you all, but I'm really very tired of everyone finding fault with everyone else /but/ themselves."

Akos just sort of stares at Vanya as if she were a great, large feline of some kind who had just turned bright pink. He frowns very slightly, looking first from her to K'rom and then even over to R'zel, though he ultimately winds up blushing and looking at Vanya once more. He taps his index fingertips together and manages a quiet, uncertain, "I'm... sorry?" The young journeyman obviously has no idea what she's talking about, but he ultimately decides to simply slip, carefully and with some grace, into the hot water, edging over to sit closer to K'rom, who is not nuts. Cough.

"Offending?" echoes R'zel, sounding rather lost, as he scoops up some soapsand in the cupped palm of one hand to slather it across the other arm. "What about?" Relatively free of soap now, the hand waves ineffectually at the steam as he gazes from Vanya to K'rom to Akos. "It's too early to be offended. Give me a few minutes, and I'll be happy to muster up some frustration somewhere," he remarks, his words incoherently flippant but his tone dry and weary. That said, he leans back against the edge of the pool with a sigh, reaching to rub at the back of his neck.

K'rom snorts at Vanya, "Well, if you actually listen to what I'm saying, then you'll know I don't think he should take the fall for everything. If you choose to listen that is. Nor did I ever say I was completely innocent of everything. All I said was that I know he's guilty of some things, and that will show in the trial. Also, Vanya, this is not really the best time or place to discuss this, especially when I am tired. Maybe you should take advantage of your leave of absence and focus on something else. Maybe take a walk, or talk with someone about this since this is seeming to stress you." A mindhealer perhaps? He turs to Akos then and sighs, "It's nice to see you again. I hate that you walked into this, expecially since this is not the most appropriate places for this discussion." A nod to R'zel then, "Nice to see you again bronzerider."

Vanya takes a deep breath, lathering her body slowly. "No, I heard what you said, K'rom. Quite clearly. I never said E'sere was perfect, I never will. If he's guilty of doing something illegal, then he should be found guilty. However, there is no way I will ever believe him guilty of murdering Weyrwoman Yevide, /or/ of smashing those eggs. That last is simply not a thing /any/ dragonrider could do. It would mean Morelenth approved of it, and that I cannot believe." She shakes her head. "And how did you get involved to the point you can produce evidence against E'sere? How is it that you know so much about him? He's never spoken to me about you being a particularly close friend." Pointed questions to the young man, and then a laugh. "Oh, never mind. I'm sure you can't talk about it. Orders from someone, I imagine. And, you're quite right. This is not the time nor place to discuss it." But she turns to look sharply at K'rom when he suggests she talk to someone. "Talk to /whom?/ Have someone in mind?"

Akos looks between his friend and Vanya once more as he fiddles with a small handful of soapsand, rubbing it between his palms and ultimately saying, if not somewhat aside, to the woman, "Ah... I'm sorry... but if you're going to enter into a conversation with the full intention of being angry and accusatory, you shouldn't pretend you're looking for a sort of reasonable discussion worthy of intelligent debate. You sound like you're venting, and aggressively at that." The young man's voice is whispery and light, lacking any real tone of any kind as he extends one of his arms and works on scrubbing it slowly and calmly. It's not his conversation, after all, but K'rom is his friend, so he has to try and say something. He puffs soap bubbles off his palm, watching as they float towards the surface of the water only to scrub gently once more along his shoulders and chest. Likely he's just made Vanya mad, but the Weaver has a bad habit for being frank rather than sensible. After a few seconds of thought, he puffs suds in K'rom's direction with a mild smile.

"K'rom," R'zel acknowledges with an elegant tilt of his head, and he continues on his leisurely greetings in turn, content to let the rest of the conversation just stream past him. Scrub, scrub, scrub. "My duties to your Iusath. And good day to you too, Vanya, and..." He studies the albino's face for a moment. "Sir," he settles for with a faint, sheepish smile. He's young enough to get used to calling everyone 'sir,' and it's best to err on the side of caution in the baths, without those helpful shoulderknots. Pause. "Bathtime debates. Charming." Sighing, he sinks a little, until his chin is level with the steaming water. "No dragon would condone the egg smashing. Morelenth certainly wouldn't," he asserts quietly.

K'rom blinks for a moment at Vanya and shakes his head, "Never did say anything about egg smashing ot the murder of the Weyrwomen since I have no knowledge of that Vanya. If you want to know what I am to testify to, then you can ask to sit in on my testimoney if you wish. You're right as well, I can't speak of it until the trial is over because I was asked not to, and I am following that. The only things I will comment on are what I know and I will be honest about that." Kie sighs then, "Well, you do seem angry and stressed. Maybe one of the other healers could help. Maybe even make you an herbal tea that will help with stress." A very sweet smile then as he tuns his attention away from her. "I hope things are well with you Akos. I think N'ka will be coming by sometime to get ,easured for shirts." He shrugs then and smiles at the bubbles. Akos could always lighten the mood some. He nods at R'zel then, not really saying much then.

When Akos speaks, Vanya turns to regard him for a long moment. "You mistake me, sir. I'm neither angry nor am I venting. I am stating opinions, and asking questions -- which is the usual form of finding information and forming logical conclusions, as I recall," she says, voice carefully modulated into smoothness. A mask falls over her face as she finishes her bath, ducking down to rinse, and then to move to the edge of the pool, resting on the underwater ledge there. "As K'rom pointed out, this is neither the time nor place to do so, and therefore I withdraw from this discussion." And that she does, turning to R'zel. "My duty to Pangioth. How're you this evening?" she inquires. "A problem with your neck?"

Akos takes in this response with clear, sapphiric eyes, then he merely shrugs one pale shoulder in deference to her words and continues to scrub his torso, blinking over at R'zel when he offers him that sheepish greeting only to smile somewhat shyly in response, the mildness of him probably sprouting from that shyness in general, "Akos. It's nice to meet you - ah - R'zel?" He pushes his hair from his face even as this makes the already sticky locks of hair wet enough that they stick up in odd ways. He rolls his hand over his shoulder, massaging the muscle at the back of it slowly but firmly to loosen it. He looks roundly at K'rom when he smiles so sweetly and mentions those shirts once more, amusement and pleasure touching the man's features, "Ah, that's good. I'll try to have some fabrics ready to test against him. I hope he doesn't mind the trouble too much."

Dousing his soapy arms, R'zel stares up at the ceiling and rests his head against the edge of the bathing pool. "I've faith in the legal process." A subtle distinction from justice. "The discussion will keep for the trial, I'm sure. Aren't both of you witnesses for the stand?" he wonders of K'rom and Vanya. "I thought the advocates would keep you apart or something. To stop corroboration on the evidence and all, not that I'd expect either of you to." With a shrug, he turns back to the serious business of soaping his sweat-dampened curls. "My neck... it'll be fine." A hand waves dismissively, swirling the mist. "Using a rock as a pillow earlier wasn't my brightest idea today." The sheepish grin appears again and vanishes in short order. "And a pleasure to meet you, Akos. Have you been at the Weyr for long?"

Shruuging at Vanya, Kie moves a little towards Akos, "Well, I think N'ka is doing it more to satisfy me than anything, but I don't think he'll mind. He'll listen to what you have to say and hopefully even be helpful is saying what he likes more." Kie smiles a little then and turns towards R'zel when he asks about the witness part, "Yes, I am to testify in E'sere's trial. I wasn't aware of anything else...."

"I've no idea what will be asked at the trial, nor do I know if I'll be called as a witness, per se. I've not actually witnessed anything, save the fact E'sere was poisoned and Aivey made certain claims to responsibility for that, amongst other crimes. So, likely, I'm a witness only in Aivey's trial, not E'sere's," Vanya responds to R'zel. Never once has her voice ever risen in anger, nor has she seemed particularly stressed. The entire conversation with K'rom never reached a heated stage. Which is why Vanya cuts her eyes to him at the remark about the tea. "That was, K'rom, a very bitchy thing to say," Vanya comments, "and highly uncalled for." At this point, Vanya rises from the pool, reaching for her towel. She leaves the pool, heading over to the benches where her clothes lie. "I apologize, gentlemen, but apparently I'm too stressed and angry to be pleasant company. So, I will take my leave. Nice to meet you, Akos, and I hope the rest of your stay at the weyr is more pleasant than tonight has been." To R'zel. "Well, rocks aren't good for the body."

Akos sits perfectly upright, his shoulders lightly strained and his back arching as he ruffles the hair just above the back of his neck, smiling again at R'zel and admitting, "Not very. I came with one of the Weaver representatives for Caucus. It's nice to meet you, R'zel. Ah... are you a Reaches rider, or are you here for Caucus, too?" He's only about two turns older than R'zel, so it's likely he's not going to mention the 'sir' bit. Heh. He puts his attention back on K'rom, rubbing the back of his hand against the underside of his nose absentmindedly before he nods slightly in understanding, "As long as I can be of some help. I'll be sure to make him something he likes. If he's agreeable to having his measurements taken, maybe I can even set him up with a couple other things." He thinks this over while he scrubs his neck, then stands to wash his stomach and hips.

"Ah. Legal details are beyond me," R'zel replies to K'rom and Vanya both, putting up his hands in splashy surrender. "Sorry," he notes, brows furrowing after tossing up a scattering of water droplets all around. "And I'll certainly defer to your knowledge on that," with 'that' being the healer on leave's health precaution about rocks. "Take care of yourself, Vanya," he adds mildly. The scrubbing resumes across his torso, though its pace slows down considerably, admitting plenty of time for thought. So he's a bit late to answer Akos' question, which makes him duck his soapy head in embarrassment. "Reaches, through and through. Though I have to admit, the Caucus sounds intriguing sometimes. What's it like? What do you think of the fashions--" Grin. "Or lack of fashion sense around here so far?" Scooping up some water, he makes a half-hearted attempt to rinse off the soap on his curls.

K'rom nods slowly at Akos, smiling at him, "Well, N'ka promised me that he'd get measured for new shirts, so whatever you recommend will be good." With just a glance at R'zel and a nod, K'rom moves towards the edge of the pool where he could catch Vanya and sighs, "Vanya, wait.....can we talk privately?"

Vanya has dried off and wrapped a towel around her head turban-style. She's in the process of dressing when K'rom calls out to her. She's quiet for a long moment, half hidden by the misty steam. "If you wish, K'rom," she finally replies, "though a good point was made earlier. We shouldn't be talking much, since it could be seen as a conflict of interest." That reply, too, is spoken in an even tone. "Perhaps it would be best if we limited our contact before the trial begins. Her dress is pulled on, settled around her, and she sits on the bench to dry her feet and don her stockings. She doesn't refuse to speak with the young man, but neither does she offer open encouragement, either. "And, you should try to get some rest. Iusath may be inquisitive, but you might want to try exerting some control over her tendency to keep you awake at night. It will be important later, that she understands you are not a plaything, but her rider."

Akos shakes his head quickly as he realizes his fumble in commentary, levering his thin body up onto the edge of the bathing pool so that he can scrub his legs and feet, rinsing off the latter with ease simply by returning them to the water, though it comes up high enough to wipe the suds from his calves as well, "Oh, I'm not part of Caucus. I came with the Weaver who is; he's a friend of mine. As for fashion..." He smiles with amusement at the amiability afforded in the question, a thoughtful expression crossing his fine features before they migrate into a reluctantly amused grin, "Ah, well, this is a hardy Weyr, and it makes sense that people would be more concerned with the cold and Thread than fashion... but it's not too bad." He slips back into the water in time to answer K'rom, spiking his bangs up with one hand only to start thoroughly cleaning his hair, "We'll see if we can't trick him into a full body measurement, then. That way, you never have to worry about ushering him back to see me later for more measuring."

R'zel simply returns K'rom's glance and nod, watching weyrling and healer in grave silence until he finally surrenders to his pent-up sigh. "I didn't mean it that way," he mumbles underneath his breath before turning toward Akos again, some weariness pulling at the corners of his mouth. "Very diplomatic answer," he observes of Akos' response, a teasing note lacing his weary voice, before he ducks under the water to get rid of the remaining soap. Once he's done with this cursory bath, he lifts himself out of the pool, though not without another wince and rub at his shoulder. It's not just his neck that he's managed to make sore, apparently. "Please excuse me, and I hope to see all of you around in better circumstances," he offers by way of farewell, drying off and dressing in a sudden hurry to get out again.

Vanya gets her other stocking on, then her shoes, and stands. "Very well, K'rom, we can talk as I head back to my room, if you wish," she says. Then, turning toward the other two in the baths, she nods and says, "Good evening, R'zel, Akos. Enjoy your bath." She pauses, picking up her basket, and adding to R'zel. "Join me for a morning jog?" she asks, smiling at the bronzerider. "I have some questions about dragon-healing I'd like to ask. I'm not forbidden to study, just not practice any kind of healing." And then she turns back to K'rom. "I'll wait for you in the lower cavern." With a swirl of mist, she's heading for the exit.

Lower Cavern,

This is the residential hub of the Weyr, an area honeycombed with rooms and tunnels. To the south are doorways that lead to the baths and laundry. The southeast is given over to the tunnel that takes one away from High Reaches. A hallway that leads to residents' private rooms wanders off to the southwest, not far from the door that hides the dormitories. The living caverns are to the north.
As a high traffic area, there is little decoration to be seen. Small plates beside each door or tunnel mark the room's purpose and some effort has been made to soften the coldness of the stone by scattering rugs over the floor, but for the most part this is a thoroughfare rather than a true destination.

The lower caverns are fairly deserted, with most people either still at dinner, or elsewhere. Vanya waits near where Morely stands, really not paying any attention to the guard. When K'rom exits the baths, she nods to him, but doesn't really say anything. After all, he's the one who wanted to talk.

K'rom walks out slowly and noda at Vanya, stifling a yawn. He peers at Vanya then, debating where to begin, "Well, Vanya, I=I'd like to apologies for the comment about the tea....I know it was inappropriate. I've been snapping a little lately because of my lack of sleep and other things going on...."

Vanya takes a deep breath, then exhales slowly. "We're all under a great deal of pressure, K'rom," she says, voice still even and perfectly modulated. "I accept your apology, and offer one of my own if you felt I was putting undue pressure on you for any reason. I suggest we forget the entire thing, and simply do our best to get through this." She stands there, having spoken and waits for any response, neither encouraging nor discouraging the weyrling.

K'rom nods at Vanya then, keeping his voice even, "Thank you. I did feel pressured, but that's because so many have asked about the trial and what I know and I can't tell them. People assume I know about the murders or the eggs and I don't, and I tensed when you mentioned them and being tired, it got the better of me." Kie sighs a little then and runs his fingers through his hair, "I never came forward to testify, and was asked to only after someone found out that I had information that is useful. I can't go into details, but just know it wasn't my choice to come forward and I am sorry E'sere seems to be blamed. I know I have a choice, and have made it even if it's not easy."

Vanya nods as K'rom explains once again that he was asked to testify. "So you've told me multiple times, K'rom," she says, taking a deep breath again. "I understand all that, but even understanding doesn't mean I have to like it," she explains. "Nor do I have to believe that the reason you were asked is because those in power have the highest of motives behind it. That's my opinion, and nothing any one says will change how I feel. I've sat here and watched this unfolding for weeks, and ..." She waves it away. "Nevermind. I'm not going to discuss it anymore, K'rom. It just adds to the stress, and that's something neither of us need right now."

K'rom sighs some and nods. "I'm not sure of the motivation as well at times myself, but that shouldn't be discussed now. Don't want any rumors or gossip to come of that or worse." Kie snorts then and shakes his head, "I can only imagine what's being said about me through this and why I'm testifying." Kie blinks and nods at Vanya, "It does add to the stress, and I know neither of us wants that. I am sorry for the way I acted...."

There's a nod from Vanya, but nothing said for a long moment, then, "Gossip. Oh, yes, we mustn't give them anything to talk about, must we? I mean, they could run out of nasty things to talk about people, couldn't they?" Bitterness there, yes, and some touch of anger. "Look, K'rom, I know you're doing what you think is best, but sometimes doing the right thing hurts people. And, frankly, a person can do the right thing for the wrong reason. Or, they can be urged to do the right thing by the wrong people." She shrugs. "Not that it really matters here, but honesty is best, and the truth will win out in the end." She looks squarely at the weyrling, and regards him a long time in silence before she adds. "You should never have been dragged into this, and if I were you, I'd ask myself long and hard about /why/ you were asked to speak up. Find out just who will benefit the most from it, the weyr, or those who asked you. And, that's all I'm going to say on it." She stops for a moment, glancing at Morely. "Be sure you let them know what I said," she says to the guard. "They'll want more evidence of my instability to use against me." Back to K'rom. "Your apology is accepted, and it's time we both were in bed. You need to exercise some control over Iusath, and you can't do that when you're running on empty."

K'rom nods as he listens to Vanya and stifles another yawn as he nods, "I guess guess at some of the reasons why I was asked and the motives. The reasons I testify though would be more for the weyr and not for peersonal reasons. I am rethinking many things though and do need sleep. I will tell Iusath and thank you for accepting the apology."

Vanya nods. "What you should do is go back in the baths and soak for a little longer. Get yourself nice and sleepy, then go to bed. That way, Iusath may understand that you need sleep, and leave you alone," she says. "Whatever, though, you're going to be in no shape for anything if you don't start exercising a little discipline and concentrate on what's /really/ important -- your health and your dragon. There's nothing else -- not the trial, not testifying, not even N'ka -- more important than that." She moistens her lips, and gives the teenager another nod. "You have to start growing up, now, K'rom. You have no choice, otherwise, you're going to end up hurting Iusath more than you help her. Now, go soak some more and then sleep. It will all be over soon, and life can get back to normal." A half-smile and a wave, and she's heading off toward her room.

K'rom nods at Vanya as he listens to her. He waves a little and gives her a little smile as he heads back to the baths, "I know...I need to refocus some." A yawn then. "Back to normal? here? oh fun...."

Vanya pauses a moment, looking over her shoulder. "Yes, normal," she echoes, a quirk of her lips. "Whatever passes for 'normal' around this place, it's got to be better than the abnormalities we're going through now. Clear skies, rider," and she's gone.

vanya, ellaia, k'rom, r'zel, baths, rp, akos, tension

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