Out of the Storm

Oct 14, 2006 20:32

IC Date: Day 6, Month 8, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: K'rom, Vanya
Location: Lakeshore
Synopsis: During a break in the storms, Vanya and K'rom meet down by the lake. They speak of many things, including why K'rom has a guard on him. Stormy weather and stormy thoughts.

Southern Bowl,

The bowl floor is a broad expanse of gravel and dust, packed flat over decades of dragonweight landing on it. Kept free of vegetation, the only color variation across the vast hollow of the bowl are the dragons, in good weather often found sunning on low ledges or sprawled along the floor itself. The well-worn, charcoal-grey walls of the bowl are nearly vertical, far too steep for even the most adventurous climber to attempt. The rim of the bowl, marked by a rainbow of perching dragons at all times of the day, is topped with massive stone spires that stretch upwards into the blue vault of the sky. There are seven in all, great black fingers of stone that seem, from where you stand, to touch the clouds.
Here the lake dominates the bowl floor, wind-scattered waves lapping at the gravel shore. A few scrawny shrubs to the southeast mark the fenced-in enclosure of the feeding grounds, bordered on its southwestern edge by the lake itself. Following the wall here will lead to the entrance to the weyrling complex and, past that, the stairs that lead to the guest weyr. On the other side of the lake is a vast, yawning tunnel curving upwards slightly, connecting to the long road leading away from High Reaches Weyr. Adjoining the exit is the high arch of the infirmary entrance. Summer storms are impressive and this one is no exception. The sky is filled with angry clouds that send a constant wall of wind and rain at the world below. Thunder chases the webs of lightning that dance from cloud to cloud.

The afternoon has waxed long and empty, the hours stretching into what seems like eternity for Vanya. She couldn't stand being indoors, even with storm threatening. It's rained most of the day, but there's been a slight break, and Vanya sought escape for a little while down by the lake. The rocks may be wet, but this hasn't stopped her from sitting on them. There's a small journal-type of book, an inkwell and quill beside her, and a basket. But she's not writing, she's staring at the stormy sky, then glancing up toward the weyrs. Eyes are as stormy as the sky, and the handful of pebbles she absently tosses into the water make a distinct "plunk" noise as they strike the surface.

Walking out of the Weyrling Barracks with the ever present Morley following him, K'rom sighs a little. He looks up at the sky first and shakes his head. PErfect day for the thoughts he's been having. Definitely fitting. Then he walks towards the lake with Morley following and only noticed Vanya when he's partway there, and pauses, not wanting to disturb her.

There's a sixth sense in some people that allows them to know almost instinctively when others are around them. And, the sound of footsteps is another clue that Vanya's not alone. She turns, looking in K'rom's direction, nods and smiles. "Nasty weather," she comments, perhaps an understatement. Most sensible people are safely tucked away inside. "Out for some air?" the healer asks, glancing up at the sky again as lightning dances across the dark clouds. "Better be ready to run in case it starts raining again."

K'rom smiles at Vanya and nods, moving a little towards her, "Yes, I am out for air. I needed to get out some, even chancing the rain. I just needed to....think some." Kie glances at the lake again and back to Vanya, "Sorry if I'm disturbing you, I hadn't realised you were here."

"It's a good day for thinking," Vanya agrees, nodding. "You're not disturbing me, K'rom. I was just sitting here trying to sort through some things in my head." She pats the rock next to her. "Have a seat, if you wish. It's nice to have company." She gives a glance to the guardsman, brow furrowing a little. "Your ... friend can relax. I'm not going to hurt you."

K'rom smiles softly as he nods at Morley who moves away a little, but still close enough to keep an eye on K'rom. Kie moves forward and takes the offered seat on the rocks next to Vanya and sighs, "I know it's needed, but I wish I could spend more time with friends without the guard.." Kie still doesn't go into explanation of why he has a guard and just chews on his lower lip some.

The healer watches the guard move away, then looks at K'rom. "I asked the Weyrleader why you had a guard, but his answer gave me the impression I shouldn't ask." Vanya regards K'rom for a long moment. "Is it because of the drug selling?" Her question is gently asked, as if an offer to listen if the young man feels a need to talk. "I won't pry, but I admit curiosity, and a bit of concern for you, K'rom. If you need a shoulder, or a friend, I'm here."

K'rom blinks some in suprise, "You asked the Weyrleader?" A pause then and he shakes his head, "It actually has nothing to do with the drug selling. I got the guard after I told Roa some of what I know about..." Kie stops and bites his lip and turns away from Vanya some. "I'm not sure what I can tell you Vanya since Roa says I shouldn't talk about it." His voice is quiet during the last part and he sighs.

Vanya's brow knits, but she doesn't press. "If you shouldn't talk of it, then don't," she says simply. "If the Weyrwoman thinks it's important you don't speak, then it likely is. I don't want you in trouble, K'rom. That wasn't my intention. I was merely curious, since I don't see many people around here with guards." She's not stupid though, and can likely figure out the only people who need guards are prisoners and those who need to be protected. "It's really none of my business," she says looking back across the lake. "I don't need trouble, either. I have enough of that."

K'rom chews on his lower lip again and turns back to Vanya, "I don't want to get into trouble either, but they think I need him until the tri--for my protection. At least until everything is settled." He looks at the lake and then back at Vanya, sighing as he shakes his head, "I maybe saying too much, but please if you want to stay out of trouble, then keep away from E'se--from /him/." Kie can't even really say the name and does look concerned about Vanya, "I like you Vanya and don't want to see you hurt."

From a half-smile to a not smile. Vanya takes a deep breath as K'rom speaks, and her eyes close. "K'rom," she says, then falls silent for a moment. "Perhaps you are saying too much, and especially to me." Another sigh. "Besides, as kind as your warning is, I'm afraid it's too late." She looks down at her hands, studying them for a long time. "I can't stay away from him, K'rom. That would be like me asking you to not see someone you cared about."

K'rom shakes his head some and looks at Vanya, "I will never force you to stay away from him, but be cautious? Please? I trusted him once....." Kie lets his voice trail as he sighs. "He has a way of twisting words and isn't above lying to get what he wants. Just be careful?" Kie glances at the guard again and then back to Vanya.

A roll of thunder draws Vanya's attention for a long moment, and then her eyes drift up to where E'sere and Morelenth remain in custody. Isolated. With only two guards and silence as their lot. "I'm no stranger to twisted truths. It's a way of life in the holds, and I'm half-Blooded. I was raised watching political maneuvering and it would seem things are no different here." She seems very sad, very despondent, now. "E'sere is someone I care very deeply for, and as much as I pray he's found innocent, there's a part of me that knows he's not lily white. I don't think he killed anyone, but, I can see how he plays the political game."

K'rom looks at Vanya for a long moment and nods. "I'm not sure of everything he's done myself, but I do know enough." Kie glances at the guard the and back to Vanya, "I wish things were different Vanya and I wish I could say I wanted him found innocent as well, but I can't. If he is found innocent, the guard maybe needed more than ever and I'll be in more trouble than I have been recently." There's a sadness to K'rom's voice and a grin certainty as well. "I'm sorry Vanya. I know you care for him...."

"I love him," Vanya interrupts, stating it clearly. "But, loving him doesn't preclude I cannot see his faults, or accept he may be guilty of what he's charged. Love doesn't follow logic at all times. People who should be totally compatible, cannot stand one another, and those who are total opposites love each other dearly. I don't /want/ him to be guilty, no. I don't /want/ to know he lied to me. I won't ignore the possibilities, but I won't abandon how I feel even if that evidence is factual." She closes her eyes, lifting her face as a cold, damp wind comes across the lake. "And, even if he's innocent, you won't be in danger. Why? Because if anything happened to you after telling what you apparently know, he wouldn't dare act against you. E'sere is many things, perhaps, but he is not a fool."

K'rom snorts then and nods, "I don't doubt your love for him, nor will I try to convince you to stop. As a friend, I am just asking you be careful and that's all." A slight pause then, "As for what I know, it's one piece of the puzzle that was needed. I hasn't even realised what I knew was important until I was asked and then of a sudden, I get a guard...." Another pause and a look at Vanya, "I know E'sere would never come after me himself, but he is well connected and I wish I had as much faith as you that there wouldn't be a move made against me once this is over."

"That's the key, K'rom -- when this is over," Vanya says quietly. "No man should be condemned before the truth comes out. If he's lied to me, then I'll know what to do. Until then, I'm not going to cast him away and just believe everything I've heard. I'll listen, and when it's time, I'll weigh my options. I am careful, and if I'm hurt by what comes out at the trial, then I'll ... be hurt, I guess." She lets a soft smile touch her lips. "You're kind to care about what happens to me, but no one can protect anyone from their own feelings. Life is a learning experience. I asked E'sere if /we/ were a lie, and he said no. Implying, perhaps, other things he said were a lie. I want to believe him, and it hurts to know that part of me doesn't."

K'rom leans forward some and nodd as he speaks, "No, no one should be condemned befor thr truth comes out, but I know of one of his associates and know that some of what he is accused of is true, but I am not sure about all of it myself. We will all find out more when the trial is done/" Kie glances at Vanya and sighs, "I won't speak of E'se-of him unless you ask. I don't want to risk losing the friendship that possibly has started. Just be cautious is all that I ask and trust in yourself. If you don't trust him completely, then listen to it. That won't change the fact that you still care for him."

"I won't ask, K'rom," Vanya says quietly. "I don't know if it's because I don't want to know, or if it's a case of if I don't know, I can't tell. Either way, I appreciate the fact you care. It's been said I'm too nice for my own good, and maybe that's true. I do care what happens to people, and though I can't heal the wound here, I can maybe ease the little hurts." She takes a breath and opens her eyes, looking at the young man beside her. "Don't be afraid of the truth, K'rom. Even if it hurts -- and it often does, believe me -- don't be afraid of it. Don't be scared to tell people how you feel, either. If you care, tell them. The day may come when it's too late."

Looking first out at the lake and then back at Vanya, K'rom nods, "I care about what happens to people as well and that's why I have to testify. I'll tell the truth of what I know and let others decide what to do from there. There is a part of me that wants this over with and wonders how I got here, but I try not to dwell on that too much....." Kie sighs then, still looking at Vanya, "I thought I lost N'ka once when we first started seeing each other from a bad score he got during 'Fall, and I tell him every chance I get how I feel about him." Tenderness touches Kie's voice as he speaks about N'ka and his eyes give a brief sparkle as well.

"Good," Vanya says, smiling and reaching to take K'rom's hand. Her's are cold, and indeed the rain is threatening again. "There aren't many chances to find happiness in this life, and we should grab on to it when we can. That doesn't mean being slavishly devoted to someone, but don't let opportunity pass without letting them know you care." She glances out over the lake, just offering a friendly hand. "We may not always love wisely," she says, her smile wry, "but it's not wrong to love."

K'rom does take Vanya's hand and seems slightly suprised at how cold it is, and glances over the lake as well, "I'm definitely not love wise and have made a couple of mistakes and will proabably make more before it's all done." Kie sighs some, "I wish there was easier ways to deal with some things...." Kie trails off and glances upwards at some thunder and sighs again.

"The good things are never easy to deal with," Vanya says, her tone a little sad, again, "but they're usually worth it. My destiny may not lie with E'sere, but I won't know until it's all over. If it's not meant to be, then it's not. If I'm wrong about him, well, it'll hurt, but I'll live through it. I'm far from wise in love, K'rom -- witness that I love a man who could be guilty of crimes against the weyr. But, wise or not, love him, I do, and I won't turn my back on him. It's not my way." She gives K'rom's hand a squeeze. "Don't let concern for me stop you from doing what's right." She lifts her face. "At the moment, the sky's getting ready to drench us both, I think. Go back to Iusath, and keep warm. I'll be fine." She gives the hand a last squeeze. "I won't say anything about this, and I thank you for being my friend. I have a feeling I'm going to need friends before this is over."

K'rom nods as he gives Vanya's hand a squeeze back, "Thank you as well. I can use friends now as well as when this is over. I'll do what I think is right and see where things land. Thank you." He glances at the Weyrling Barracks then and back to Vanya, "Iusath will need to be attented to soon, and I could use this time to get things ready for tomorrow and work on riding straps as I talk to her."

"And I could use a hot bath and dinner," Vanya says. "Thank you, K'rom. Really. I will be careful," she says, moving to the edge of the rock as a tremendous clap of thunder literally shakes the ground. "Be safe, and hurry! It's going to pour any second!" The healer grabs her basket, picks up her skirts and runs for the nearest opening into the weyr. "And give Iusath a good scritching for me!" And then she's inside, where it's safe and warm, and out of the storm.

k'rom, vanya, storm, rp, guard

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